Wednesday, January 9, 2019


Good job Karen.  That is Isaac's favorite song and he beat me on that one so you might have some competition.  I hope I don't anything but Ruthie is the easiest person in the world to potty train.  It is amazing.  I worked out this morning.  I took Ruthie to the bathroom half way through just in case and that worked well.  Oliver had fun at school.  I had quilt group and that was fun.  We are doing a quilt retreat next month because Sylvia's husband is sick and they made it sound like he is dying.  We walked to picked up Isaac and the kids loved playing in the snow.  It was a nice walk.  Casey worked late we went and got some ice cream after we Skyped with Mom and Dad.  Isaac wrote his friend at school a note and said that he wanted to be his friend.  Collin wrote him back and everything is great which is good.  Casey went to lunch with him which was really sweet of him.  Love you guys.


Isaac has been laying in bed and we read together.  It has been nice.

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