Robin, I am so glad you got to pack a little bit. That will help with the stress levels. You have a lot going on. Your tooth should be feeling better. You need to call the dentist on Monday and start taking those antibiotics. We had a really nice day. We just played bubble bobble this morning and then went to Gateway We went to the Museum and the Planetarium. Rachel thought it was crowded but I didn't think it was too bad. Oliver got this rocket that you just jumped on and it launched. We went to Liberty Park and launched it. It was fun. We came home and did tacos for dinner and then played at my house. t was nice to just play with the kids. We are going to Lagoon tomorrow. Dad is going to Kamas to help Karen with the last part of her paper. Enjoy the pretty day. LOVE MOM
Saturday, April 2, 2022
Friday, April 1, 2022
Work was really quiet and I got a lot done. I put tortilla soup in the crocket pot. Karen came down and we had that for dinner. It tasted so good. We went to Costco and then we're going to a movie but it was sold out. Karen did get us movie popcorn so that was fun. I am excited to meet at gateway. That will be fun. Robin if you want to join us you are more than welcome. I know it has been crazy week for you so it is up to you. Man everyone got prizes at work but me. Every time I see a magic bullet i think of the night robin got hers and we made 1 2 3 guacamole. Drive safe love mom
We are excited to come down tomorrow. We will try to leave around 9:30 or 10. Today was good. We skipped exercise class because it is hard to do pilates with one hand. Me and Ruth walked around and delivered the conference packets. After school the little kids colored with the water color pencils that we put in the packets and they were a lot of fun. I helped in Ruth's class. I thought I was on time but I was late. The kids are cute. Isaac is doing a talent show act with his friends. He stayed after school to practice. He had fun. Oliver had a class party and brought his new stuffed animal. He was excited. I didn't cook dinner and ordered a pizza. Isaac didn't want pizza so he made noodles for himself. Me and Casey went to Lowe's to get a took for the tree house. At work Casey got a magic bullet for doing a good job at work.
Love Rachel
Thursday, March 31, 2022
Today was good and slower. It was raining most of the day so I didn't walk. Me and Ruth went grocery and got a couple things for primary. She had dance class after school. The boys were starving so I made dinner early. Then she ate when she got home. Casey worked late. I met me presidency at the church and we put together conference packets. It was fun and they were all so nice to help. It was fun. Oliver keeps finding maple tree seeds sprouting in the backyard and wants to plant them. He planted one last week and it died. He did another today in a cup. I can't see so me and Ruth have been doing diamond beads. I got a frame for mine and it looks pretty on the wall. The cable to my computer came and it charged. I am so grateful it is working again.
Love Rachel
It was a normal day today. I went to work. I need to focus and get caught up. We did go to WinCo after dinner to get ready for our fun weekend. I am glad Luna was happy. I am glad tomorrow is Friday. Remember it is April fool's day. Drive safe tomorrow Karen. Love mom
I am with Robin, I am so happy tomorrow is Friday. My day was good though. Work is going good. Just the usual there. Then after work I went to Food Town and got some eggs because they sounded good with hashbrowns. I hope everyone has a great Friday tomorrow. Bye
Wednesday, March 30, 2022
I worked from home today and that was nice. We went to the funeral at lunch time and it was nice. We sat by Jen and Bryan. It was good to see them. Jen said Alyssa and Chris closed on their house today. We hooked up with robin and had a fun time. The zoo was good. The train was opened and she liked that. Spaghetti factory was good but our waiter said he was really sick. No ice cream and a sick waiter. Luna loved spaghetti. I would mush it up with a fork and she ate and ate. It was cute. We are excited for this weekend also. Karen you have to be really proud of if your paper. You have worked so hard. We are proud of you. Way to go. Robin I hope the home inspection went well. Love mom
Me and Casey haven't been sleeping well this week. I don't know why. I went to exercise class. Ruth wanted to get a sandwich for lunch so we did that. I took Tony on a walk and it was a pretty day. I had to go shopping for primary. We are putting conference packets together tomorrow. Isaac had orchestra and Oliver walked home. Me and Ruth have been weeding the front yard while we wait for Oliver and it has been fun. I folded laundry and then we did homework. Oliver and Ruth went to her friend Emily's house and they had a movie night. They watched the jungle book. Casey came home and we walked Isaac to young men's. He was worried about being late and we saw Eric Hansen and he gave Isaac a ride. Me and Casey walked around the block and that was nice. My computer isn't charging. Casey thinks it is my power cord and ordered me a new one. I used his computer to print off primary stuff. Casey new sim card came for his phone so he was able to get that setup. I felt more active today and it felt nice. We are excited for this weekend.
