Saturday, November 3, 2012

Nice Saturday

I had a nice Saturday.  I got a lot of packing done and then we met Robin for lunch and picked up her boxes.  I was running out.  She took us to this place like Benihanna's only it is really cheap.  WE will have to go there when we are all together.  IT was nice.  Dad got the oil changed in his car and we went out for ice cream.  I even got laundry done.  Don't forget to fall back tonight.  I hope you got cable in the right place Casey.  Are you the owner of a new fish RAchel?  Neighbors are having a big party tonight.  It is going to be a long night.  Only 1 more saturday after this one :)  LOVE MOM


Well I have had a good Saturday. I slept in and took a nap it was super nice. Rachel the inspection didn't find anything major. It is still moving right along. I hope that your packing went well mom. I hope that everyone had a great Saturday. BYE

Slept right through it

Sorry I didn't blog last night.  I was like Isaac and watching TV with my blanket and fell righ to sleep.  It was so nice.  I have been watching Sherlock that Karen showed me and it was good.  Dad worked really late also last night.  It was around 9 before he got home.  I am good with just packing.  I really don't have a lot of stuff and I am about 1/2 done.  I would love help on the 17th however for the big move.  Mark that date on your Calendar.  Robin if you want to hook up today for lunch or dinner just give me a call.  I am around.  Well have a nice weekend.  It is so pretty outside.  Just a reminder.  We fall back tonight.  You get an extra hour of sleep.  LOVE MOM

Friday, November 2, 2012


well today was busy, I am going into work for a bit tomorrow. I was suppost to have a photoshoot but he never called so I am just assuming its not going to happen. Nothing else to exciting. I went to shopko to get some costumes they were 75% off so I am going to wait last year it was 90% so we will see if I get any this year or not. well have a great night robin

Something is Fishy

I am getting excited for Christmas and Thanksgiving.  It will be fun.  Karen did your house pass inspection?  Did they find anything interesting?  I hope that everything is going smoothly.  Today was good.  The weather is awesome and we are enjoying that.  We went on a walk this morning and met Casey for lunch.  We went to Formosa and they had fish there and Isaac loved them.  He kept wanting to go over there.  So we were like we should get a fish if he likes it.  So I went to petsmart and I got overwhelmed and decided not to go down that path again.  But then I was talking to Casey and he said that we should do it.  It would be fun to have a fish.  he had to work late tonight so I thought that maybe we would get one in the morning.  I will let you know how that goes.  Casey had a long day today and is working late.  We just lounged around tonight. These pictures are from yesterday but it is pretty must how it was tonight also.  I need to get some motivation.  Everyone have a good weekend.  Good luck packing Mom.  I can come down and help if you need it.


It's finally the weekend

Well things are going good in Heber. I am so glad that it is the weekend. I am excited to sleep in tomorrow. Robin I got Isaac's Christmas present today. I am excited to give it to him. It will be hard to wait until Christmas. Well I hope that everyone had a great Friday. BYE

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Could it please be Friday

It felt like Friday all day to me.  I don't know why.  It was just a busy week.  I have been working over 9 hours a day to make up for all the doctor appointments.  I am with Rachel I would just like to play every day.  I love the house Karen.  I am so happy for you.  I am glad the inspection came back good also.  You are on the road to a home owner.  I just worked and went to the store.  I made spagetti for dinner.  I haven't made that in a long time.  The doctor's office called and said there is a medicine over the counter that will help a lot.  I am going on Amazon to order some.  That is good.  I am going to pack this weekend and clean.  Should be exciting.  I am getting excited for black friday.  We should be able to buy lots of stuff and store it in Karen's house :)  LOVE MOM

a week

I like the house karen. I see what you are saying about the bushes in the front. they are very awkward for an entrance. Today was good I hit a wall around 12 and I lost all motivation. I was tired for some reason. My boss is going on vacation for a week. his first day off is tomorrow and he will be back next monday. so its just me again. so hopefully I don't make to many mistakes. well have a great friday

Nice House

Karen, thanks for the pictures.  That is a nice house.  I am so excited for you.  It looks really nice.  Congratulations.  Today was good.  I made the 15 bean soup for dinner that Mom had and it was really good.  Everyone liked it.  It tasted a lot like chillie.  It is a keeper.  Isaac took a long nap today since he didn't yesterday and stayed up late.  It was nice.  I made 10 of my granny square blocks.  We just had a low energy day.  Avengers came in the mail today so we are going to watch that.  I am excited.  Everyone have a good night.


