Friday, January 11, 2019


Thanks for having us tomorrow.  We will be their at lunch time.  We could even meet at Robins house if we wanted to go to Leatherby's.  Today was good.  I worked out this morning and we didn't have to leave early for Oliver's school so it was fun to stay and talk.  Ruthie had to poop said but she just sat on the toilet forever.  After school we went to the Hobby Lobby and got stuff for Isaac's derby car so we are ready to go.  I finished the center of my quilt so I attached a picture of my progress.  The blocks get bigger the further you get out.  It is a fun quilt.  Love you guys.


Safe and sound in kamas

I got to leave early because I was
Over my time. We made it to kamas safe and sound. Karen’s
Party was fun. She got a
Back pack with a magic bullet in it. Everyone drive safe tomorrow. It is so foggy. Love ya mom


Today was good because it was Friday. I'm so glad its the weekend. I ordered pizza tonight because I was lazy and didn't want to go grocery shopping. See you all tomorrow


Thursday, January 10, 2019


I am glad that tomorrow is Friday. Work was busy for me as well. I got invited to a meeting that ended up being 3 hours long. So I didn't get as much done in the afternoon as i thought i would. Oh well there is always tomorrow. Thanks again mom and dad for coming up tomorrow. I hope everyone has a great Friday tomorrow .Bye

Big Busy Day AGAIN

Today started out really nice and then BAM someone wanted to do a mail merge and that took all day.  It was crazy.  I You tubed it and figured it out but the stickers wouldn't line up.  It was weird.  We met up with the Gumm Gang for dinner and we got there early so we went to all a dollar and Kay and Julie were there.  It was funny.  We walked around Shop Ko after wards but everything was so expensive.  There were no deals.  I am so glad tomorrow is Friday.  I am over my hours so I get to leave early.  We are going to go to Kamas and I am going to go with Karen for a appreciation dinner.  Thanks for inviting me.  Robin, I am sorry your work was crazy as well.  I am glad that Jenkins was brave.  It is good to walk around. I am glad you walk to get Isaac.  I am so glad that Ruth is doing good.  That has to be strange not to change a diaper.  Karen, I hope you day went well.  LOVE MOM


Ruthie is still doing good at potty training but it kind of tired of me telling her to go potty.  Oliver had school and we ran some errands while he was gone.  We made some star wands with glitter but the had to dry so they were able to play with them after dinner and loved them.  We walked to get Isaac and Roxanna walked with us.  She kept saying it would be better if we drove her home since it is so cold but I like to walk so we are going to keep doing it.  Casey worked late and then he helped Isaac with his derby car.  They are having a derby race next week.  I am excited for Isaac to do it and they were having fun thinking of deigns.  We got everyone to bed on time tonight which was fun.  Love you guys and I hope that you have a good Friday.



Today was busy at work. I figured just keep.your head above water lol. I came home late but Jenkins made it alive although he acted like he was going to burst. I cooked a steak and it tasted good. I. So glad tomorrow is friday. I'm ready for this week to be over.


Wednesday, January 9, 2019


Good job Karen.  That is Isaac's favorite song and he beat me on that one so you might have some competition.  I hope I don't anything but Ruthie is the easiest person in the world to potty train.  It is amazing.  I worked out this morning.  I took Ruthie to the bathroom half way through just in case and that worked well.  Oliver had fun at school.  I had quilt group and that was fun.  We are doing a quilt retreat next month because Sylvia's husband is sick and they made it sound like he is dying.  We walked to picked up Isaac and the kids loved playing in the snow.  It was a nice walk.  Casey worked late we went and got some ice cream after we Skyped with Mom and Dad.  Isaac wrote his friend at school a note and said that he wanted to be his friend.  Collin wrote him back and everything is great which is good.  Casey went to lunch with him which was really sweet of him.  Love you guys.


Isaac has been laying in bed and we read together.  It has been nice.

Smart Dog

Robin that made me laugh about Jenkins moving the yarn  That is so funny.  He knows what he wants that is for sure.  Karen way to go on Dance 2019.  You are going to make us eat your dust.  My day was better than yesterday.  I worked really hard and it was nice to get work done.  We came home and Isaac skyped us on he tablet.  That was a lot of fun.  Rachel, I am glad that Ruth is doing good on potty training.  Robin, I am meeting the gumm gang tomorrow night at Applebees by Joanns if you want to come we are meeting at 5:45.  Friday, I am going to hook up with Karen for her appreciation dinner.  Two nights without cooking.  That makes my day.  I am excited to make binkie animals on Saturday.  I was thinking of Leatherby's for lunch.  Does that sound good?  LOVE MOM


Congrats Karen that is awesome on the megastar. Now I'm never going to win lol today was good. We played telestrations for a bit for our month activity. It was fun. I came home and embroidered my last towel for a girl at work. While my machine was going I decided to tie the quilt I made forever ago. Jenkins kept sitting in the spot I was working on. I got pretty far then Jenkins stole my yarn and moved it to the other side of my quilt. So I moved it back by me and he did it again. I finally got the hint ha ha my embroidery was done by that time so I took him on a walk to burn of some quilting energy.



