Saturday, August 4, 2018

We're Back

Congratulations on the raise Robin.  I am glad that everyone is doing well.  We had a fun time overall.  It was good to get out.  Friday we went to the bank and the home loan lady wasn't their but another lady talked to us and answered our questions and took our information down.  She gave us a list of stuff to get together which we mostly have.  We headed up to the Oneida narrows and we brought the canoe along.  The campgrounds were all full so we stopped at a day use area so we could have a fire and cook hot dogs and smores.  Casey had called Calleen and she met us up their.  We had a fun time.  The kids swam in the water and it was fun to have a fire.  The kids were cute.  We decided to just drive around until we found a spot to camp since we didn't have to use a campground since we already made a fire.  We didn't find anything until Lava hot springs where we found a campground with spaces and it was free.  It seemed nice and we were having fun but it was close to a rain road track.  We thought well their will be a train or two but it turned out to be grand central station.  Their were trains all night so we were tired in today but the kids were really good about it.  My phone ran out of batteries so I only have one picture from today.  Oliver wanted to go hiking so we went into Lava and walked along the river.  The boys loved it and Ruthie was done so we sat at a park for a while.  We had pizza for lunch and were going to go swimming but the lines were so huge that we left.  Lava had so many people their is was crazy.  Casey wanted to canoe the Bear River so we went back to the Oneida narrows.  He was worried about doing the popular part with the rapids with the canoe but they ended up going down it.  Ruthie fell asleep in the car so I drove down to pick them up and let her sleep.  I stopped twice along the river and they were having fun.  Me and Ruthie were waiting at the take out point and I saw Casey and the boys walking.  The canoe had hit a rock and the boat tipped over.  Casey was able to get the boys to the shore but it was scary for them.  Casey's leg got bunged up.  The walked to the road and someone gave them a ride down to the bottom.  He went back up and found the canoe with a friends help.  So we went up and picked it up with the van.  The canoe was dented but Casey thinks he can hammer it out.  We had dinner in Preston which tasted really good.  Sorry that is a long post.  We had a fun time and Isaac really wanted to go camping again with trains.


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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...