Friday, December 20, 2019


Yeah it's the weekend. I helped out in shipping again today so it went by fast. There were a ton of pumps together boxed up. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Let the fun begin

Rachel and the kids made it down safe and sound.  We went to Paradise Buffet for dinner and then took the train to the planetarium.  We watched the U2 laser show.  It was a lot of fun.  We had some tired kids on the way home.  Robin, get the car taken care of.  We are so flexible.  I will text you when we decide what we are doing tomorrow.  Karen is planning on coming down around lunch.  LOVE MOM

Thursday, December 19, 2019


So might have a wrench in the plans. Jeramys breaks are.going bad. He has a hook up in Lehi. So we were thinking Sunday afternoon we can go down to Lehi and get his breaks fixed. His best friend little girl is singing at church and wanted us to go. So we thought we would drop the car off go to church pick up the car and then head up. But we should be done by dinner. :)Jeramy took today off work and cleaned and did laundry. It was really sweet.then we went to Smith and Edwards to get more Paracord for bracelets. I decided to take Friday off so tomorrow we are checking jeramys eyes and hanging out. 


I am ready

I am so excited for the fun to begin.  I am ready.  I have a turkey cooking in my oven as we speak.  I was going to use it for sandwiches and also make stuffing for the kids.  Robin, I wasn't sure what your were planning on being with us on.  Saturday for dinner I am making chili and then I am hoping to go to this is the place monument.  Sunday we are having stir fry for dinner and then zoo light.  Monday we are doing massages and then lunch.  I now have a interview at 3 that day but I thought it wouldn't be too long.  I was shock they were doing it before the holidays.  They said the doctors were all going out of town for the holiday.  Saturday I also wanted to take the kids to the train store.  I thought Jeramy like seeing that but I wasn't sure if he had to work.  If he is working you can come hang with us.  Everyone enjoy the last day of work.  I am hoping it I a quiet day.  We met the Gumm gang for dinner tonight and it was so nice to visit.  We had a nice time.  We went to the Italian Village and there were huge groups there.  It was really noisy.  LOVE MOM


My day was good. I helped out in shipping again today. I am helping tomorrow as well. They are super busy because the end of the shipping month is coming up. I am so glad that tomorrow is Friday. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye


Today was good.  We ran some errands after we dropped Isaac off which was good.  Ruthie made a Christmas tree ice cream cone at school which was cute.  Oliver wrote a cute note I attached below.  I translated it by the picture also.  I helped in Isaac's class and I had time so I walked there.  That felt nice to get out.  Isaac and Oliver both have pajama party's tomorrow.  Isaac's note said he needed a personal treat so we went to Lee's to pick on out for him.  Tonight we had the last pack meeting and they honored the Veterans.  They had all the boys stand up there for a while and they were worried about Isaac standing but he was fine.  I finished quilting my quilt and it turned out really good.  I did a paisley pattern.  I love my new machine so so much.  We are headed down tomorrow.  Thanks for having us for so long.


I would like my Sister
To get a Barbie
I would like my Dad
To get a tool
I would like my Brother
to get a robot
I would like to get a 

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

I can do it

You know I am not nervous for the interview.  I thought I would be a wreck but I feel really good about it.  I hope it goes well.  At least I am trying that has to feel good.  Poor Isaac casts have to be hard. It can wear you out.  We can get a wheelchair if we need to.  Robin, I am jealous you are taking that much time off.  Way to go.  I am getting super excited.  I am hooking up with the Gumm gang tomorrow night for dinner.  I am getting me a turkey pan and cooking the turkey tomorrow night.  That should be good.  Work was quiet for me.  I got a lot done.  That felt nice.  Karen, Ham is my favorite and they always buy such nice ones for you.  They are so generous.  Well my interview is at 7:00 tomorrow.  I hope I am awake that time of day. I had yesterday off and it still seems like a long week to me.  LOVE MOM


