Friday, January 10, 2020

We made it

Well we made it through to Friday.  I am sorry Ruth is not doing well.  Shots will do that to a person.  That is weird they let Oliver join the jump club with his parents knowing.  That kind of is scary.  I am glad you had a good day.  Robin is going to join us for lunch.  I thought if it was too bad of weather we can get fabric next week when I am off on Monday.  Be careful.  Karen came down after work and we went to Costco.  It was nice to walk around.  I got signed up for the quilt class.  There were so many people there.  We were the only ones that had signed up so I felt good about that one.  I went to Smith's afterwards and got treats for tomorrow.  LOVE MOM


Today was good but the kids were crying a lot and fighting.  We went to exercise class this morning.  Oliver got buckled before Ruth and she cried the whole way there.  Oliver wanted to eat at McDonald's and play at their park so we went their for lunch.  While Oliver was at school we went to the fabric store and used my gift card from Christmas.  Ruth was so happy to see some grass we took a picture.  After school we were waiting for Oliver and his friend told me he joined the jump rope club.  So he was in the gym jumping ropes.  Isaac had a play date with his friend so I took them home so they could play.  The jump rope club was a hour long.  I went back and checked on him and then went back to pick him up.  He had fun but was tired.  They have it every Friday and I think we will do it again next week.  Isaac had fun with his friend and he stayed until 5.  After dinner a I had a quick meeting about primary.  Just getting the positions filled.  Casey needed some noise canceling headphones for work so we went to best buy and got him some.  The have the coolest things now,  Jaw bone headphones.  They had sunglasses that played music with vibrations to your bones.  Then Casey showed me the Jaw bone headphones that do the same thing.  It was pretty amazing.  Well we will see you tomorrow.  We will be down at lunch time.  Thanks for signing us up for the class Mom.


Thursday, January 9, 2020


Thanks for the pictures Robin, they are cute.  We were tired this morning and were just lazy.  Everyone had school this afternoon and I helped in Isaac's class.  I checked the kids out of school early and took them to the dentist.  They all did really well and no cavities.  Oliver might need a some orthodontic work done in the next year.  When he starts loosing his top teeth they can expand his mouth so all his new teeth will fit.  They can do it at the dentist so that will be good.  I had tonight and that was fun.  I read the book at Karen's house so I didn't have to stress about finishing anything this week.  Love you guys.  Thanks for taking a sewing class.  I am excited.



Work was busy today, I got a lot of steps in.  I am finishing the day with 10500 steps.  I met up with the Gumm Gang for dinner and that was really fun.  It was nice to visit.  I went to Hobby Lobby and Old Navy.  It was nice to walk around.  Dad has the cold as well and stayed home today and didn't go to dinner.  Robin, I am sorry you have it as well. Having sore teeth doesn't help.  Rachel I hope your kids are walking again and that the dentist went well.  You have had a busy week.  I am going to leave work early tomorrow and go register us for the quilt class.  Karen are you still planning on coming down tomorrow night?  Everyone have a wonderful Friday.  I looked on the sunset and we have gained a whole 30 minutes of light.  That always makes me feel better.  LOVE MOM

picture attempt


Sorry I didn't blog last night I was tired and I feel crappy.i have a cold and my teeth are still sore. Iade it through work only because I know tomorrow is Friday.  Sorry Ruth's knees won't bend. Lol I think shots are hard even as an adult. Me and Jeramy tried out the Hawaiian grill where we had our Groupon fail. It was ok but fun to try it again. 



I had to shovel about an inch of my walks this morning. Then I realized that the trash company sent me the wrong card in the mail. The card they sent said my trash day was Friday but it turns out it is really on Thursday. Oh well at least my trash isn't full. Work was good and it snowed off and on all day. After work I ran to Walmart and got my prescription and went grocery shopping. Good luck signing up for the quilt class tomorrow, mom. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Hump day

We made it through half the week.  I am sorry you had to take 3 kids to the doctors.  That is stressful.  I am sorry Ruth had to have her shots already.  That seems really early to me.  I hope the white noise helps Isaac.  It snowed here all morning but not much stuck.  Dad stayed home and I think he is getting sick.  He doesn't feel very well.  I am glad he stayed home.  Work was work.  Just same old same old.  I am making chili for lunch tomorrow for a farewell.  Hope that tastes good.  I lost all my texts so I don't have the recipe.  I am going off memory :).  Robin, I hope your tooth is doing OK.  I hate the dentist.  I am going to hook up with the Gumm gang tomorrow for dinner at the Valley Fair.  If you want to come Robin feel free we are going to Red Robin.  Have a nice Thursday.  LOVE MOM


My day was good. It snowed off and on here most of the afternoon. Work is still moving along. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye


Today was fun and crazy which is good.  I had a sewing day so this morning I picked up lunchables for the kids lunches and we headed up Smithfield where the sewing day was.  She had some fun toys for the kids and they had a good time.  Oliver didn't want to leave when he had to go to school.  It was fun to talk with everyone and sew for a while.  It was a nice day.  I had to take Oliver to school so I picked up lunch and brought it back.  Afterwards we helped in Oliver's class.  The kids are so crazy, they have so much energy.  It is a madhouse.  After school the kids had wellness checks.  It is so crazy having three kids in a little room for an hour.  It is a lot for my nerves.  Ruthie had to have her kindergarten shots.  She just screamed and screamed when she got them.  Oliver wanted a stuffed animal on the way out and I said no so they were both crying on the way to the car.  We went and got a cookie for a snack at crumble for a prize.  Ruthie thinks she can't bend her knees now and is playing the whole shot thing up.  The doctor suggested white noise to help Isaac sleep so we are trying that tonight.  You can do it on Alexa so that is fun.   It will play all night until you tell it to stop.  I hope that everyone has a good night.  Love you guys.


