Monday, May 15, 2023


 Oliver and Isaac stayed home sick from school.  Oliver's cough is a little better this evening and I think Isaac is ok.  At work the power was.oit this weekend and it messed up the network drive.  It was offline all day.  We get all our instructions and embroidery files on there so it took a while to figure out what to do.  Luckily the digitizers have a copy on their computers so we used that.  A new tester started today and she seems nice.  She just graduated from college and took a lot os sewing classes with another girl that works their.  Isaac fel good enough to go to private lessons then I took him up to the university for practice before the concert.  Casey was able to get the garden all tilled and it looks amazing.  The new Zelda game came today so the boys are staying up a bit to play it.

Love Rachel

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