Saturday, May 20, 2023


 What a fun time I have had. The quilt show was great and then playing all day. We made it to Logan safe and sound and played all day up there. We helped them.plant their garden. It nice to be outside. We went to Isaac's recital it he is good. It was nice to hear all the kids play. I am so sorry about jeramys friend. That is so sad. Let us know if we need to watch Luna. We are going to pack all day tomorrow and get it organized. Next week at this time we sleeping  in west valley. Thanks for everything. Live mom


Thanks for the fun time yesterday. When I got home Luna was asleep, I changed her into her PJs and put her to bed. Jeramys friend from high school Shane committed suicide yesterday. Jeramy was sad. The Grovers came over since it was part of Nate and Jeramys friend group. We talked for a while and then we didn't go to bed till 11. This morning we woke up and took the carolla to we by any cars. We didn't get a lot for it but it's out of our life's. Then we went over to another friend of Jeramys that lives and salt lake and talked. She was nice and had more info. They still don't know when the funeral will be. So we will see. Then we just grilled steaks and played outside. 


Thursday, May 18, 2023


 I am excited for tomorrow.  I think Ruth is going to come with.  She said she loves to look at quilts.  Today was a fun day at work.  We had a potluck at lunch and it was good to talk with everyone.  Kim did a clear blue tile class.  She is going to give it to everyone in the company and then give it to stores.  We were to first ones since we know how to use them.  We made a zipper pouch.  So we helped get ready for that and then the class fun.  The kids had a good day at school.  Isaac had a field trip to the ice skating rink and then they went to the park and played pickle ball.  He had a really fun time.  The little kids had piano lessons and they are doing good.  Ruth skipped tumbling so she could play with the girl next door.  They are best friends.  Me and Casey mowed the lawn and it looks nice.

Love Rachel


Today was my Friday so that was nice. They had a casting call for models and makeup artists at work. So I told them I could help with makeup if they ever needed it. So Wednesday they are doing a magazine shoot and I'm going to help with touch ups along the way. The missionarys came over tonight. Then we just played outside. 



 My day was good. I am glad that tomorrow is Friday. I am jealous that you guys get the day off. I got the washer working so I did my laundry tonight. I hope everyone had a great Thursday. Bye

Wednesday, May 17, 2023


 At work I made a beautiful crossbody bag.  It was hard to figure out but it turned out good.  Isaac was invited to a birthday party so after school we went and got a present.  They remodeled red balloon toys and it looks really nice.  We also went grocery shopping.  I have a pot luck tomorrow also and I just bought humus.  Ruth had flat Mrs Wood and had to write three sentences about what she did with her.  So after ate we went and played at the park.  It was cold but they had fun.  Isaac went to young men's.  Ruth had made friends with the next door neighbor girl and played over their fot a bit.  Casey worked late and came home when I left for exercise class.  It was high tonight which I love.  He went ina run when I got home.  I am excited for Friday.

Love Rachel 


 I am trying to learn to post pictures. I did it all by myself


 Work was good. It is so nice to get back to normal. I came home and we went to Costco. I needed chips for Julie's retirement I also need food for the cook off tomorrow. I told them I couldn't cook so I bought chicken salad sandwiches. I live on the wild side. Tomorrow is my Friday. I am super excited about that. I am going to pick kay and then meet you at the show. I did get three whole boxes.packed. it feels weird in here. I am making some progress. Have a really nice day. Love mom


Today at daycare as I was leaving Luna ran up and gave me a huge hug and blew me a kiss goodbye. I am not sure why but it made me cry she is so grown up and so good to go to daycare every day. I think I'm just a weirdo lol. Work was boring so it was hard to stay focused on anything. After work Jeramy cooked delicious steaks. Then we play outside. I needed to finish weed whacking the front so Jeramy watched Luna and I finished up the front it was sprinkling on and off but I got it all done. I bought a book with Olaf and I pointed and Sayed who it that. And clear as day Luna said "it's Olaf" then she went back to babbling in alien. She is so chatty. 


 Well the week is half over. Yeah! Things are going good here. I really don't have anything exciting to report. I met mom and dad after work and we went to Costco. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye 

Tuesday, May 16, 2023


I was all mixed up on days. I thought today was Wednesday so I missed our garbage day. Oh well. Its going to make the week longer though being a day behind. Luna didn't sleep great and neither did Jenkins so I'm tired. I weed wacked the back yard so that was nice. I love summer and fresh cut grass



 Today was good.  I walked this morning.  That is two days in a row so I am on fire.  Work was good.  I had meetings today and their is a lot to do and it is unclear the best way forward so we are just taking it a day at a time.  After school we met Oliver's friend and his Mom at the park.  The kids had a fun time and she was really nice.  She likes to talk and we had a good time.  After dinner I went to exercise class.  It was upbeat barr and it felt good.  I was thinking on Friday we could be at the expo center at 10.  Is that when the quilt show opens?  Or I could go and pick up Mom.  What do you guys think.

