Saturday, September 8, 2018


My day was good as well. I slept in. Then I cleaned my guns. I also watched Avengers. Then I cooked dinner. After dinner I started watching tutorials for the insulin pump. They are kind of boring but I got thru half of them. I will finish the rest tomorrow. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

nice day

We had a really nice day. Bryce Canyon is beautiful. We hike the rim walk and it was a very nice walk around. I hope every one had a nice Saturday. We are going to hike in the morning and then Come home. We ate at the big fish tonight. They had really good hamburgers. Love you guys mom

Friday, September 7, 2018

So glad it if Friday

I am so glad it is Friday.  I am excited to go see Bryce Canyon.  Not much else going on with us.  Everyone have a really nice weekend.  Poor Ruth this has been a big week for her.  All of the sudden she is the only one home.  It will take her awhile to get use to that.  I am glad I finished up the 2nd part of my class.  Two more times to go.  LOVE YA MOM


We finally made it to Friday. I'm glad everyone had a good friday. Good luck one your trip mom and dad. I'm going to sleep and sew this weekend so I am excited :)



My day was good. I slept in. Then I went and got a new filter for the hepa in my bedroom. Then I went and washed my car and went grocery shopping.  Then I came home and took a nap. It was nice. I hope you and dad have a fun time on your trip tomorrow and happy anniversary tomorrow also. Love you all. Bye


Have a fun weekend Mom and Dad.  I am excited for you.  I hope that you had a fun day off Karen, that is awesome.  Today was good.  I worked out this morning.  The little kids were tired but they made it.  We ate lunch with Isaac at school and then stayed for recess.  It is fun to go and see all the kids.  We went to Lees and then Ruthie lost it so we just had some resting time.  We picked up Isaac and went to the library which was fun.  We got some new books to read.    I made tomato soup for dinner and it tasted good and no one ate it.  The kids are sleeping in a tent in the backyard tonight and they are super happy.  Everyone have a fun weekend.


Thursday, September 6, 2018


That is awesome Karen, enjoy your day off.  I am excited for your vacation Mom, good job.  Sorry I am late blogging, I had book group and it went late.  It was fun and it is good to laugh and talk with everyone.  This morning Oliver had school and me and Ruthie ran errands.  It was fun going with her, she is pretty easy going.  I picked Oliver up and then we picked Casey up and went to lunch which was fun.  Oliver picked McDonald's.  When we got home we read books and then played play dough for a long time which was fun.  We had to picked up Isaac so we left it out and played more when we got home.  Imogene came over and played until dinner.  I talked with her and she did better.  I cut the boys hair also, it was getting kind of long and it looks nicer now.  Then I went to book group after dinner.  It was a good day.  Everyone enjoy your Friday, Love you.



That is awesome you get tomorrow off Karen. That is a great start to the weekend. Work was work. Then I met up with mom and dad with the gumm gang. I am excited to be so close to the weekend I'm ready for some r and r. Have a good one



I am so jealous Karen that you get the day off.  Sleeping in sounds like heaven.  Only one more day of class for this month.  I have two more months to get prepared for my presentation.  I need to get booking.  I do enjoy the classes.  I felt a lot better today and it helped me.  We booked our hotel room for Saturday night in Panquitch.  I am pretty excited about that one.  I hope it turns out good.  We met up with Kay and Jeff.  Julie was stressed and didn't come.  Robin came also and that is always fun.  We went to Walmart afterwards to get treats for the trip.  Everyone enjoy Friday.  LOVE MOM


Today at work I got an email. They are having to turn off the power to the building for construction stuff so everyone got tomorrow off with pay. So bonus day off, yeah! Other than that it was just the usual here. Work is still busy. I hope everyone has a great Friday tomorrow. I am going to sleep in. Bye

Wednesday, September 5, 2018


Today was alright. It was super busy. I went to my apt place and handed in my application. I have to go through the approval process before they will hold a place. Then it was national cheese pizza day so my work bought us pizza. It tasted really good. I can go to dinner tomorrow mom. I'm glad this week is almost over. I'm ready for the weekend.


I was tired today but I enjoyed my class and it was nice to learn new things.  I am hoping tomorrow goes well also.  I forgot to do my excel assignment but it wouldn't work here so I am hoping when I get there I can get it done or at least some of it.  I am glad your pump is coming along.  That is good news.  Not much else going on with us.  We did book a hotel for Saturday in Panguich.  I hope that it is good.  Robin, Kay wants to meet at Applebee's tomorrow night for dinner by your house.  Do you want to come with us?  Around 6.  Have a nice Thursday.  LOVE MOM


I am excited for your pump Karen, good job.  That will be so nice to have.  Today was good.  I worked out this morning and then Oliver had school.  He had a fun time and he made a super kid cape which was really cute.  I cleaned in the afternoon.  I am trying to deep clean once a week and I think it is helping.  After Isaac came home the boys played in the sprinklers.  The little kids both fell asleep while I was cooking dinner so it was an early night for them.  They need the sleep.  Casey had scouts so he was later coming home.  He fixed everyone flat tires and then Casey and Isaac went and pulled out all the thorn plants.  Love you guys and have a great night.



My day was good. I got my second monitor for my computer back. It is nice having 2 screens again. I also got a call from the insulin pump place. My pump should get on order early next week. So yeah on that. I hope everyone had a great day. Here are my pictures. Bye

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Love it

Thanks for posting all those pictures.  I just love looking at them.  I sure had a nice weekend.  Thanks so much you guys are the best.  Robin you didn't mention what movie you saw.  I was curious what he said about your blisters.  I worked 10 hours today and tomorrow is my class.  It is a crazy week.  I am glad tomorrow is Wednesday.  Rachel those school pictures are the best.  Have a good hump day.  Dad said the air conditioning is working great.  Tell Casey Thanks!


Millions of Pictures

Oliver had a great first day of school.  He was really happy and had a fun time.  He wanted to ride bikes their so we did it and he did great.  While he was gone we went to  the bank and to Lee's.  I had a flat tire before we picked him up so I blew it up and it was flat again when we came home.  We have had so many flats we were out of patch kits so we had to go and get one of those.  Then the bank called me and needed me to sign papers for the house insurance so we ran and did that.  Imogen came over and played till dinner.  I have a rule no potty words and she keeps pushing it.  She was whispering them to Isaac on the way to her house and it made me so mad.  She can't come over until she cleans it up so Isaac was upset but he calmed down.  We rode bikes to visit Leona and she is doing good.  Kay and Jerry came and visited her.  I have a million pictures, sorry about that.  Love you guys and it was so fun to spend the weekend with you.  We are missing you.



 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...