Wednesday, August 1, 2018

I caved

So I went to instacare after work to have them look at my swollen lymph node.  They took a strep culture and it isn't strep so I was really glad about that.  They gave me a yeast med for the rash.  I figured while I was there maybe they could find the magic cure.  He also said it is probably a sinus infection and gave me an antibiotic.  So that was my evening.  Work was quiet and I got a lot done.  It felt nice to be able to get data entered today.  Robin the week after a short week is always brutal.  Did the people from England leave?  Thanks Karen for getting us Boondock tickets.  That will be fun.  Rachel, I hope you have fun camping this weekend.  I am meeting up with the Gumm Gang tomorrow for dinner and I am going to Julie's to paint afterwards. It looks like it might get down to the low 90s.  That would be nice.  It is so smoky here.  LOVE MOM

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