Love Rachel 


 Work was so much better. I even got a little caught up. That felt nice. I came home and vegged. Dad's stomach wasn't feeling great so we went slow. When he took a bath I did pack the drawers on my entertainment center. There was a lot of junk in them. Dad is going  to go through them. Karen is.coming over tomorrow and we are going to Costco. Anyone need anything?  I am so excited to have Friday off. Jeff was telling me where James live and I think he lives in Karen's neighborhood. I will be interested to see if I am right. I think he lives up by the round about. Well that is all my gossip today. Love mom


 My day was good. It was nice being able to park in my garage. I worked on work instructions, so the day went by fast. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye 

Monday, May 15, 2023


 It was payroll Monday so that kept me busy. I got a few things done. I am behind. I am glad caregiver celebration is done. We did go.out to Karen's. She can park in the garage now. I feel better about that one. We came home with boxes. I am going to start packing up. Love mom


 Oliver and Isaac stayed home sick from school.  Oliver's cough is a little better this evening and I think Isaac is ok.  At work the power was.oit this weekend and it messed up the network drive.  It was offline all day.  We get all our instructions and embroidery files on there so it took a while to figure out what to do.  Luckily the digitizers have a copy on their computers so we used that.  A new tester started today and she seems nice.  She just graduated from college and took a lot os sewing classes with another girl that works their.  Isaac fel good enough to go to private lessons then I took him up to the university for practice before the concert.  Casey was able to get the garden all tilled and it looks amazing.  The new Zelda game came today so the boys are staying up a bit to play it.

Love Rachel


I'm glad it's a short week this week. I think we all woke up tired. Jeramy said when he went to pick up Luna she was sleeping on the recliner again. She makes me laugh. She keeps making her arms in a rainbow wave. Like look at all this stuff kinda jester. It's so funny. After work we had dinner then worked outside. They buried a kid pool behind the cherry tree and filled it with sand.. it was run down and our lawn mower gets stuck in the sand. So we moved the sand by our shed and pulled out the swimming pool. We only moved a little dirt. We will finish filling it up with dirt tomorrow. We are old and out of shape. 


 My day was good. I drove to work from my new place for the first time. It wasn't a bad commute. Work was good. Then I met mom an dad for dinner. Then they came and got my garage door opener to work. Then I hung up a couple pictures. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye 

Sunday, May 14, 2023


 I am glad you all had a nice mother's day. I am sorry Oliver is sick. I hope he gets feeling better. We had a nice weekend. We stayed at Karen's house and it is looking so nice. It is a beautiful home. It is nice to have pictures up. I went in the shed and there was a mouse/vole so we went to lowes and i  got moth balls for the sheds. They are suppose to hate those. I opened them in the house and that was bad. It smelled so bad. It was weird to come home and not have Karen come with us. Rachel they said that most of cache County didn't have power. That was a lot of people. Robin Luna is so cute. They love water. I am excited for the short week. I am taking Friday off for the quilt show. Love mom


Hope you had a good mother's day mom. We didn't have to go to Provo because we did it all yesterday. We just took it easy today. We burned the log again. We finally got it to the point that it would be below ground level. So we put dirt over the top and sprinkled in grass seed. It rained off and on all day so we watched movies and played outside when we could. Jeramy still got really burned on his head. Jenkins soaked up all the sun. He refused to come in most the day


Happy Mother's Day

 I hope everyone had a good Mother's day.  We love you Mom.  I had a great day and the kids were so cute.  They were so excited.  Ruth and Casey got up early and made me breakfast in bed.  Ruth and Oliver made me a card and had bought a fancy card at the bookstore with Mom.  Ruth was so excited about that card she was about to burst.  They also made me a foam flowers thing.  I played the piano in sacrament for the primary.  I didn't mess up and it went really well.  Casey worked for a bit and then he started to till the garden in the rain.  When it stopped raining we all went out and helped.  We went to Randy's for dinner and made a fire.  Oliver had a cough and doesn't feel well so he is probably staying home from school.  Isaac had his last concert tomorrow which will be so good to be done with them. 

Love Rachel


 Well things are going good here. I have internet now so that is nice. Mom and dad went back to the apartment. It is quite without them here. I just took it easy after they left. I hope everyone had a great day and happy mothers day mom. Love you lots.


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...