Tuesday, December 17, 2019


They celebrated Isaac's birthday at school today and he was excited.  He made sure he looked really good this morning.  He got to wear a crown all day and then I brought cookies in at the end of school.  The little kids didn't sleep well and it was freezing cold so I didn't walk this morning.  We skipped story time because the kids were playing so good and having a fun time at home.  After all the kids were in school I met Casey for lunch which was fun.  After school Oliver has been bugging me to make a fox and we finally did it today.  I found a cute simple pattern and it was fun to make.  He loves it.  We are going to make a unicorn one for Ruth.  We started watching Shark Boy and Lava Girl and the kids loved it.  They stayed up too late and skipped baths to watch it.   I attached a picture of our tree so you can see how many decorations the kids have made.  The picture of Ruth is her making more.  Love you guys and have a good day tomorrow.


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