Saturday, August 4, 2018


Rachel, I am so glad you had a good time.  I am sad that Casey hurt his leg.  I hope it is OK.  It sounds like you had a good time.  Karen way to go on the grass.  It is a job.  Robin met at us at Julie's and we painted.  Jen told her that everything had to be really basic.  Gray is the popular color right now so we painted two bedrooms downstairs and Robin did one and me and dad did the other one.  We even got the hallway done.  It looked so much better.  She has a lot of work still to do.  I guess their was mold in the ceiling so Johnny and his friend were ripping that up.  It was pretty messy.  She wants to put it up for sale in two weeks.  I think we are going to help her on Thursday night.  The guy next door trimmed all her trees and Austin tilled up the back yard.  It looked so much better. We came home and just vegged.  Tomorrow we are going to go visit grandma.  LOVE MOM

We're Back

Congratulations on the raise Robin.  I am glad that everyone is doing well.  We had a fun time overall.  It was good to get out.  Friday we went to the bank and the home loan lady wasn't their but another lady talked to us and answered our questions and took our information down.  She gave us a list of stuff to get together which we mostly have.  We headed up to the Oneida narrows and we brought the canoe along.  The campgrounds were all full so we stopped at a day use area so we could have a fire and cook hot dogs and smores.  Casey had called Calleen and she met us up their.  We had a fun time.  The kids swam in the water and it was fun to have a fire.  The kids were cute.  We decided to just drive around until we found a spot to camp since we didn't have to use a campground since we already made a fire.  We didn't find anything until Lava hot springs where we found a campground with spaces and it was free.  It seemed nice and we were having fun but it was close to a rain road track.  We thought well their will be a train or two but it turned out to be grand central station.  Their were trains all night so we were tired in today but the kids were really good about it.  My phone ran out of batteries so I only have one picture from today.  Oliver wanted to go hiking so we went into Lava and walked along the river.  The boys loved it and Ruthie was done so we sat at a park for a while.  We had pizza for lunch and were going to go swimming but the lines were so huge that we left.  Lava had so many people their is was crazy.  Casey wanted to canoe the Bear River so we went back to the Oneida narrows.  He was worried about doing the popular part with the rapids with the canoe but they ended up going down it.  Ruthie fell asleep in the car so I drove down to pick them up and let her sleep.  I stopped twice along the river and they were having fun.  Me and Ruthie were waiting at the take out point and I saw Casey and the boys walking.  The canoe had hit a rock and the boat tipped over.  Casey was able to get the boys to the shore but it was scary for them.  Casey's leg got bunged up.  The walked to the road and someone gave them a ride down to the bottom.  He went back up and found the canoe with a friends help.  So we went up and picked it up with the van.  The canoe was dented but Casey thinks he can hammer it out.  We had dinner in Preston which tasted really good.  Sorry that is a long post.  We had a fun time and Isaac really wanted to go camping again with trains.



Robin congrats on the raise. My day was good. I got up and mowed my lawn. It was nice to do while it was cool. Then around lunch I went grocery shopping. It is nice having food in my house again. Then I was just lazy the rest of the day. I hope painting went well mom. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Friday, August 3, 2018

We made it

It made it to the weekend.  Robin congratulations on your raise.  I hope it is a good one.  Karen it was nice to talk with you this evening.  Rachel, I hope you have a wonderful time camping.  I am glad you got to go.  Work was good and I got to leave a little early because I was over my time.  It felt nice.  We just vegged at home and that felt nice.  I am going to Julie's in the afternoon to help paint.  I hope it works out OK.  LOVE MOM


Well last night (or thus morning depending on how you look at it) it was lightining, thundering, and raining at about midnight until 1. It was bright and loud so I couldn't sleep thru it. So I was tired today. Hopefully tonight I will sleep tight. Other than that my day was good. Work went by pretty quick. I got subway for lunch and it tasted good. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye


Sorry I didn't blog last night. I went to the shinedown concert. It was fun. It rained a bit but I brought an umbrella so I made it out alive. I finally had my year review and got a raise so that was fun. Today was good but I was tired. I came home and took a nap and sewed for a bit. It was nice to relax. Hope everyone had a good friday


