Wednesday, December 18, 2019

I can do it

You know I am not nervous for the interview.  I thought I would be a wreck but I feel really good about it.  I hope it goes well.  At least I am trying that has to feel good.  Poor Isaac casts have to be hard. It can wear you out.  We can get a wheelchair if we need to.  Robin, I am jealous you are taking that much time off.  Way to go.  I am getting super excited.  I am hooking up with the Gumm gang tomorrow night for dinner.  I am getting me a turkey pan and cooking the turkey tomorrow night.  That should be good.  Work was quiet for me.  I got a lot done.  That felt nice.  Karen, Ham is my favorite and they always buy such nice ones for you.  They are so generous.  Well my interview is at 7:00 tomorrow.  I hope I am awake that time of day. I had yesterday off and it still seems like a long week to me.  LOVE MOM

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