Thursday, September 14, 2017

Let do it

Today was good it was preview night at lagoon. I need to work on the guys makeup but it was fun to do makeup again. I am good to come up tomorrow I won't make it for dinner though. It will most likely be around 6 before I am.done at lagoon but I will text on my way up.



Today was fun.  I slept in and then Karen came down and we went to the fair.  It was fun to play with everyone.  Jen and Rylie came so we went and saw all the animals.  Rylie really liked that.  We all went down the giant slide.  It was fun.  I went to children's place afterwards and used my coupons.  That was really fun also.  Rachel, I will let you know where we are when you leave.  We were planning on having dinner in Kamas if that is OK.  Robin do you want to come up or if you are tired, please just rest.  Everyone have be careful it is suppose to get cold and rainy.  LOVE MOM


It was raining this morning so we didn't ride bikes to school.  We missed it.  None of the kids slept well last night so they were tired today.  Oliver had preschool in the afternoon and I had quilt group at the same time so that was really nice to just have Ruth.  It was good to visit with everyone after not meeting all summer.  Then we picked up Oliver and when we picked up Isaac he was sad that we didn't bring his bike so he could ride home.  Isaac had seen waffles at school the other day so we had them for dinner with the berries from outside and whipped cream.  It tasted good and was fun to have something different.  Randy came over for a while and Casey looked at his truck for a bit.  We are ready to come tomorrow.  We should be there around dinner.  If you are still in SLC we can meet you there.


Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Me 2

I get 4 days off also. I am excited to play. My day was good. It did seem to drag a bit near the end of rhe work day, but I think it was just because I was ready to play already. I will see you at your place tomorrow around 11 mom. Have a great Thursday tomorrow everyone.  Bye

4 days off

I didn't feel great all day so I decided to not go in to work tomorrow.  I am going to sleep in.  I am excited to go to the fair and then play.  Robin I love that tattoo.  That is pretty cool.  Rachel those are some wild shoes.  The kids will love them.  Oliver has been growing a lot lately.  I have really noticed it.  Drive safe tomorrow Karen.  I will be home so come whenever you want.  I hope I am just tired and not getting sick.  LOVE MOM


Today was good. We watched tangled at work and had a pot luck. A girl I know is doing a photo shoot and she is wanting me to do tattoos. She wants a whole arm sleeve done. I was kinda stressed on how to do it with out taking hours. I remembered the whole reason I bought my shiloutte was because of the tattoo paper they had. I've never used it before. I went to Joanns and picked some up. It turns out I really don't need a shiloutte for it lol. But I did a test tattoo on my ankle to test it out. It works really well. I have to work at lagoon tomorrow till 7-8 then after I was going to photoshop some pictures together to make a tattoo piece. The photoshoot is Saturday night. Easy peasy. Have a good night



Yesterday was so busy that we took things slower today.  We went to Lees and got a couple of things I forgot.  Ruthie didn't sleep well so we had a early lunch and then she took a long nap.  Isaac needed some new shoes for PE so after school we went to the mall to get some.  The little kids were crazy running all over the place.  Ruthie found a pair there but they didn't have any in the boys sizes so we went to Kohl's and they had some for Isaac and Oliver.  Oliver was a whole size bigger than his old shoes.  They were wild there also.  Oliver had to pee at the mall and then again at Kohl's but he ended up having an accident at Kohl's but I had an extra change of clothes so we were ok.  The kids love their shoes and Isaac talked and talk how awesome his were.  After dinner we went rock climbing up the canyon.  Isaac did a lot better and was really happy.  He said his shoes made him do so well.  It was fun to be outside.  Have fun tomorrow Mom and Karen, I hope it is better weather than last year.  I hope that you are feeling OK Robin.


Isaac always looks so cute walking into school but I didn't get a good picture.

