Sunday, November 23, 2014

It is almost here

Karen, we didn't get that much snow.  It was only a little drift and it all melted this afternoon.  Good job shoveling.  Oliver is breaking his last front tooth today and he was miserable.  He didn't sleep great last night and today nothing was right and he had to be right with me.  Despite that church went really well.  I braved sacrament meeting and it went smoothly.  Only one person came to my class so I just gave him the shortened version and he drew on the board for a while.  I wasn't sure what to do.  During Oliver's nap me and Isaac made a count down chain for Christmas.  I messed it up though, I made the strips too short so it looks funny but we are just going to keep it.  Yesterday we made Christmas trees so it is starting to look like Christmas.  This afternoon Oliver was upset and Isaac was wild so we ran up and down the street for a while.  It felt good to get out and play.  Isaac was in a really good mood today and he ate well.  He is at a fun age. Tomorrow Oliver has his 9 month check up and Casey has a dentist appointment, fun times. :)  I am excited for Thanksgiving, I can hardly wait.


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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...