Thursday, June 25, 2020


I went into work today but I didn't stay the whole time my boss was working from home so I just did a few things and then worked from home.  I am with Robin, I am liking it more and more working from home.  I can't believe it is my birthday.  We are going to Lagoon tomorrow.  Karen is coming with us.  I am excited to play this weekend.  Robin do you anything?  Did you find a sitter for Jenkins?  We can help pay for that if you would like us to.  Do you need me to pick up anything at Old Navy?  It is by Lagoon.  Well have a nice Friday.  LOVE MOM  PS I love the UPS checking joke.  That made me laugh.


I worked from home today. It was nice I like working from home. At lunch I picked up groceries. Then I cleaned a bit. I am glad tomorrow is Friday. Hope you have a happy birthday Mom


We are headed down tomorrow to celebrate Mom's birthday.  We are planning on meeting at 11.  I walked this morning and it was hot.  I sewed Mom some masks for her friend.  I did half with on layer so we can see how that works.  I finished the 6th course.  It was Data Analysis in python and the went over linear regression and R squared.  Ruthie got her hair cut and it looks nice.  She needed a trim.  We had a fun time doing it.  We picked up a sandwich afterwards.  Casey brought the boys lunch so they were good.  Isaac had his magic class and had a fun time.  The did tricks with money today.  We went and got black shirts for the photos and water shoes for Lagoon.  They didn't have any for Oliver so we had to go to a second store.  I found cheaper shirts there so I went back and returned the other ones.  After dinner Casey and Isaac mowed the lawn.  I sprayed the weeds.  It was a pretty event.  Oliver lost a tooth sometime today.  He noticed it was gone at the store.  See you guys tomorrow.



My day was pretty good. Work went good but the ac was broke. So it was hot in the afternoon , but I made it through. Then I came home and did dishes and laundry. Happy birthday tomorrow mom. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Hump day

I worked today at home, it was really busy but I survived.  Dad went to work but came home around 3.  We made veggie sandwiches for dinner and they tasted really good.  For Father's day I got dad some new olive oil and balsamic vinegar.  It was tasty  We didn't do anything else all night.  We are lazy lumps.  Karen, I love your hair.  Good luck Rachel with Ruth's hair cut.  She is going to look darling.  Oliver will be riding his bike before you know it.  He just needs some practice.  Robin, I am glad you are working from home again.  That will be nice not to have to commute.  I am going into to work tomorrow.  Everyone have a nice Thursday.  LOVE MOM


Wow Karen, I really like your hair.  Good job.  Today was good.  I walked and we went to exercise class which was really hard.  Oliver's friend was there and they wanted to keep playing.  So he came home with us and had a play date.  They had a fun time.  Isaac had a birthday party with his friend Ty.  They went to a bike park and they had a blast.  Isaac crashed one time but didn't get hurt.  After dinner we worked on having Oliver ride a bike without training wheel so he can go to the bike course.  He is scared and progress is slow but he will get it.  Love you guys.



Work was good. There was a lunch for a deburr ladys retirement lunch today. So I helped serve pizza. I had to wear gloves and a mask but I got free pizza. Then after work I went and finally got my haircut. Then I  came home and did my management homework which was a  SWOT ( strength, weakness, opportunity,  and threat) report on a company my teacher assigned. Then I did my statistics. When we over how to calculate moments. It was pretty easy. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Tuesday, June 23, 2020


Robin that is weird you are going home again.  I hope you enjoy your time home.  You can do a lot of 3 d printing.  I went to work today to figure out some stuff on some new contracts I have to make payments on. I made a lot of progress.  Dad and I left around 3 and I clocked out in case we decided to play for a while and we did.  We went and got gas in the car and then went to Kohls.  It was fun.  I got me a new pair of pants.  Then we decided to drive out to IKEA.  There was a huge line to get in.  We were just goofing around so we just left and went to Capriotti's for dinner.  They have good sandwiches.  The governor said they aren't going to close down the state.  The economy can't handle that.  They are going to require masks a lot more I think.  Karen, you have been brave getting all those shots.  I am glad you are down to once a month.  Rachel, I love that rug.  I think you will really love it.  I love the quilt as well.  It is so cute.  I think you could either have a border or not.  It could be a really cute toddler quilt.  I was thinking of meeting in Pocatello around noon time.  I don't think we can check in until that time.  I will send everyone one reservations.  I thought we could play a little bit in the afternoon.  Rachel said the zoo is really good.  Then I thought we could do dinner, I am good either going out or take out and going to a park.  Then I thought we could take pictures in the evening.  Does that sound good to everyone?  Have a nice hump day.  I am working from home tomorrow.  LOVE MOM


Today was busy. They decided to have everyone go home to work again. So I am going in tomorrow to bring in my laptop for a girl then I am taking my work station home. Who knows how long it will be for. They might shut down every thing again. I was sad if they take away the restaurants again. I really like eating out every once and a while. What time are we meeting at lava on Saturday? And are we doing pictures on Saturday night? 



