Thursday, September 3, 2015

Is it Friday yet?

Today was a lot of fun.  WE had a retreat and it turned out really good.  I had a fun time and didn't work once all day.  It was nice to have a break.  I am excited for this weekend.  I am going to sew baskets.  We will come up to Logan after the pictures.  It will be fun to play in Kamas.  Thanks Karen for having us.  Sunday is suppose to be cold.  Just an FYI.  Everyone drive safe.  LOVE MOM


We had a busy and good day.  Isaac had school this morning and he had a lot of fun.  While he was their I went and got some supplements I learned about last night.  It was an interesting class.  Casey and Oliver were watching trains for a bit so I got to sew a little which was nice.  We started walking to pick Isaac up but it looked like it was going to rain so we ran back home and drove to get him but it never did rain.  We had four bowls of tomatoes so we spent the afternoon canning stewed tomatoes.  It seems the best way to store them then you can make what you want later.  Jenn had brought over corn yesterday so Casey picked a bowl of blackberries and we took them over to her today.  Isaac has been wanting to spend his allowance on a xylophone so after canning we went to red balloon toys and he bought one.  He played on it all night, it was cute.  It came with a harmonica so I pulled mine out and it was fun to play.  I need to pick it back up and practice it.  We made tacos for dinner but they turned out gross so Casey went to Wendy's and got hamburgers, they tasted good.  We are excited to come down tomorrow, thank for having us.


Holy moly

Today was good. We resolved a big gown issue so that was super nice. Hopefully tomorrow is chill. I met up with walter for dinner. On the way up there was a wreck and a u of u game so people were everywhere. They wouldn't let me on the VA campus since they thought I would steal parking. So walter had to walk over and meet me. He took me to olive garden. It tasted so good. I am so glad tomorrow is friday. I have to work at scheels but I will live. I will wake up on saturday and head on up. I will try to be there around 9 or 10. Have a good night. Everyone travel safe

Almost There

I am so glad that tomorrow is Friday. Things are going good. I got my laundry done tonight so yea for me. I am so excited for everyone to come up. Drive carefully everyone. I hope that your work retreat thing went good mom. I did miss emailing you today mom. Well have a great Friday everyone. Bye

Wednesday, September 2, 2015


Today Isaac had school today and had a fun time.  While he was gone we were talking about where Casey could work on his contracts so we decided to get a desk and put it in the master track room.  We went to the DI but they had crappy stuff.  Then we went to the University surplus and got a desk and chair for 11 dollars and it is pretty nice.  After lunch Oliver took a nap and Isaac was tired so he laid on his bed for a while.  I took the birth class next door this evening and it was really interesting.  I learned a lot.  It is for four weeks I think.  Tonight we talked about prenatal stuff and what vitamins do what.  I am glad that everyone is doing good, have  a good night.


The tide is turning

Robin, I really like that saying.  That is funny.  I am glad everyone is doing good.  Not much going with me either.  We did go to Sam's and buy some drugs.  WE are set for another week.  I am getting excited for this weekend.  Tomorrow is a work retreat that will go all day.  I am excited because I get to play all day.  LOVE MOM

So close

I'm glad we are closing in on Friday. Today was pretty chill. The marketing design department has the fund raising for the next few weeks. They are making quilts so we can buy squares and decorate them for huntsman cancer. I bought three squares since it was a better deal. I just need to come up with some ideas. I thought I would embroider some on saturday. Not much else with me I worked scheels tonight so it's a boring night



Well things are going good here. I am glad that the week is half over. Work is going good. I really don't have anything exciting to report. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

New Bed

Today was pretty good.  Isaac didn't have school so we went to story time.  They did a good job today so it was fun.  We got two Thomas movies their which is pretty exciting.  I sewed with Jenn this afternoon and it was good to visit with her.  I made lasagna rolls for dinner and they tasted really good.  It was fun to try something new.  Oliver didn't want Casey to go to scouts so he took him with him and me and Isaac picked Oliver up a couple of minutes later.  We walked the mall which was kind of boring and then we bought Karen's birthday present.  Isaac has thought of the perfect wrapping paper to use.  Casey had to run something up to Randy's after scouts so we went with him.  We ended up staying too late so the boys went to bed late.  We tried Oliver's new bed but he was upset so we just put him in the crib.  I need to read about how to transition him into his new bed.  I hope that everyone has a good night.  It sounds like everyone is super busy.