Good luck tomorrow Mom, you are amazing.  I didn't walk this morning because of the cold.  I need to just do it and walk in the cold.  Isaac woke up and said that his legs really hurt and he couldn't go to school.  He said that he would fall over all day so he keep falling over until I said he could stay home.  I think it hurts worse in the mornings and he needed a metal health day.  So I didn't make it to exercise class either.  We made meringue cookies and Isaac was observing what was happening and writing it down.  I don't think I did it right but they tasted good and we ate them all.  Ruth also made her unicorn and was happy about that.  I helped in Oliver's class.  Ruthie wanted to stay home with Isaac so they did good at home.  The kids were crazy at kindergarten.  They are ready for Christmas break.  I had to deliver some baby Jesus's to kids who weren't at church so I did that after dinner.  It feels good to be done with it.  Love you guys.  That is fun you get such a long holiday Robin, good job.




I guess trump.was impeached today. So there's that historical fact lol. Work was good. We did our Christmas gift exchange so that was fun. I decided to take Friday off with Jeramy so tomorrow is my Friday. Yeah. I get 6 days off now. I needed some time off. I tried a new recipe tonight it was insta pot ribs. They turned out good shockingly. It's the first time I've ever cooked ribs. Good luck with your interview mom. :)



I had a good day. I helped out in shipping today because they are super busy. I may be stiff tomorrow though. I got my ham today at work also. I am excited for that because it is a yummy ham. Mom I  hope that your interview went good this morning. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Tuesday, December 17, 2019


I was thinking that today would be a not so much fun day but we had a really nice day.  We got up early for the dentist and then went shopping for a bit and then went to the mall and walked around and then went to the doctor for dad.  We stopped at Sam's on the say back to Lehi for the dentist and got Karen some life savers.  They are the only place that sells big bags.  We went and got my teeth.  They fit really well.  I like them better, I think. I hope they work out better.  We shopped a little bit more and then came home and vegged.  Just need one more present for Casey and then we are DONE!!!.  I am looking for a WOW gift.  Any ideas?  Rachel that tree is so cute.  I love that the kids are excited to decorate it.  I hope it doesn't fall over.  It was super cold this morning.  Robin, I am glad you had a good day at work.  Thursday at 7:00 am I have an interview for that job.  I don't feel nervous about it at all.  I hope it goes well.  I am ready to play.  I am so excited we get 5 days.  I am spoiled.  LOVE MOM


They celebrated Isaac's birthday at school today and he was excited.  He made sure he looked really good this morning.  He got to wear a crown all day and then I brought cookies in at the end of school.  The little kids didn't sleep well and it was freezing cold so I didn't walk this morning.  We skipped story time because the kids were playing so good and having a fun time at home.  After all the kids were in school I met Casey for lunch which was fun.  After school Oliver has been bugging me to make a fox and we finally did it today.  I found a cute simple pattern and it was fun to make.  He loves it.  We are going to make a unicorn one for Ruth.  We started watching Shark Boy and Lava Girl and the kids loved it.  They stayed up too late and skipped baths to watch it.   I attached a picture of our tree so you can see how many decorations the kids have made.  The picture of Ruth is her making more.  Love you guys and have a good day tomorrow.


poor bunny

Jeramy woke up with a runny nose sonhe stayed home from work. My work went better today. I wasn't as tired. I'm ready for some time off. We had tacos today for taco Tuesday. I found some peppermint whip cream so we also had hot chocolate with peppermint whip cream on top. It was yummy. I can't believe Christmas is next week. This year has flown by.


My day was good. It was super cold today. It was meeting day at work so that took most of the day. I helped in shipping for part of the day. They are shipping a ton this week and I helped put boxes together to help. It was fun to do something different for a little bit. Mom I hope everything went good getting your new teeth. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Monday, December 16, 2019

I did it

I made it to work for payroll.  It went really well which was nice.  I asked my boss if he had heard anything about my job.  He hadn't.  So later he talked with me and I said that I had a job interview on Thursday.  I wasn't sure that was the right move but I figured he had to know because they will check references if they want me.  I did finish my Christmas cards for work and that felt nice.  Karen you company is amazing.  You get to buy dinner with your raise  :)  Robin, Jenkins looks so comfy.  He is so loved.  You have to feel good about giving him a good home.  Rachel, I am glad the kids like the crafts.  I figured it might make the casts go a little faster.  I ordered another one and it ended up at my house.  I guess we will do it this weekend.  I am going in the morning to get my new denture.  Then dad has a doctors appointment in Salt Lake.  It is going to be a big busy day.  Rachel your quilt is so beautiful.  You should enter it into the fair this year.  LOVE MOM


