Wednesday, April 4, 2018


I am sorry about your tooth Karen, that sucks and is so unprofessional.  The kids didn't sleep last night so that was fun.  It was cloudy and my phone said it was going to rain so I was dragging my feet on baby animal days.  We just watched a movie this morning and then after lunch we went outside and were playing.  Me and Casey were talking about what to work on next at lunch, we decided to start on the deck.  So I thought I would start working on the the non structural parts of it.  The deck was so rotten it was just falling apart.  We did take a break and ride out bikes to Isaac's school and play for a while.  When Casey came home we took a good part of the deck down.  We are going to get a dumpster one weekend for all the debris.  It was fun to tear apart the deck but it is going to be a lot of work to clean everything up that was under it.  We are excited to come down tomorrow.  I am going to stop at the airplane museum on the way down.  Hopefully get through Ogden before the bad traffic starts.


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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...