Saturday, August 1, 2015


It turned out to be a nice day.  We slept in and then we went to Luke's baptism and it was really nice.  We went and saw grandma afterwards and Karen came down and visited.  We called Robin and she wanted to go have dinner with us so we went to the mall and Karen got a new Lego and we went to dinner.  We took Grandma some Olive Garden soup back with us and she had that and I got her ready for bed and then we decided to go see Minion movie.  It really wasn't very good at all.  Next weekend Shaun the Sheep movie opens up.  I thought maybe Isaac would like that one.  Have a great Sunday.  LOVE MOM

Friday, July 31, 2015

So glad

I made it to the end of the week.  I got my car.  The windows are fixed.  I am going to see if it makes the noise again and then take it to the dealer to have it fixed.  Thanks Robin for coming over and visiting it was nice to see you.  Grandma is doing tons better and is walking a lot better.  Robin was talking about Little Caesars pizza so I stopped on the way home and got one.  I think that is cute that Oliver likes pickles.  Who would have ever thought he would like those.  I am going to sleep in and then go to Luke's baptism.  They just invited me and Julie.  They didn't think they would have enough room for all the cousins.  Have a nice weekend.  LOVE MOM


Sorry I forgot to blog last night I fell asleep and forgot. Today was good. I was so excited it was friday. I met up with mom.and dad at grandma's rehab center. I had to give mom towels for kay. And drum roll sihlouette showed up. I was excited. I've been tracking it for days. I tried a file to.get use to it. They gave me.50 designs but I bought one for .99 cents. My phone case was looking aged so o added it to my phone case. I work at scheels tomorrow so nothing to exciting. For the weekend. Have a good one



My Friday has been good. I am so glad that it is the weekend. Work was good, a little slow in the afternoon. But I made it thru. It was warm today and it is suppose to be hotter tomorrow. I hope that everyone has a great weekend. Bye

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Image result for weekend jokes

Not Much

I hope that your day was better Mom, I hate car troubles.  Today was pretty good.  Isaac was tired and didn't do much so we just played at home.  We did go grocery shopping and got a couple of things.  Oliver likes pickles and I have attached a picture of that.  I hope that everyone has a good Saturday.


Thursday, July 30, 2015

I made it through

Today was a bad day and I just didn't handle it well.  I hope tomorrow is better or at least I am not so emotional.  I am so glad it is Friday.  The car is still in the shop so I rode trax home and it was nice to just sit there and veg.  Dad went to the rehab center and Grandma is struggling a lot with her emotions.  She is getting stronger.  Just a lot to process in such a short amount of time.  That is neat that Casey fixed his car.  He is to talented.  I am glad they went fishing.  That is nice to get new shoes.  Not much else to report.  LOVE MOM

He did it

Casey finished putting the transmission in his car so he has a working car again.  He did a good job.  Randy finished fixing his boat and wanted to go fishing.  We thought Oliver wouldn't have any fun so I stayed with him.  Isaac and Casey went and had a good time.  They only caught one fish but they had fun.  I still had my gift card from Robin so we went to Khols but I didn't see anything I wanted.  I did like their shoes but they were a lot more than I had.  So after Oliver's nap we went to Shopko and I got a pair of white shoes and I got Oliver a pair also.  It was fun to go slow and walk around.  We meet up with everyone for Icecream at AW in Smithfield, it was fun to meet up afterwards.  I hope that everyone sleeps well.



Mom I am sorry that you had a rough morning. I hope that your day got better. My day has been good. Work is going good. I am so glad that tomorrow is Friday. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Wednesday, July 29, 2015


Today was good. We launched our new season. They has a runway show.for the sales reps. I sat in the back and watched. It took a good chunk of the day. Then I met up with walter. We had steaks and watched interstellar. It was a strange show. Well not much else with me. I'm sorry Isaac has a flesh wound. Have a good thursday


Cute pictures

Those are cute pictures Rachel.  I am glad that turned out well.  I am sorry that Isaac hurt his knee.  That is hard.  My car was making that weird noise again last night so we took it in this morning.  They couldn't find anything wrong.  So they said to come and get it and drive it around.  I am going to pick Robin up tomorrow night and we are going to dinner with Kay and Julie to give them the baptism towels.  Thanks Robin for doing those.  I love your sayings Karen.  They are funny.  We went and spent the evening in the rehab center.  Grandma is well enough to be grouchy.  She is walking a lot better.  Have a great Thursday.  LOVE MOM


We made it to the golden spike national park today and we had a good time.  We got their and walked around the tracks, they had a buffer and points so Isaac was excited.  He did fall when walking on them and that was traumatic.  We got him a band aid but it was a big deal.  They had a steam demonstration with the Jupiter so we watched that and it was neat.  Then I packed a lunch so we had that.  They did maintenance on the 119 yesterday and it takes a while to get the pressure back up so that didn't arrive until later so we were able to watch it arrive and then we left.  It was perfect for the kids.  After dinner Casey worked on his car and Isaac was nursing his knee so we just sat on the couch and played games on the kindle.  It was a nice relaxing evening.



I am glad that the week is half over. My day has been good. Nothing too exciting happening here. I hope everyone had a great day.