Love Rachel
Things are good here in Kamas. Nothing really exciting happening here. Just work and school. My teacher said the last section I turned in for my capstone looked great and now I just need to finish the conclusion and abstract for the peer review in 2 weeks. Then I just have to record a presentation and then it's done. I hope everyone had a great Wednesday. Bye
Tuesday, March 29, 2022
Work was good. It seemed strange to stay all day. I am glad they fixed that tooth. You are going to feel so much better. Rachel my legs hurt last night also. Weird. I am working from home tomorrow and then going to the funeral at 11. I am going to work until robin comes and then play. It kind of ran and had a little thunder but nothing too bad. Have a really nice Wednesday. It has been a long week. Love mom
I hope you feel a lot better Robin getting the infection cleaned up. Oliver woke up with his leg hurting and no one is could sleep afterwards especially Casey. He went to work early and then came home and slept a bit. Me and Ruth did crafts and read books this morning. While she was at school I took Tony to the dog park. I couldn't handle walking around our neighborhood. Tony had fun. Then we walked the river walk and he had fun playing in the water. The kids played in the backyard after school. Ron Adair brought over some chilies and burritos so we had that for dinner. He is amazing. Ruth had tumbling and she loves it. She was so happy afterwards. Love you guys.
Love Rachel
Things are going good here in Kamas. Work is moving along, nothing too wild and crazy happening there. It rained a little bit here today so that was nice. Then after work I came home and did my operations management homework. Exciting times I know. I hope that your root canal wasn't too bad Robin. I hope that everyone one had a great day. Bye
Monday, March 28, 2022
Today was good. I went to exercise class and then we went grocery shopping. Isaac had orchestra and got a prize for doing the practice a thon. The kids played outside all afternoon and had so much fun. It is so nice we can go out again. I read a lot today. I have a couple new books that I need to get caught up on. I hope Luna feels better, poor thing.
Love Rachel
Today was good. Kind of quiet. Dad left early for Lehi so I went in early also. We are going to lehi tomorrow afternoon. I hope.luna gets feeling better. Dad had fun babysitting. Karen I am so glad you don't have a raccoon just a robo vac. Rachel I hope your day went well. Saturday we are going to the children museum. Robin if Luna is better maybe she can come. Have a nice Tuesday. Love 😘 mom
My day was good. Work was busy so it went by fast. At lunch I came home and I heard something banging around and I thought it was something in my attic. It turns out that my robovacuum got stuck in my bathroom and was banging around in there. So whew! No raccoon in my attic. Then after work I was just lazy tonight. It was nice. I hope that everyone had a great day. Bye
Sunday, March 27, 2022
Thanks for the fun day yesterday Mom. It was so nice to be outside and talk. Everyone was tired today and they slept in. I couldn't because I had a meeting that was long. I watched a bit of stake conference on zoom to see who the new stake president is. Then I had another meeting. Casey took Tony on a run and his phone fell out of his pocket and was smashed. So we went and got him a new one. He is having trouble setting it up so he had to switch carriers. He was going to work but the phone took a while. He finally was able to go after dinner. Isaac was dreading Monday so much. I hope it is better than he thinks it will be.
Love Rachel
We had a quiet day. Dad worked on his printer and I slept. We did go get gas in my car and some groceries. We are set for the week. Robin called and said Luna was sick so dad is going to babysit tomorrow. He is super excited and I wish I was going to kiss her also. Hope she gets feeling better. Rachel I hope you guys got some rest. Karen you got a lot done on your paper. Way to go. It is suppose to be rainy tomorrow. Have a nice last week of March. Love mom
I had a fun day yesterday. Thanks for coming up Robin it was fun hanging out. Today was good. I got to sleep in this morning, Then I did my laundry. It was a lazy day. I also worked on my paper for a little bit this morning. I hope that everyone had a great day. Bye
We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...