Tuesday, November 25, 2014
My bags are packed
And I am ready to go! I am so excited for this weekend. It will be epic. I don't blame you Rachel for not getting up. It just isn't as much fun when you go alone. If you want I will get up with you on Friday and get some fabric. Today was good, just hard to concentrate because I wanted to play. Karen I love your hall tree. It is just perfect. I am very impressed you got it together all by yourself. Way to go. Everyone drive safe and we will see you soon. I got a invitation for Scott's wedding (Pam and Richard's youngest). They are getting married on December 20. I am not sure if Josh's wife is going to make it. She is 33 weeks and I think she came early last time. Have a great day. LOVE MOM
Today was good nothing to much. I made almond bread at work everyone liked it, then I came home and made a batch of bread for you guys and Enoch's family. Tomorrow we are going to big 6 hero and eating dinner with Enoch's family. I m excited for thanksgiving it will be fun have a good one
Karen, thanks for the picture. That looks really pretty, good choice. Everyone drive safe tomorrow and Thursday. We will have a good time. I think I am going to skip shopping tomorrow morning and if we want to go Friday we can. Today was good, the library was open again so we went to story time. I have missed going so it was nice to get out. The library looks good, they still have a lot of work to do but it will be nice when it is done. Jenn sewed this afternoon and then we went grocery shopping. Afterward Isaac had a lot of energy so he rode his bike for a while. It was cold but nice to be outside. Well I am excited for the holiday, I am ready for lots of food and shopping.
hall tree
Well my day has been good. I am so glad that tomorrow is the last day that I have to work this week. I am excited to come up to Logan tomorrow. Hopefully it won't be snowing. Below is the picture of my hall tree. I like it. It did take me a little bit to put together but I did it. Work was good. The last hour did drag a bit but I made it thru. I hope everyone had a great Tuesday. Bye
Monday, November 24, 2014
Today was good I didn't have to work at night so I had a lot of time to catch up on life, I did laundry and dishes. I made my first batch of almond bread. I am going to try to make one for work, and you guys and Enoch's family I will be a cooking machine, stay safe in this weather, love you
How was dinner with Julie Mom? Did you guys have fun? Karen, what is a hall tree? Where are you going to put it? Please put pictures up. I got a bunch of ads in the mail today. It was fun to look at them. It is weird to shop at 6 pm. It will be harder because at 7:30 I need to feed Oliver so we will have to work that in. Oliver's check up went well. He only had one shot and she said that he wouldn't feel sick after that. They also had to prick his toe to check his Iron. It was a little low but still in the normal range. Casey had a dentist appointment afterwards and he was numb for a while. Isaac had preschool today and had fun, he doesn't have it on Wednesday this week. I completely forgot he had preschool on Dec 3 but I am just going to have him skip it. Well everyone have a good night and get lots of sleep so you will be ready for all the shopping we are going to do. :)
Pretty Day
OK so I love where I sit at work. It was so pretty today, no smog and the clouds would come and go. It was fun to watch. Karen I am excited for your hall tree to come tomorrow. If you need help me and dad will come up. I am so excited for this weekend. I think I am going to make my stuffing and jello salad at Logan that way I don't have to worry about leaving it in the car all day on Wednesday. We want to leave from work. Everyone have a great day tomorrow. Watch out for weather. It might snow. I am glad that Oliver is doing good. Did he have to have any shots? I forgot to ask. Love you guys MOM
Well we are a third of the way thru the work week. I love short weeks. Rachel I am planning on coming up on Wednesday also, unless it is a blizzard. I did have to shovel this morning before work. Which was sad because I really wanted to snooze my alarm this morning. Oh well there is always tomorrow morning. My day was good. It is the end of the month for shipping so everyone is super busy. Well I hope everyone had a great Monday. Bye
Sunday, November 23, 2014
It is almost here
Karen, we didn't get that much snow. It was only a little drift and it all melted this afternoon. Good job shoveling. Oliver is breaking his last front tooth today and he was miserable. He didn't sleep great last night and today nothing was right and he had to be right with me. Despite that church went really well. I braved sacrament meeting and it went smoothly. Only one person came to my class so I just gave him the shortened version and he drew on the board for a while. I wasn't sure what to do. During Oliver's nap me and Isaac made a count down chain for Christmas. I messed it up though, I made the strips too short so it looks funny but we are just going to keep it. Yesterday we made Christmas trees so it is starting to look like Christmas. This afternoon Oliver was upset and Isaac was wild so we ran up and down the street for a while. It felt good to get out and play. Isaac was in a really good mood today and he ate well. He is at a fun age. Tomorrow Oliver has his 9 month check up and Casey has a dentist appointment, fun times. :) I am excited for Thanksgiving, I can hardly wait.
We went to the blessing today and it was really nice. They made breakfast burrito's after and that is a neat idea. Just put everything in crock pots and then make your own. They were good. It was nice to see everyone. Matt and Melissa were there and Susan. It was nice to visit. It was after 4 when we got home and then I crashed on the couch. I was tired. Everyone have a great week. I am excited to play. We are planning on coming up on Wednesday after work. I can help cook or what ever you need. It is always nice to have an extra hand. I am going to meet up with Julie at Gardner Village tomorrow night. Robin if you want to come, I will pick you up. She wanted to go Friday but I wasn't feeling well enough yet. I am feeling a lot better. I am so excited to eat Turkey. LOVE MOM
End of the day
Today was good I worked at scheels then went to Walters family for dinner. Today was the last day I work at scheels till the day after Christmas so that will be nice to have a few days off. I got a few door buster adds in the mail but not a ton, I am good with whatever I don't need anything crazy just going for fun :) excited for this week have a good one
I am excited that it is a short work week. It will be so much fun. I did have to shovel this morning. It was hard to tell how much snow because of the wind. It made some places 6 inches deep and other places you could see the sidewalk. The worst place was the walk up to my door cause the snow on the roof got blown there so it was super deep there. But I did get it all shoveled. We didn't get any new snow today yet, but they said it is suppose to snow some more tonight. I hope everyone has a great week. Bye
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We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...