Tuesday, January 7, 2020


Everyone is back at work and I am getting buried.  I sure enjoyed the quiet over the holidays.  It was so nice.  We went to Walmart after work to get me a charger for my phone so I have two of them.  The phone uses the new C cable so we got one of those and some groceries.  We just vegged the rest of the night.  I am glad tomorrow is hump day.  I am making chili on Thursday for a going away party for two people at work.  I helped train Danie and I really like her.  I am sorry that Isaac is hurting so bad.  I hope he gets stronger sooner.  Robin I am glad you were brave and went to the dentist.  That hurts so much.  Get some rest.  LOVE MOM


Today was good.  i walked this morning and finished my audio book.  Isaac's feet and ankles really hurt this morning and he almost didn't go to school.  I gave him some medicine and he started to feel better and made it.  Oliver wanted to make crackers this morning so we did it.  It was fun and they turned out really good.  Ruthie wore her pj's to school and they talked about night time.  She was so excited and had such a fun time.  After school Isaac had a physical therapy.  They gave him some new exercises and we ordered some braces for the evenings.  After dinner we were all tired and just watched a show.  Love you guys and I hope that you have a good day tomorrow.



Work has been really busy and I'm ready for it to be slow and steady. I went to the dentist today and my face is numb. I'm a big baby I hate the drill bits. bit it's over and I survived. 


My day was full of meetings. I was in meetings from 830 to 11 and then from 130 to 3. So my day dragged a bit. Other than that things are going good here. I hope everyone had a great Tuesday. Bye

Monday, January 6, 2020


It was a good Monday for me.  I was able to link my headset with my phone and I downloaded pandora and I listened to music all day.  I was worried I wouldn't be able to do that.  I was worried to bring my phone to work because my case doesn't come until tomorrow but I was just really careful with it.  It made the day fun.  Robin good luck with the dentist.  I hate the dentist.  I hope all goes well.  Let me know if you need anything.  I am not far.  Rachel, I am sorry that Isaac's feet are hurting.  I feel bad.  Poor kid.  Karen it feels strange when everything calms down.  You get keep waiting for the storm to hit.  It will again.  Everyone have a great Tuesday.  It is suppose to be nice and sunny and warmer.  Love you all MOM


Today was good, we were back to a normal schedule.  I walked and went to exercise class and I am hurting now.  Everyone had school this afternoon and I sewed which was nice.  We walked to get the boys from school and it was a pretty day.  Isaac's feet are hurting him still.  We are going to the physical therapist tomorrow and maybe he will know some tricks to help.  Thanks for all the food again Mom.  It is all tasting really good.  We are spoiled.  Ruth was putting makeup all over the chairs and floor so I put it my room so she can use it with supervision.  The beads you got are a hit Robin.  The kids love them and have played with them all day.



Sorry I tried to post pictures 4 times but my internet is lame and keeps glitching I will try later. Today was ok for a monday. Tomorrow I have a dentist appointment that will be not looking forward to it. We started our process to get a house. We are working on gathering all the documents they need now. Jenkins isn't very patient and keeps walking over my laptop and barking. He wants attention. 



I made it thru Monday. It was cold. Work was good. It is a  lot calmer now that the end of year is over. I hope everyone had a great Monday. Bye

Sunday, January 5, 2020

What a fun weekend

We sure had a fun time at the birthday party.  It was so much fun to hang out and play games.  I really had a good time.  Ruth was so cute.  Thanks for posting all the pictures.  I loved looking at them.  I can't believe she is 4.  I got a new Moto phone and it is so nice.  The screen is so much bigger and brighter.  I am spoiled.  It will be nice to have a new phone.  I got a case ordered tonight so it will be here on Tuesday.  Makes me a little nervous not to have it in a case.  This is going to be a long week.  I haven't worked a whole in a long time.  I might take 1/2 day off on Friday and go register for that quilt class.  That is just an excuse to take the time off.  Everyone have a great week.  LOVE MOM


My day was good. Me, mom, and dad went to Park City for lunch. Then we went to best buy and got mom a new phone. I left mom and dad at best buy because they were slow transfering stuff from the old to the new phone. So I came home and took a nap. I hope everyone had a great day.  Bye


Thanks for making Ruth's birthday so wonderful.  You guys made it a special day, thank you.  Sorry I didn't blog Friday, I am not sure what happened.   Today was good.  We don't have church until 1 now so we were just lazy this morning.  I sewed a bit.  Casey came with us and Oliver fell asleep in sacrament meeting so Casey took him home.  Today we switched everyone to new classes and everything went ok I think.  I have to speak in sacrament meeting on Jan 26, not super excited about that.  We went on a walk this afternoon which was nice.  It was good to get out of the house.  Isaac didn't want to go so he didn't show his face in the picture.  The salmon tasted really good for dinner, thank you Mom.  Good luck with work tomorrow, it is back to real life.  Good job getting a new phone Mom.  You needed it.



 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...