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Long day

Today was a long day. It was just that time was moving slow. I think also its.colder outside and it's harder to get out if bed. I hope you had a happy birthday Karen!! I hope it's a great new year. :) well not much else for me night



Thanks everyone for the birthday wishes. My day was good. It is still busy at work so time goes by pretty quick. I did get a gift card to Olive Garden from work so we will have to go sometime soon. I was really happy it wasn't to the cheesecake factory. My visiting teacher stopped by after work and brought me cookies. So that was nice. I hope everyone has a good Wednesday tomorrow. Bye


Happy Birthday Karen, your present should be here soon I hope.  Since Casey is driving the Jeep Friday we are going to leave after school and be there by dinner so that will be fun.  Today was busy.  I babysat this morning and they are really good kids but it is busy.  My visiting teacher came while the kids were here but it went fine.  We had lunch after they left and then Oliver went to preschool.  Ruthie never napped but she laid in her crib for a while which was nice.  Oliver had fun at preschool, I asked who was the super star and he said in a despondent voice "Some guy, I am never going to be super star" It was funny.  Isaac had a good day at school and really likes science.  We are still doing good riding bikes.  Casey had scouts and I had young women's which went well.  We played volley ball at the park.  Casey and the kids rode their bikes to the park and played and came over and said good bye to me which was fun.  Happy Birthday again Karen.


Happy Birthday to YOU

Karen, I am glad you had a nice birthday.  That was nice you got a gift card to Olive Garden.  I am excited that tomorrow is my last full day of the week.  I am looking forward to a couple of days off.  Not much else going on with me.  Everyone have a really nice Wednesday.  Robin, I hope you are still getting rest.  That is the best thing you can do for your body right now.  LOVE MOM

Monday, September 11, 2017


Today was good. I slept all,day yesterday. I feel alot better. I still made a Dr. Apt for a check up. I was still tired today when I got home so I took a nap. Exciting life have a good night


Happy almost birthday

Work was busy also for me but it made the day go fast.  RAchel I love those pictures.  They are beautiful.  I never even realized how beautiful it was down there.  Robin thanks for making a doctors appointment.  I am glad that you are getting checked out.  I bought a spice cake mix today for Karen's birthday cake.  We can decorate it on Friday night.  Not much else is going on with us.  Dad still has his kidney stone.  It just doesn't want to leave.  I drank some of the sleepy tea tonight.  I hope it helps me fall asleep.  I have been struggling with that.  LOVE MOM

Birthday Eve

I hope that you have a good day tomorrow Karen.  Today was good.  I babysat this morning but it was just the little girl so it was easy.  Both her and Ruth had to color holding a stuffed animal, it was so cute.  Then we went grocery shopping and that was good to have done.  We rode bikes today and it was hot coming home, I was a sweaty mess.  After dinner we went canoeing and it was a lot of fun and so pretty.  My arms are tired though, I am so out of shape.  Everyone have a good night.



Well it was busy at work here today. I got what I needed done so that was good. I was a little late this morning because they are doing road construction again and the road was down to one lane.  So i was stuck at the person with the stop sign for 15 minutes. It was annoying.  I hope they finish the road soon. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Sunday, September 10, 2017


It was good to see everyone yesterday, you guys are awesome.  Karen, thanks for the video of the train, that is amazing.  You definitely need more tracks.  Today was good.  We rode our bikes to the park this morning and it was hot but it was good to get out.  We went to church and it was Jenn's son farewell so the church was packed.  Ruthie went to nursery with Oliver for about half of the time and then she was sad.  I took her to young women's with me and she was singing the songs, it was so cute.  We picked the corn from the garden and had that and chicken nuggets for dinner.  We are just going to mow the garden down now, it has been a bad year for it.  I had a meeting this evening and Casey went up to Randy's to work on his truck and I met up with them when I was done.  It was good to visit with everyone.  Everyone have a good Monday and have a good birthday eve Karen.


Pretty day

It was a pretty day outside today.  Karen congratulations on the train.  It does look really cool.  We went out to grandma's and Dirk and Melody and Matt and Melissa were there with the kids.  It was nice to visit.  Dirk was doing some electrical stuff on the house.  I guess the people moved in and have 14 days before they sign.  It sounded weird but I went with the flow.  We went to chili's and then Walmart.  We got grandma's TV up and working in her kitchen and Pandora works as well.  She was enjoying the music when we left.  We got home and just vegged the rest of the night.  I should have done dishes and laundry but I didn't, OH well tomorrow.  Robin, I hope you got some rest today and that helped you feel better.  I am worried about you.  LOVE MOM


My day has been good. I got my train together. It is pretty cool. Then I did dishes and laundry.  Exciting I know. I hope everyone had a great Sunday.


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...