Today was good.  Instead of walking I worked on quilting my quilt.  I loaded it on this weekend and it is so fun to sew.  We went to exercise class and it was really good.  I really like going.  While the kids were at school I was able to make the robes for the kids for Christmas.  They are simple but turned out cute.  I think I am ready for Christmas now.  After dinner we made the snow globes that Mom sent.  They were fun to make and the kids loved it.  The kids have been so crafty all month.  The have been making a ton of ornaments.  It is cute.  Love you guys.



I was tired this morning and I was grumpy. The girl that is in my office is also a seamstresses and her sewing machine is in another room.ot was nice she had a ton of projects to sew. So my office was quite and I could listen to music. It made the day nicer. I made chicken tonight and relaxed. We.didnt end up getting Jeramy glasses on Sunday. He wanted to get his prescription checked and the doctor wasn't available so we are going in on Friday.


Things are going good here in Kamas. It snowed off and on here today. Which was shocking because I didn't think it was going to snow today. We had a mandatory meeting today. It was all good news though. We are getting more stock options, extra holiday days next year, and a 3% raise. So that it all nice. So with all that made my work day fly by. Then I went to the store because I was out of granola bars for breakfast. Then I came home and did laundry. I hope everyone had a great Monday. Bye

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Big busy day

I got all my Christmas Eve presents wrapped and that felt nice.  While we were at Costco I got me a pair of PJ's.  We went to the Valley Fair Mall and that was fun.  We had Red Robin with Robin and Jeramy.  I hope that Jeramy got some new glasses.  I didn't realize his eyes were so bad.  He fits right in with the Bodily Bunch.  Jumanji was so funny.  It made me laugh.  I think I am really organized now for next weekend.  This what I think we have planned but I wanted to make sure.  Rachel is coming down on Friday.  Then Saturday, I thought we would go to train store and maybe the planetarium.  That night we can go to the This is the Place for lights.  Sunday we are hooking up and going to zoo lights.  Monday is Robin's birthday and I am getting a massage at noon but other than that we celebrating.  At that point in time I think we are going to Kamas.  I don't care when.  Have Christmas Eve and decorate Ginger bread houses and sleep the night and then get up have Santa and then have lunch and go everyone go home.  Does that sound like the plan.  THis is so tentative and subject to change but I just wanted everyone to know what I was thinking.  I have enough food to feed armies  :).  It is payroll Monday so I am going in early.  Lucky me.  Rachel I am so glad all the crafts came.  They said they would come on Monday so I was sad not to have them during the weekend.  I am glad they are fun.  Everyone have a great Monday.  Just a happy note this week is the shortest day so the days will start to get longer again.  YEAH  LOVE YOU ALL MOM


You guys had a fun day, good job.  I am glad that you were all able to met up, that is fun.  It was way better than my day I was in meetings all afternoon.  Casey set up the tent in the basement and the kids slept in that last night and had fun.  We got your crafts in the mail yesterday Mom, Thank you.  We made the stickers this morning and the candy canes this evening.  They were a lot of fun, thank you.  We handed out the baby Jesus's at church and everyone liked them.  I kept thinking I made too many but we had just enough so that was perfect.  I had my presidency meeting after church and then a meeting with the actives ladies.  We were just talking about what the changing will be.  I need to get the boys organized still.  Casey made mac and cheese for dinner and it tasted really good.  This is the last week of school which is excited.  Love you guys.



My day was good. Mom wanted to go to Costco to get supplies for Christmas. So I went down. We went to Costco and then met Robin and Jeremy for lunch. We went to Red Robin. It was good. Then we went and saw the 2nd Jumanji movie. It was funny. Then we went to Walmart and dinner. Then I headed home. It was snowy tonight. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...