Thursday, September 6, 2018


That is awesome Karen, enjoy your day off.  I am excited for your vacation Mom, good job.  Sorry I am late blogging, I had book group and it went late.  It was fun and it is good to laugh and talk with everyone.  This morning Oliver had school and me and Ruthie ran errands.  It was fun going with her, she is pretty easy going.  I picked Oliver up and then we picked Casey up and went to lunch which was fun.  Oliver picked McDonald's.  When we got home we read books and then played play dough for a long time which was fun.  We had to picked up Isaac so we left it out and played more when we got home.  Imogene came over and played until dinner.  I talked with her and she did better.  I cut the boys hair also, it was getting kind of long and it looks nicer now.  Then I went to book group after dinner.  It was a good day.  Everyone enjoy your Friday, Love you.


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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...