Thursday, August 2, 2018


Sorry I am blogging late, I had book group and we didn't get done until late.  Today was a good day.  We rode our bike to the school and did summer reading.  Then we went to the library which was fun, we got our free books for reading all summer.  Ruthie pooped at the library and I failed to bring an extra diaper somehow so we didn't stay long.  After lunch we went swimming.  I was kind of dragging my feet on it since it was kind of windy but it was the perfect day to go and we had a really fun day.  It wasn't very crowded which made it a lot nicer.  We were able to go on the slide a bunch of times.  We stayed until dinner time.  After dinner we went and visited Leona and she is doing good.  I am going to take her shopping Monday.  We came home and then I went to book group.  It was fun to talk with everyone and it was a nice evening.  Casey is taking tomorrow off and we are going to the bank and then camping so I am not going to blog tomorrow night but will on Saturday night.  Love you guys.


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