Thursday, August 2, 2018


Sorry I am blogging late, I had book group and we didn't get done until late.  Today was a good day.  We rode our bike to the school and did summer reading.  Then we went to the library which was fun, we got our free books for reading all summer.  Ruthie pooped at the library and I failed to bring an extra diaper somehow so we didn't stay long.  After lunch we went swimming.  I was kind of dragging my feet on it since it was kind of windy but it was the perfect day to go and we had a really fun day.  It wasn't very crowded which made it a lot nicer.  We were able to go on the slide a bunch of times.  We stayed until dinner time.  After dinner we went and visited Leona and she is doing good.  I am going to take her shopping Monday.  We came home and then I went to book group.  It was fun to talk with everyone and it was a nice evening.  Casey is taking tomorrow off and we are going to the bank and then camping so I am not going to blog tomorrow night but will on Saturday night.  Love you guys.



I got a lot done at work today.  It was a quiet day.  I met up with the Gumm gang after work and we met at Texas Roadhouse.  It was nice to visit.  Julie is going to put her house on the market in a couple of weeks so I am going over there on Saturday afternoon to help her paint.  Jeff's got a new TV and he was sure they were speaking in Spanish when they talked about channels and so we went over and I thought it was Japanese but it was just a computer talking really fast.  Dad made it go slower and louder but it still sounded funny to me.  We also hooked up his DVD player.  Not much else to report.  It did rain here also.  It was enough to wet the sidewalks.  It was nice to watch.  LOVE MOM


I am so glad that tomorrow is Friday. Today was good. I had trouble falling asleep kast night so I was a little tired this morning, but i made it thru. Work was good . It even rained a bit here today. I was hoping for more but I will take all the rain I can get. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

I caved

So I went to instacare after work to have them look at my swollen lymph node.  They took a strep culture and it isn't strep so I was really glad about that.  They gave me a yeast med for the rash.  I figured while I was there maybe they could find the magic cure.  He also said it is probably a sinus infection and gave me an antibiotic.  So that was my evening.  Work was quiet and I got a lot done.  It felt nice to be able to get data entered today.  Robin the week after a short week is always brutal.  Did the people from England leave?  Thanks Karen for getting us Boondock tickets.  That will be fun.  Rachel, I hope you have fun camping this weekend.  I am meeting up with the Gumm Gang tomorrow for dinner and I am going to Julie's to paint afterwards. It looks like it might get down to the low 90s.  That would be nice.  It is so smoky here.  LOVE MOM


I hope that you are feeling better Mom, you have had it for a while now.  We were lazy today.  We just played around the house this morning.  We ran to sam's club and bought some diapers and had a snack.  I went to Joanns to look around.  I almost bought the loopy yarn but I restrained myself.  After dinner the bishop came by and said that we are being released Sunday and thanked me for all I did, it was really nice of him.  We got the kids in bed on time which is nice.  I hope that everyone has a good night.


I failed to take any pictures today

Long one

I feel like it's a long week. I think taking days off makes a full week hard. I took it easy today nothing to crazy. I've been seeing but not ironing my pieces and I was at a stopping point so I irons for an hour to get my pieces ready to sew. I hope everyone has a good night



Things are going good here in Kamas. Work is still busy. I did get us rsvp ed for boondocks so we are good to go. It is on the 17th from 6 to 9 and they are having dinner there also. I am glad that the week is half over. Have a good one bye


I work up with a swollen lymph node on my neck and it bugged me all day.  I went grocery shopping after work and then came home and put hot packs on it.  I love the little hot packs you made for Christmas.  They worked perfect.  It made me fall asleep so I am writing this morning.  Have a really nice day hump day.  LOVE MOM

Tuesday, July 31, 2018


Today was good.  The kids I used to babysit came over to play while their Mom went to the dentist.  It was fun to have them and the kids all played together really well.  We just played at home the rest of the afternoon.  Isaac kept staging accidents with his sky rider in the bushes.  After dinner the girls came over to play.  Casey worked on fixing the fence and I went to young women's.  Word on the street is they are releasing us this Sunday.  The bishop just texted me to visit tomorrow so I think it is to tell me they are releasing me.  Everyone have a good night.  Love you.