Working bee

I hate those days mom you feel like you have more work then when you started. Today was good work went by fast. I have a whole chiffon issue now. I guess its job security. I am tired as well. I am tired all day and I go lay down any my mind races. I was wish list shopping on amazon and I found these decals for 2 dollars. So I bought them for my new apartment. I know I have a cutter but I figured it was 2 bucks. Have a good wednesday


Crazy day

Work got crazy.  There were like 4 people at my desk all wanting something at the same time.  It was wild.  I didn't sleep very good last night.  I hope it is better tonight.  Karen, I am so glad your fridge got fixed.  I hope it is fixed for good.  That will be nice not to have frost in your freeze.  Robin, I love your picture on facebook.  Rachel I am glad you are doing good.  Dad went to the dentist this morning to get a crown and they made it right there in the office.  It is nice to have it all done.  He was excited about that one.  Have a great hump day.  Rachel got an appointment at 5:40 on Friday night to get Olivers 18 month old pictures.  Karen do you want to come down for dinner or should we come up after the pictures.  LOVE MOM


My day has been good. The repair guy came today and fixed my fridge so it should be frost free again. Other than that it has been a quiet day. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Monday, August 31, 2015

White Flag

Rachel, I love the new bed.  It fits good in that room.  It doesn't look crowded.  Now hopefully Oliver will sleep in it.  I am glad that Oliver checked and out and that you had a good day.  That was a whirlwind of a day.    I went to see Dr. Strong today about my headaches and he said I need to see an ears nose and throat doctor.  He did give me an antibiotic so I am hoping that will help.  We met Karen for dinner and tried a new place  Molly Blossom, I think that is the name.  It was really good.  I had Irish stew.  Robin I love that saying on the wall.  I am glad you are doing good.  I am so excited to sew on Saturday.  We went to Michaels tonight and got some crafts for the boys to do while we sew.  It should be a fun time by everyone.  Dad is going to the dentist in the morning.  He has a cracked tooth and I called for an appointment and they had one in the morning.  No chance to back out that is for sure.  He has to have a crown.  Have a great Tuesday.  LOVE MOM

The most exciting day

Happy Birthday month Karen.  It should be a fun one.  We had a good day today, if felt like we were running all day long but it went good.  Oliver didn't sleep well last night and Casey was sweet and was up a lot with him.  Isaac started school and he was so excited and had a really good time.  He was so happy all day today.  While Isaac was at the school Oliver had a doctors appointment.  His weight 22# (23%), height 30.75" (5%) and head is 65%.  He is small but doing good.  We had time to run to Joann's before we picked up Isaac, I was out of thread.  We really needed to go grocery shopping so we picked up Casey and went shopping.  It was 2:30 before we got home.  When we got home their was a package on the front step.  It was Oliver's bed.  Isaac was so excited to put it together and then we rearranged his room.  I think it looks really good and he likes it.  We don't have the mattress yet but Oliver  goes in his bed and pretends to snore, it was cute.  Thanks Mom and Dad.  I made some felt flowers while Isaac watched his new train movie.  They turned out cute and were really easy to make.  We had Randy and Terry over for dinner which was nice.  It was good to visit.  They talked about cookies at church and Isaac really wanted to make them so Casey had made the dough earlier so we stayed up late and made cookies.  Isaac was very happy, he had a good day.  



I was tired today also. I think that is typical for a Monday. Work was good today. Then after work I met mom and dad in Park City for dinner. We had a fun time. I can't believe it is September either. It is also jusr 12 more days until my birthday. Have a great Tuesday tomorrow everyone. Bye

Stop . collaborate.

Today was busy. It didn't help I started off tired. But at least the day went fast. I cannot believe it's September where has this year gone. The next couple months are going to be crazy. I had to work at scheels tonight so that was exciting. I am excited to sew on saturday it will be fun. Well not much else have a good night


Sunday, August 30, 2015


Today was good. I had to work at scheels so nothing exciting. Walter came over for dinner. KFC sounded good so we grabbed a bucket of chicken. I have to work Friday night but I can come up early Saturday for sewing day :). Not much else with me have a good night


Nap day

Well, I slept in and then we went to grandma's house and they turned on a movie and I fell sound asleep again.  I must have been really relaxed.  WE made our artichokes for dinner also and they were good.  Grandma looked really good.  I heard a name  Martha.  I wasn't sure about that one but thought I would throw it out there.  I can't believe that September is here.  Everyone have a great week.  LOVE MOM


Thanks for the fun day yesterday.  We were sad to leave everyone.  I think next weekend we will come up Friday night, I will try to schedule pictures in SLC first.  Then we will stay until Sunday morning and come back for church.  Thanks for the shoes Mom, they feel great.  I love the baby outfits also, thank you, they are cute.  Today was pretty lazy.  Oliver got up early but Isaac slept in which was good.  We just stayed in our pajamas until church.  Oliver took a nap at 10:30 until it was time to leave which was good also.  Me and Isaac just watch movies.  Church went good and I think nursery is going a little better.  One of the chairs on the car table broke so we decided to get the Thomas table so we went to Shopko after dinner but the didn't have it and Walmart didn't have it either.  Isaac has school tomorrow and Oliver has a doctor's appointment.  It should be a busy day.



I had a fun time yesterday. I cooked the artichoke you got me for lunch mom. It was yummy thanks. I had a quiet day. I hope everyone has great week.


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...