I got a megastar on ghost in the keys. So yeah me, it was fun. My day was good. Work is still moving along. I am making some progress so that is good. I am glad that the week is half over. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Big Busy Day

Work was really busy today.  Joint Commission a regulatory agency is here for the next week to make sure we are a good hospital.  It is a huge deal and I think I got my 10,000 steps in today.  I did stay late as well and then had to stopped at Maverick to get some gas cards.  It was a long day and I think it might turn into a long week.  I am falling behind in my work.  I am not keeping up.  I keep hoping they get help soon.  Well enough of my gripping.  It was so pretty out this morning.  There was this low laying fog around and it reminded me of Robin.  All it needed was some zombies.  I am glad everyone had a good day.  I am glad that tomorrow is hump day.  At least I get to leave work early on Friday  :) I am excited for binkie stuff animal day.  LOVE MOM


Isaac's stomach was hurting this morning and he wanted to stay home so I let him.  It was good to have him home.  I started potty training Ruth today and it went surprisingly well.  I just set an alarm on my phone and it went off every half an hour and then I took her to the potty.  She didn't pee in her underwear at all.  She popped a bit but did most of it in the potty which I thought was good.  I think tomorrow I will move the time to 45 minutes and see how that goes.  We picked up Oliver from school and then pocked up Casey and went to lunch and that was fun.  This afternoon we made all the things from Isaac's spa kit he got from Christmas.  It was fun and everything turned out really well.  It had lotion, salt scrub, perfume and bath bombs.  It was a really nice kit.  Casey worked late so we just had a quiet evening.  Isaac is having troubles with his friend Collin so we talked about that and it was good to make a plan so he wasn't stressed about it.  It was a good day and it was nice that potty training went so well. 




My day was good as well. I had engineering meeting this morning and then in the afternoon I got caught up on stuff discussed in the meeting . After work I went to Walmart and picked up my prescription and went grocery shopping . Robin those jokes are awesome. Have a great Wednesday tomorrow everyone .Bye

Over it

I had the hardest time waking up this morning. But I finally got the motivation to get to work. Work went well but it was busy. I came home and I was over the pee pad coverage. He wasn't peeing on them so I cleaned them up and it feels a lot nicer in my place. Jenkins kept digging into my blankets and snuggling in so I didn't get much done tonight. Which I was ok with. Hope everyone had a good day


Monday, January 7, 2019


I am glad that Dad is liking the book, I thought it was so funny.  We got some snow here also but not as much as yesterday.  It was really cold and windy this morning.  I worked out this morning and Oliver had school.  At soccer field he was playing with his friend clear on the other side of the field in a net and it took forever to get him so we were late for school.  We ran some errands this afternoon which was nice to get done.  After Isaac came home he danced for an hour and then all the kids played their tablets and I cut some fabric.  It was probably bad but it felt so nice to have some down time.  Everyone was really happy today and we had a nice day.  I didn't take any pictures today though.  I hope everyone has a good night, love you guys.



I had a hard time sleeping last night but today was good.  I felt better than I have felt in a while and got some work done.  It felt nice.  I came home and fell asleep.  It really snowed here today.  I love having my window back. I didn't realize how much I love looking outside.  Not much else to report from our end.  Dad started reading that book that Rachel got him and he was laughing so hard.  We are all going to have read it.  LOVE MOM


Well i had to shovel this morning about 2 inches. It was cold but i was tough and did it. Work was good. Nothing to wild and crazy. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye


Today was good for a Monday. We had our new girl.start so that was nice. I came home and just relaxed. A girl at work wanted elephant towels so I started embroidery them tonight. I think I'm only.going to finish one and do the other one later....just because I can :)


Sunday, January 6, 2019


Today was relaxing. I didn't do much I was in a lazy mood. I did wash every that Jenkins barfed on this weekend and I did dishes. I think I took too many naps I might not be sleep tonight but that is ok . It felt good to sleep. Thanks for a fun couple of days. Good luck this week


Love it

I love all the pictures.  They all turned out really nice.  What a fun weekend.  We got some snow as well.  We decided to take the heart monitor back in the blizzard.  Later it was sunny and nice so we went and bought come Cokes for my work.  I was out.  It was a quiet day here.  I did work on my bead picture a little bit and it is starting to look like a picture.  Be careful in the morning it is suppose to be nasty again.  It is going to be a long week.  The first full week in a long time for me.  It might be a long week.  LOVE MOM


I got a bit of snow also. It was about 3 inches. My snow blower made it easier to get rid of though. I had a quiet day. I love naps. I hope everyone has a great week .Bye

Pictures galore

Thank you guys so much for the perfect day yesterday.  You are the best.  Cosmo is a really neat little robot and Isaac loves it so much.  Two hour church is amazing and I love it so much.  It is so much easier.  We got a ton of snow this morning and then it was sunny and nice this afternoon.  When Casey got back from work we made a snowman.  Here are a million pictures from the weekend.  Thanks again.



 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...