My day was pretty good. We did health screenings at work today. I have a bruise on my arm from getting my blood drawn. Other than that it was just the usual here. I hope everyone had a good last day of July. Bye


Today was good. I woke up and I felt really tired. So they day felt long. I came home and sewed for a bit then rested. Nothing to crazy. Have a good night


Monday, July 30, 2018


Today was good nothing to crazy. After work I went out again with my bosses and the guy from England. We went to porcupine grill. It was good. Then I just came home and relaxed. I got a blister on the bottom of my foot from the hike on Sunday so it's been a weird walking day. Glad the concert was fun. I liked your picture mom



Friday, Hayley said she had planned to go to the OPE retreat and I said no I didn't want to go and then Lauren texted me while I was with dad and said they already paid for me so I went.  It was actually really fun.  I am going to look for a groupon for us to go.  It was so easy and I loved the way everyone's picture was different.  I took trax home so dad could take a nap and we had dinner and then went to Lowes and Barnes and Nobles to look for a how to do a water fall but they didn't have a book.  I think tomorrow we will go to that swimming pool store and see what they have.  I did win a $10.00 gift card to Amazon and I turned my points in for a $25.00 amazon card the other day.  I gave them to dad so he could buy a surprise for having shots in his neck.  Not much else going on with us.  It is weird that I have to work all week.  I haven't done that in a while.  Have a great last day of July.  LOVE MOM


Today was good.  This morning I cleaned and the kids played with each other really well.  We went grocery shopping and Ruthie hadn't been able to walk all morning then we got to Lee's and she wanted to push her own cart but I didn't let her so she was sad.  The kids were making a car ramp down the stairs, they worked on it so cute together and for so long.  Imogen came over and played for a little bit before dinner.  Casey mowed the lawn this evening and it looked really nice.  I had a headache all day so it was nice to have a slower day.



My day was good. It was tough waking up on time, but I made it on time. Work is moving along. I am glad you got to go to a oaint thing mom. Your picture turned out cute. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Sunday, July 29, 2018


We had a really fun time at the concert.  Isaac wants to go to another one with everyone, one without a theme just playing music.  We got to the concert and we bought Isaac a shirt and then we bought snow cones, they were really good.  We found our seats and they were really nice.  We sat on the second row and could see really well.  Zedd played and it was so much fun.  He had this big screen and he was standing in the middle djing some fun dancing music.  I don't love that kind of music normally but it was so amazing and so much fun.  Me and Isaac think someone should marry him and then he could DJ the wedding, epic wedding.  They had a couple of short dumb performers and then Imagine Dragons played.  It was so fun, they gave everyone these bracelets and when he started singing they all lite up.  They changed colors with the songs and it was so amazing.  We had a blast.  We rode the train and it was packed coming home and was an adventure.  We had a really fun day today at the aquarium, thank you Mom.  The kids loved feeding all the animals.  We watched all the shows they had and Isaac volunteered at each one.  The had a hurricane tunnel and they loved doing that.  It was a really fun weekend.


These videos are sideways but it give you an idea of the bracelet

Fun Weekend

We had a fun weekend also.  Rachel came down and Oliver had saved money for a Ninajo Dragon lego so we went and got him that and then Rachel and Isaac went to the concert.  I stayed up to see how they did and I asked if it went OK and Isaac said no it was amazing.  They had a good time.  Dad isn't feeling great so I took the little ones to liberty park and we had a really fun time there.  This  morning we recovered from the late night and then went to Layton to the aquarium.  It is so nice and clean and the animals are so much fun.  We feed everything in there at least twice.  The kids had a ball.  We had lunch/dinner at the food court and they had dragon puffs there.  It is like Captain Crunch cereal frozen with dry ice.  It was interesting.  I wasn't a big fan but it was fun to puff like a dragon.  Dad still wasn't 100 percent so he stayed home.  I am glad you went and saw Ant Man Karen that is fun and Robin that looks fun to go on a hike.  It looks really crowded.  Are they here for a little while?  I hope you have a good time while they are here.  I hope this week goes fast.  I am not sure why just last week was long.  LOVE MOM  


Today was good. The warehouse manager from the UK came here for training. So I meet up with him and my bosses and we went to Ruth's diner for lunch. Then we went to donut falls. I hope the imagine dragon and aquarium were fun. I'm glad you saw ant man Karen I heard it was funny. Have a good one



My weekend has been good. I went and saw the new antman movie. It was good. Then I did laundry and washed my sheets and pillows. It is nice having clean sheets. I hope everyone had a great weekend. Bye


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...