Friday, July 20, 2012

Yeah for friday

I finally got my hair cut.  YEAH.  It feels so nice.  She did a good job.  I like it. Dad got his haircut also.  We went to Panda for dinner and I thought it would be nice to see if Carters had PJ's for Isaac and they were have a big sale.  I got some cute stuff.  I hope they fit him.  Dad had to go to work tonight.  Not much else to report.  The shirts look really cool Karen.  I am excited to go.  LOVE MOM

Finally Friday

Yeah it's Friday. I was tired today. I made hamburgers last night at the rodeo. There was 2 of us cooking hamburgers and we figured we cook 1200 hamburgers in the 5 hours we were there. My arm got really tired flipping burgers. It made me grateful that I didn't work in fast food. Work was good. Here are pictures of what the free t-shirts they gave us to wear to the derby. You all are getting one so I thought I would show you what they look like. I am excited for tomorrow. BYE

Thursday, July 19, 2012


today was good. My work took us out for waffles in the morning they were tasty. then I worked. tomorrow I have lagoon. ugh i guess its money :) I am excited for the 24th although it might rain. maybe fun park if its nasty out. well I am going to head for bed I have to wake up early for work. robin


I had a good day.  Work was quiet and that was good.  I have a lot to do.  I need a couple of quiet days.  I did laundry tonight and ironed.  It was nice to get that job done.  Not much else going on with me.  I am excited for this weekend.  I haven't seen a demonlition derby in a long time.  We are going to have fun.  Have a nice Friday.  Karen I hope your Rodeo volunteering went well.  LOVE MOM

Good Boy

I went visiting teaching this morning for three hours and Isaac did such a good job.  He was really busy but he did really good, I was proud of him.  At one of the houses a little boy handed him a car and he did the thank you sign all by himself.  He also signed thank you to a cashier at the store when she handed him his car.  That was pretty much the highlight of my day.  I worked on the kite quilt some more during Isaac's nap and we did a lot of weeding.  The yard is looking better.  I am excited for this weekend and all the cars.  I am excited for the 24th also.  It is almost here.


Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Cute pictures

Thanks for posting the pictures.  Karen that should give you enough to let work know how much fun we had.  Not much going on with me.  I feel asleep and have just woken up enough to write on the blog and then am going back.  I was tired.  Have a great time serving at the Rodeo Karen.  I hope you have a good time.  I am glad you finished your quilt Rachel.  It was pretty.  I am glad you like it.  Have a great day.  LOVE MOM


I'm glad your birthday was good rachel. sorry I had to miss out. Today was good. just worked and gym. I got my rug today I was way excited :) i like it. tomorrow my work is taking us out for belgium waffles. it should be fun, I like waffles. this friday is pay day, so excited. well I am going to go chill for the rest of the night robin

Birthday Pictures

Today was good.  I meet with Jenn and sewed today.  I am almost done with my kite quilt.  It is turning out really well.  Hers is really bright and springy and mine is more like a cloudy day.  I like it though.  Isaac took a short nap, I think the door woke him up, but he was really good to play while we sewed.  We went to Merrill Olsen park and walked around there and it was really nice.  The canal goes through there and we put our feet in it. Well here are some pictures from yesterday, thank you again everyone for all the nice presents and the fun Birthday.


Fun times

Well I had a fun time at your birthday celebration Rachel. I bet Isaac slept good last night. I know I did. Work was good but it seemed like Monday again. Well I hope that everyone had a great Wednesday.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Home again Home again

WE all made it home safe and sound.  Thanks for the fun birthday Rachel.  Tony's grove was really beautiful.  It was nice to go up into the mountains.  Thanks for driving me up Karen,  It was so much fun.  I could do that every day.  Not much to report.  The investors went well.  Not much else going on.  No news that I have heard of.  I will keep everyone posted.  I am off to bed.  LOVE MOM

Monday, July 16, 2012

Happy Happy Happy Happy Happy Birthday

I am excited to come up for your birthday.  YEAH.  I will bring the present for Rachel.  That will be fun.  I am working until around 1030 and then will meet Karen at the apartment and off we go.  Lunch is a maybe but we will get up there as soon as we can.  I just love that clock Robin.  That is way cool.  I feel asleep on the chair and hopefully will be able to sleep tonight.  I have been having such trouble sleeping.  Have a great day.  LOVE MOM

pre birthday!

happy almost birthday rachel! mom will bring up my present for me so you can at least get a present from me :) sorry I have to work. but life is good Sunday we did the shoot for the haunted house so that overload stress is over. I am still wishy washy on doing frightmares. I just don't know if both my schedules will line up nicely?? we will see what we can come up with.... anywho I think I forgot to blog that I got a new clock I really like it I posted a photo from online and also I got a rug that should be here tomorrow. I am trying to buy stuff I want for my apartment before I am broke... :) anyway have a good night robin

Birthday Eve

Thanks Karen and Mom for coming up for my birthday, it will be a lot of fun.  Next week is the 24th and we can do something fun then Robin.  Today went really fast.  Isaac slept in so that meant I did also.  We just hung around the backyard.  I am excited for tomorrow.  I think that we will have a lot of fun, thanks.



Well I made it thru Monday. I had good timing after work. I just walked in the door and it started raining. Well i am excited to come up to Logan for Rachel's birthday tomorrow (Happy almost Birthday Rachel). Well I made a dentist appointment for 7 tomorrow morning to fix a filling that had fallen out so other than that it should be a fun day. I hope that everyone had a great Monday. BYE

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Nice day

Your weeded beds look really nice Rachel.  It is getting to be harvest time.  All the hard work is coming to a head with all the good stuff to eat.  I had a nice day today.  We went to church and that was nice.  I remember it was a year ago right in Sunday school and it made me cry.  It seems like forever ago.  We went out to see Grandma Bodily and she was already for us to take her to lunch.  So we took her to the spagetti factory and walked about Sam Weller book store.  It was a nice time.  We had just had lunch so we weren't very hungry but it was nice to get her out of the house.  She was so happy.  I made split pea soup and it turned out pretty good.  I took some of it for her to have during the week.  I am glad that Issac is liking nursery.  He is so cute. We came home and I fell asleep.  I was really tired.  I even had a coke for lunch and I feel asleep.  Have a great Monday.  LOVE MOM


Sorry I didn't blog yesterday.  My day was blah and I didn't have anything exciting.  I picked up the pictures of Isaac and they are super cute, I will give everyone some when I see you.  I also had some khols cash so I bought some picture frames with it.  I started Karen's Pillows so that is exciting.  They are going to be soft.  Today we walked in the morning and went to nursery in the afternoon.  Isaac did so good and was so cute.  He sat on his chair through all of singing time and the lesson.  He played and wandered around, he was so happy when we got home.  I have been practicing the songs they sing at home with him.  When they started to sing what he knew his face just lite up, it was so cute.  He even did the actions to some of the songs.  Casey made it home safe and I made a roast for dinner.  We spent the evening outside weeding and picking raspberries, there are a lot of them.  I have attached pictures of the weeded beds.  Thanks Mom for the shirt it is really cute.  I am excited to wear it.  Also Grandma died a year ago today, I can't believe it has been that long.



 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...