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Image result for midweek jokes

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Mind is a racing

Today was fun at work.  It was really quiet and I worked on a project that has been hard for me to get done.  I used Visio to do it and I had a lot of fun.  We walked to someone's house for lunch for administration lunch.  It was good.  It was so nice to just walk around.  We went to visit Grandma tonight and I ordered us dinners to eat with her.  It was really good and I wasn't so hungry.  We get home so late that I get too hungry.  I think we will do that again tomorrow night.  I have been pondering Dad's birthday.  How about we do it on the 8th after we get back from Dugway.  I don't think it will be really late and we can do dinner and just do something fun.  We could even do something Friday night because Rachel is coming down then.  So many options.  I love all the ideas you posted for your new cutter.  My mind is running wild with all the fun things we can do.  Too much fun.  Everyone have a great hump day.  This if the first full week I have worked in a long time. I am glad you got a stylus Karen.  That was a good buy.  Robin I love your pictures.  They made me laugh and laugh.  I love the pictures of the boys.  They are so dang cute.  You sure make cute kids.   LOVE YA MOM

Fall is around the corner

I met up with walter tonight. We had a good talk. He apologized and was good to talk about things. He wants to keep trying and we are setting every Thursday as a date night. So I thought if he wants to put in effort I will see where it goes. It was a good talk so we will see how it all plays out. Other then that work is good busy as always. The new season is getting launched this week so all of the sales reps are coming into town for a runway show. I liked one gown alot. When pictures get posted online I will post the pict. Well have a good night



Today was another cooler day, it was really nice.  Casey worked on his car today and Randy came and helped him this afternoon.  He got the transmission moved over and now just has to bolt it in place.  We walked to story time today and that was fun.  I sewed with Jenn and that was fun, I haven't gotten to sew much so it was nice to sew and talk.  I got a movie at the library for Isaac to watch and he liked that.  Afterwards he said he just wanted to do crafts so we painted and then did stickers.  Oliver was kind of grouchy today, I am pretty sure it is his teeth.  We are going to Promontory point tomorrow to see the steam trains as a reward to Isaac for being brave and bold at swimming lessons.  Today he told me he was like a sports commercial since he was so brave and bold.  Well everyone have a good night.  I hope that everything went alright Robin.



Well my day has been good. I went grocery shopping after work today. I went to best buy and got a stylus for my surface. It is fun. I used my gift card from my exchange. I really don't have much else to report so I will sign off. Have a great one. Bye

Monday, July 27, 2015


Today was good. Maggie is so busy. I am all over the place. Tomorrow i have been there a year. My boss emailed me a review to fill out. She left some notes saying that she thought I was awesome. So that was sweet. I guess I still have to have a 1 on 1 with her. I had to work at scheels tonight so I was bored. I got a magazine from ikea they have some cheap glass and ceramic bowls and glasses. I thought when I got use to my sihlouette we can go shopping for some fun stuff. I put some pictures below to spark some ideas if you need anything made for your houses :)

No Rain

We didn't get a drop of rain but it was so weird because it was so clear and then so smoky and dusty.  My day was good.  I was tired and didn't accomplish much but it was nice to just be able to go slow.  I drove out to the Rehab Center after work.  Dad was there and they were having insurance issues and Margaret was upset so I went out and dad had it all fixed and we just sat and visited and got her all calmed down and then she ate dinner and we watched Wheel of Fortune and Jeopardy.  That brought back memories.  We can order dinner there if we call early and order it.  I think we will try that tomorrow.  Margaret loves the food there.  Everyone have a great day.  It is suppose to be nice and cool the next couple of days.  I did go grocery shopping after visiting.  LOVE MOM


Thanks for hosting Karen, you have a really nice house.  Robin I am glad that you bought vinyl cutter, I am excited for you.  Everyone does the cutest things with them.  Mom I hope that everything is going alright with Grandma and that she is settling in.  Thanks for the fun weekend.  Today was pretty good.  It was a cool day and rained a lot this morning.  Casey was busy today, he mowed the lawn and his transmission went out on his car this weekend so he is taking one out of the blue car and putting it in his car.  He was busy with that all day.  Isaac loved the sticker books so we went tot eh book table and got another one.  We just played at home which was nice.  After dinner me and the boys walked to the park and played for a while.  It was nice.  We need to do that more often.  the kids were older their and didn't want to play with Isaac and that made him sad.  Maybe next time the kids will be his age.  Everyone have a good night and thanks again for everything.



Well my day has been good. It was smoky here this morning. Apparently there was a fire over by Jordanelle. They got it out by two so it did clear out this afternoon. Work is going good. It went by pretty fast so that was nice. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Nice Weekend

I sure had a nice weekend.  Thanks everyone.  It was fun to play.  Robin I am glad you got your cutter.  The demolition derby was a lot of fun.  Isaac stayed the whole time and he was so cute.  It was a long day today.  We went to the hospital and they move Margaret to the rehab center.  It is a nice place.  It is right off Wheeler Farm.  She was very upset all day.  She just was having a hard time motor planning and what to do next.  Jed only brought her out two shirts and no pants and wasn't coming back until Wednesday so me and dad went and got her a couple of shirts and pants.  I think it will be a good place for her once she gets to know the routine.  Annette leaves for Brazil until August 12.  We didn't get home until 7:00.  At least the place is close so we can go visit easily.  Everyone have a great Monday.  I sure have enjoyed all my three day weekends.  I am going to miss them.  LOVE MOM


I bought a sihlouette. I am way excited. I ordered it online since amazon has good bundle deals. I should get it by the end of the week. My photoshoots went well I only have a picture of the demon one. I finished Kays towels.. mom they were wondering if we could do dinner on thursday. I don't have her # but let me know if it's to much and we can plan something else. I have to work at scheels and maggie tomorrow. Hope you guys had fun at.the demolition derby. Have a good week



 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...