Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Millions of Pictures

Oliver had a great first day of school.  He was really happy and had a fun time.  He wanted to ride bikes their so we did it and he did great.  While he was gone we went to  the bank and to Lee's.  I had a flat tire before we picked him up so I blew it up and it was flat again when we came home.  We have had so many flats we were out of patch kits so we had to go and get one of those.  Then the bank called me and needed me to sign papers for the house insurance so we ran and did that.  Imogen came over and played till dinner.  I have a rule no potty words and she keeps pushing it.  She was whispering them to Isaac on the way to her house and it made me so mad.  She can't come over until she cleans it up so Isaac was upset but he calmed down.  We rode bikes to visit Leona and she is doing good.  Kay and Jerry came and visited her.  I have a million pictures, sorry about that.  Love you guys and it was so fun to spend the weekend with you.  We are missing you.


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