Thursday, September 14, 2017


It was raining this morning so we didn't ride bikes to school.  We missed it.  None of the kids slept well last night so they were tired today.  Oliver had preschool in the afternoon and I had quilt group at the same time so that was really nice to just have Ruth.  It was good to visit with everyone after not meeting all summer.  Then we picked up Oliver and when we picked up Isaac he was sad that we didn't bring his bike so he could ride home.  Isaac had seen waffles at school the other day so we had them for dinner with the berries from outside and whipped cream.  It tasted good and was fun to have something different.  Randy came over for a while and Casey looked at his truck for a bit.  We are ready to come tomorrow.  We should be there around dinner.  If you are still in SLC we can meet you there.


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