Tuesday, June 23, 2020


Today was good.  We didn't have anything going on this morning so the kids got to sleep in.  I cut fabric for a bit and then worked on my class.  I put together my homeschool quilt.  It is small and I wonder if it needs a border.  We went to the store to get a present for Isaac's friend.  He is going to his birthday party tomorrow.  We ended up getting a rug also for the play area for the kids.  I think it looks ok.  Ruth had dance lessons and she was so happy afterwards.  She had a fun time.  We went to the jump zone.  Isaac was tied because he didn't sleep well so we only stayed an hour.  After dinner we watched more of the second Hobbit movie.  Ruth has an appointment on Thursday to cut her hair.  I think we will just trim it to her shoulders.  She said she is tired of it in her eyes.


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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...