Thursday, June 25, 2020


We are headed down tomorrow to celebrate Mom's birthday.  We are planning on meeting at 11.  I walked this morning and it was hot.  I sewed Mom some masks for her friend.  I did half with on layer so we can see how that works.  I finished the 6th course.  It was Data Analysis in python and the went over linear regression and R squared.  Ruthie got her hair cut and it looks nice.  She needed a trim.  We had a fun time doing it.  We picked up a sandwich afterwards.  Casey brought the boys lunch so they were good.  Isaac had his magic class and had a fun time.  The did tricks with money today.  We went and got black shirts for the photos and water shoes for Lagoon.  They didn't have any for Oliver so we had to go to a second store.  I found cheaper shirts there so I went back and returned the other ones.  After dinner Casey and Isaac mowed the lawn.  I sprayed the weeds.  It was a pretty event.  Oliver lost a tooth sometime today.  He noticed it was gone at the store.  See you guys tomorrow.


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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...