Almost the weekend

Congrats Robin on winning the contest. My day was good. Nothing too exciting or traumatic to report. I am so glad that tomorrow is Friday. Isaac looked really cute in his costume. I would have given him a lot of candy. I hope that everyone had a great day. Here are some pictures of the house.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012


well i did win, I was exicited I won a better parking spot for a month. so that will be fun. I"m glad everyone had a good halloween, its crazy its november. time to rev up for thanksgiving. I will need to eat lots so I am ready to feast :) well have a great night robin

A lot of Candy

I am glad that you had a fun Halloween Karen.  Good job.  We had a really fun day.  I am worn out from all the trick or treating we did.  Mom did get a lot of cute clothes, it was fun.  I got a new purse and I love it.  It is so nice, thank you Mom.  After Mom and Dad left we went over and visited with Randy.  Isaac did really well and just played with the cars.  It was nice to visit for a while.  We didn't get him to bed until 9.  That combined with no nap he is going to be tired tomorrow.  I didn't get a lot of pictures of Isaac, he was moving around a lot.  We had him be a skeleton in the day and a fire fighter at night since it was warmer.  He loved the glow stick you got him Karen, thanks.  Today was so fun, I wish we could play and shop everyday.


Happy Halloween

We had a really nice halloween.  Me and dad went to Logan and Isaac figured out treat or treating really fast and was so cute.  He really liked the candy part.  We went to the downtown shops and the mall.  There was a firetruck at the mall and all I can say is it made Halloween.  When Isaac was suppose to be taking a nap, me and Rachel got to go shopping and I got me some new shirts.  They are so cute.  I needed some. I am glad you won the contest Robin.  I was wondering if anyone ate the cake.  What did you win?  I can't believe that tomorrow is the 1st of November.  Wow we will be moving before you know it.  LOV EMOM

Out of Candy

Well I went to the trunk-or-treat. People liked my teeth on my trunk. Sorry I forgot to take a picture. I have 300 pieces of candy and I ran out in the first hour. It goes until 8 but I ran out of candy at 6. So I just came home. Next year I will have to stock up on more candy. I hope that Isaac had a good time treat-or-treating. I bet he looked cute in his costume. Did you win the gross dessert contest Robin?Well I hope that everyone had a great Halloween. BYE

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

a hoot

that is funny isaac is so smart. just wait till he learns your purse is where money is. ha ha... just kidding. Today was good for me I worked and then I made a salad for our work party tomorrow. I think my cake held up ok. hopefully tomorrow it will be good still. :) Sorry you had to be at the hospital so long, hopefully the find something so that it was worth the whole day of tests. I am excited for your house karen. I think if you get it by christmas we should have a christmas party at your place. well saturday i should be free. Joe wants to do another shoot but I don't know when Its usually at night if it happens. well not to much else have a happy halloween!!!! robin

Raking Leafs

Mom, I thought about you guys today.  I should of emailed you too see how it went.  I am sorry it was such a long test that sucks.  I hope that it was worth it.  Robin that is a good cake.  Good job, it is very gross.  That is fun that your work is doing that.  Good job on your house Karen, I am glad that it is moving a long.  Today is Casey's last day of swing so he will be back to days tomorrow.  I finished binding the purple quilt yesterday and I have attached a picture.  I love it.  Today was good.  We went to story time this morning and everyone had their kids dressed up.  I must of missed the memo, I hope it doesn't scar him too bad.  The story ladies were dressed as witches and Isaac wasn't a big fan.  Jenn came over and sewed and that was fun.  Her machine is having problems so she wasn't able to stay long.  She is going to take it in to get it fixed.  We played in the leafs and it was a lot of fun.  After I feed him dinner I was eating at the table and I heard him carrying something heavy and I turned around and he had carried my purse to me.  He wanted to go in the car so we went to the mall.  There were kids playing there so it was fun just to play around.  I am going to work on the quilt Robin did for Karen next.  It should be fun.  I hope that everyone has a good Halloween and stay safe.  I will take pictures of Isaac.  I am excited for Mom and Dad to come up.  It will be a fun day.