Today was good.  We didn't have anything going on this morning so the kids got to sleep in.  I cut fabric for a bit and then worked on my class.  I put together my homeschool quilt.  It is small and I wonder if it needs a border.  We went to the store to get a present for Isaac's friend.  He is going to his birthday party tomorrow.  We ended up getting a rug also for the play area for the kids.  I think it looks ok.  Ruth had dance lessons and she was so happy afterwards.  She had a fun time.  We went to the jump zone.  Isaac was tied because he didn't sleep well so we only stayed an hour.  After dinner we watched more of the second Hobbit movie.  Ruth has an appointment on Thursday to cut her hair.  I think we will just trim it to her shoulders.  She said she is tired of it in her eyes.



I got my last weekly allergy shot today. Now I am on monthly shots. Work went good. It was meeting day so it went by pretty quick. I was tired after work so I was lazy and just watched Life in Pieces on prime. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Monday, June 22, 2020


Robin we had to do an ice cream run also.  It was fun  We feel a lot better as well.  That is neat that girl got you a necklace.  Karen I am sorry you had to learn about where to put a warehouse but that does sound interesting to me.  Rachel, I never thought Ruth would want to cut her hair.  I always waited for her to cut it but she never has.  She will look beautiful no matter what length of hair she has.  That is a lot of hair to cut off. I signed us up for Friday at Lagoon.  They earliest time was noon. I worked from home today and dad went to the office for a while.  I have been so achy for such a long time.  The neck doctor gave me these pills when my neck really hurt to I took one of those today.  It has really helped.  I am going to take them all week and see if that will help.  My calves on my legs have been so sore for months.  I am going to work for a little while tomorrow.  I need to learn how to use a data base and I have been worried I would ruin it if I played with it too much.  Dad said to save it first and then make a copy of it and play with it.  I think I might do that as well.  Dad got his waders in the mail today so hopefully we can work on the pond next weekend.  I did make dad an appointment for next Tuesday to get a neck epidural.  He has been starting to hurt again and they help a lot.  LOVE MOM


Today was good.  I walked this morning and then we went to exercise class.  It was so fun to go and I was glad we went.  Oliver's friends were glad to see him.  He got something in his eye and it was sore, poor thing.  I finished the 5 course and it was python for data science.  The next course is really long and is python for data analysis.  We met Casey for lunch.  Ruthie really wanted to eat at sweeto burrito so we went there.  The library said we had a book due but we had turned it in.  So we went and found it on the shelf and turned it in.  We got new books also.  They wanted to go to the jump zone so we stopped home to get Oliver's stuffed animal.  He couldn't find it and got upset so we just stayed home.  We made cupcakes from scratch but I messed the frosting up.  After dinner we worked in the yard.  We stayed up late and watched the last of the Hobbit.  I found some of Ruthie's hair on the floor.  She cut some off the front but you can't tell.  She says she wants to cut her hair to her chin.  We may do that tomorrow.



My day went by quickly also. Then I came home and read my logistics book. It was above choose where your warehouse, distributions centers, etc are located for maximum benefit. Then the other chapters were about shipping and warehousing items. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye


Today was ok..I went into work and time flew by so.that was nice. A sales girl bought me a necklace to say thanks for all.the help the last few weeks. I thought it was sweet of her to think of me  We took Jenkins on a walk and then drove down to get more icecream. We were out and it was scary. So that crisis is over lol. Hope everyone has a good Tuesday

Sunday, June 21, 2020

Thank you

Thanks for the fun weekend.  I just rested all day as well and hopefully that will help.  Not much else to report on my end.  I am glad you had a nice day today Rachel.  I can't believe how fast June is going.  It was the longest day of the year yesterday.  That is always my favorite.  I am very light sensitive.  Have a nice week.  LOVE MOM


It was good to see everyone this weekend.  We love you guys.  We got some rest last night and we felt better today.  Casey worked on the window sills downstairs and got them fixed up.  My sewing machine is working again which is a miracle so I sewed a bit today.  We went to Randy's house for dinner which was fun.  Love you guys and I hope you have a good week.



I hope everyone had a great Sunday. My day was good. I was just lazy most of the day. I hope dad had a great Father's day. Bye


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...