Wednesday, April 4, 2018


That is crazy Rachel you guys are destructo you took alot of the deck down. I can come and help. My car started to make the rattle noise again and it was pretty loud I went to pep boys to see if they could look at it but they were busy so I might go down sunday and see if they can figure out what is going on. A girl at work saw my wallet and wanted one. So I told her I would make her one. So I thought I would work on it tonight. It turned out cute. I'm just waiting for the hardware and then it's done. I'm so happy tomorrow is my Friday Wahoo.



Rachel, I am impressed on how much you got done.  That is a lot of work.  Man the wood looks so rotted.  I am so excited that tomorrow is my Friday.  It looks like Friday is going to be OK.  All weather stations are backing down on rain.  I did buy some treats for us to take with us so I think we are ready to go.  I did buy a new crock pot tonight.  I was really missing mine.  I didn't realize I used it so much but I cook in it a lot.  It will be nice to have a new one.  Drive safe tomorrow Rachel.  LOVE MOM


I am sorry about your tooth Karen, that sucks and is so unprofessional.  The kids didn't sleep last night so that was fun.  It was cloudy and my phone said it was going to rain so I was dragging my feet on baby animal days.  We just watched a movie this morning and then after lunch we went outside and were playing.  Me and Casey were talking about what to work on next at lunch, we decided to start on the deck.  So I thought I would start working on the the non structural parts of it.  The deck was so rotten it was just falling apart.  We did take a break and ride out bikes to Isaac's school and play for a while.  When Casey came home we took a good part of the deck down.  We are going to get a dumpster one weekend for all the debris.  It was fun to tear apart the deck but it is going to be a lot of work to clean everything up that was under it.  We are excited to come down tomorrow.  I am going to stop at the airplane museum on the way down.  Hopefully get through Ogden before the bad traffic starts.



Just one more work day until we get to play. I am excited to have a day off. My day went good. I am keeping busy, so that makes the day go by fast. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

No tooth

Well the tooth wouldn't screw in, so they took another mold of my mounth and sent it all back to the lab. Hopefully it won't take too long to get it back. Other that things are good here. My water is back to being clear so that is nice.  Thsnks for getting the taxes. I sm excited to play on Friday. Bye


Thanks again mom and dad for having our taxes done. Nothing to crazy with me it's just same ole. I'm ready for a long weekend. I'm sorry to hear about your tooth Karen. I think you should buy a jeep to make you feel better. Ha ha ha just kidding.



I am sorry you are having so many problems Karen, I am glad that you have everything worked out.  Today was nice and it was good to go slow.  I love not having school.  The kids slept in this morning which was nice and then we went slow and played outside a bit but it was cold.  After lunch we went to the bounce and slide, we stayed for two hours.  The kids were so cute with each other, Oliver and Isaac stuck together and went on all the slides together.  It was so so cute.  Isaac wanted hot dogs so we stopped at Lee's on the way home and bought them.  Imogene and Neve came over for a little bit while I was cooking dinner.  Casey and the boys made bread which was really good and they had a fun time.  It is nice to have some time off.  Love you guys.


Nice day

Today was a good day.  Nothing special just more of a normal day.  We did go to lunch with Vickie the person that was Zero Harm at Primaries and left.  She is getting laid off so she wanted to go to lunch one more time.  I had to take minutes in a meeting this afternoon.  We just came home and hung out after work.  Dad did pick up taxes so that was fun.  Karen, I am sorry your tooth didn't work.  It better work next time.  That is such a long time to wait.  KSL said we are going to have Friday late afternoon and says we are having rain early Friday and the rest of the day will be cloudy.  So you can choose which report you like the best  :) Everyone have a good hump day.  This week is going by fast.  LOVE MOM

Monday, April 2, 2018


My day was good. Work is still moving along. I get my tooth tomorrow. I am excited to get the hole filled in. My hot water was yellow when i got home. I figured out that it was because I wasn't bypassing the water softener.  So I bypassed it again and then ran the hot water out. So it will fill in clear. I hope everyone has a great day tomorrow bye

Love it

I love all the pictures.  They are so much fun to look at.  We did have a fun weekend.  I am hoping for another one this weekend.  Work was good.  I think it is settling down a little bit because I am getting some work done and that feels nice.  It rained here but it was after work.  We did go to Winco to get half off candy,  I am on the hunt for cheap candy for the easter egg hunt on Saturday.  I forgot we had to go to that.  Well everyone have a great Tuesday.  Remember that is our hump day because we get Friday off.  Love you guys  MOM


Today was slow i think it was a fun weekend and working just didn't compete. Your pictures are cute rachel. For work I was in charge of the lunch bunch. I made peppercini steaks I think everyone liked them. I don't know if I blogged it but I broke down and finally bought the photography lessons. I've watched 3 chapters it's fun im.glad I did it. I also got my new mattress pad so I'm hoping for a good night sleep. :) have a good Tuesday



Thank you guys so much for the fun weekend, you guys are the best.  Cute pictures Robin, you always do such a good job.  I have a million also I have in this post.  Today was cold and raining.  I babysat 5 more kids this morning for a total of 8 kids.  It wasn't too bad, they were really good and calm.  I think that everyone had a fun time.  We ended up getting a pizza for lunch since no one liked what I made and that turned out to be fun.  Ruthie took a nap and the boys were tired so we just had some quiet time.  Casey rode his bike to work so we went and picked him up since it was raining.  After dinner we went and visited Leona, she is doing good.  She has a hard time hearing me but liked watching the kids.  We took them to the jump zone to burn off energy after the visit.  Leona was going to go but it was too cold so she stayed.  The kids had a lot of fun and were really cute.  I hope that everyone had a good day, love you guys.



 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...