I may never eat cake again

Robin your halloween creations are amazing this year.  The picture of that girl is the best and the cake.  If you don't win I think they rigged the contest.  That is amazing bad.  I wonder if anyone will eat it.  I spent most of theday at the hospital.  WE were suppose to have a test at 7:15 and at 8:30 they took dad back and then they proceeded to tell me it was a 4 hour test.  It was a long day.  I did work until 7 trying to make up some of  the hours.  I am so far behind.  On the positive side, I am so excited to come to Logan tomorrow.  I am getting up like I am going to work and leave to play.  I just need that.  The weather is suppose to be good.  Robin are you busy on Saturday.  I could take you out to lunch or dinner if you would like.  I am packing all day so I have free time.  I am going to start doing the pack everything mode.  It shouldn't bee too much to do.  It is getting closer.  Not much else going on with us.  I am tired of doctors and tests.  I am not sure what it all means but I guess when we go to the doctor on the 27 we will find out. Karen way to go on the house.  You are moving along.  I hope the inspection went well.  DId he say anything.  Good luck with your trunk or treat.  You will have to take a picture of your car and post it.  I hope you win the pumpkin carving contest.  That will be fun. 

 Have a great Halloween  LOVE MOM


Well my day was good. My inspector went thru the house today. So I should get that report soon. I also signed bank papers for them to check my credit and get the auditor thru the house. Whew! Robin I think that you will win the scary desert contest. That was gross looking. I don't think that i could eat it. Well I hope that everyone has a great Halloween tomorrow. Rachel be sure to take a picture of Isaac in his costume.

Monday, October 29, 2012

scariest dessert

I like all of your pumpkins :) good job. I didn't do one it seems like a lot of work... well today was good. I worked, and payed rent. so thats a nice chunk. o well its a nice place ;) on halloween we are having the scariest dessert competition, I couldn't wait I started tonight, just incase it was stupid. I really like it though. I used the skull cake pan :) and coconut praline cake spread. I don't think i will be eating it for a while though. I posted a picture below. I hope it lasts till wensday. I put it in the fridge I know heat is the worst with frosting. well that was a long post on my dessert but that was basically all I have done all day. Robin


I love everyone's pumpkins.  Good job.  Robin your pictures are incredible.  I thought the man was amazing but I think the lady is better.  WOW.  I am glad everyone is doing good.  I worked late tonight so I could take dad to his other test in the morning.  WE have to be there at 7:15.  Lucky us.  I am so excited to come up to Logan on Halloween.  It just seems like a vacation to me.  Dad is really wanting to come also.  I hope he gets to come.  Not much else going on with me.  LOVE MOM

Us Too :)

We carved pumpkins today also.  Casey is working swing still so he went on a walk with us and then we carved pumpkins.  Isaac wasn't into it but I had a lot of fun.  I did two pumpkins and Casey did four.  Not much else going on.  We went to the store this evening to walk around a bit.  I am glad that your house stuff it going good Karen.  I love your makeup pictures Robin, you did a really good job.  That sounds fun.  I was so tired yesterday I slept like the dead last night and I feel better today.  Thanks for your help this weekend Mom and Karen. I love how the room turned out.  I will take some pictures and attached them.  I am getting excited for Halloween.  :)



Well I had a good day. It seemed a little long, but it was good. I got my pumpkin at work and craved it. It was fun. I have attached a picture below. I got a few Christmas present ordered today. Yeah! House stuff is moving along. I will keep you updated on all the happenings. Have a great one. BYE

Sunday, October 28, 2012


well this week was good. I'm glad its over but it was fun. My place is a mess but hopefully this week will be quite so I will be able to clean a bit. I posted some picts of stuff from this week. well I hope everyone had a great weekend and have a great monday! robin


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...