Saturday, August 2, 2014


We went and saw galaxy defenders Rachel it's the new marvel movie. It was fun to meet up with everyone. I off he had to work the I came home and took a nap. When I woke up I had energy and I have been altering a.jacket for Walter so I had to go to jo anns to get some more ribbon stuff for it. It took forever for the cutting line. But while I was waiting I ran into Alyssa it was random. She was with her friends
Then I have been working on the jacket and relaxing. Not to much else with me. Have a good night



What movie did you guys see?  I am glad that it was good.  I know Mom, every night we blogg at the same time.  It is kind of weird.  We had a good day.  This morning we went to a car parts store and they had tractors so that was fun for Isaac.  Casey needed a break from car repair so we went swimming.  Oliver's new swimming suit was perfect and the umbrella worked great.  We had a fun time, it was a prefect day for swimming.  We came home and everyone but Isaac took a nap while we watch mighty machines.  I finished quilting my pineapple quilt tonight and I love it.  I need to put the binding on and then I will put a picture on.  Well everyone have a good Sunday.



It was a nice day today.  I got to sleep in and then we hooked up and went to the movies.  It was a good movie.  Rachel if you and Casey want to see it me and dad will babysit.  I love babysitting. We took dinner into a family that just had a baby.  He was so tiny and he was bigger than Oliver was.  Babies grow up so fast.  I think we will probably take Grandma Bodily out tomorrow.  It was hot today.  Have a nice Sunday.  Walter said he got accepted into his school program.  Rachel, I think this is the first night we haven't  blogged at the same time.  I hope you had a happy Isaac today.  LOVE MOM


I had a fun day today. I got up and went to mom and dad's place. Then we drove to Gateway and met Robin and Walter for lunch. Then we went and saw a movie. It was good. I enjoyed it. After the movie we went shoe shopping cause me and dad needed new shoes. Then I came back to Kamas and ate dinner and took a nap. Mom I hope that the dinner you had to take in turned out good. Thanks for the fun Saturday.

Friday, August 1, 2014


My day has been good. Work went fast, so that was nice. I had enough projects to keep me busy all day. I went to Heber after work and finally got moms check cashed. So i don't need any more reminders. Then I came home and got my laundry done. I am excited to go see the movie tomorrow. I hope every has a great Saturday.

Yeah for Fridays

It was a good day.  Just a normal everyday.  I have learned to appreciate those.  We made it to August.  I got a call today that the people we are suppose to home teach had a baby so we are bringing in dinners tomorrow and Sunday.  That should be fun.  Drive safe tomorrow Karen.  We are going to go see a show.  Have a great weekend.  LOVE MOM

A good day

Nice Isaac has come back to us and it has been nice.  He slept a lot and took a nap and he ate a ton of food today so he was feeling better.  Casey worked on his car a lot today and made progress.  He is hoping to have it drivable tomorrow so we can take it to get a new muffler and windshield.  I went to Joanns this morning while Casey watched the boys and they didn't have anything cute and I talked myself out of getting the denim.  So I went to Berninnas and got some fabric for Kelsey's baby shower.  So I ordered a pattern for a bag that I have been wanting to do and another one with Robins gift card.  Then I got some black ink for the printer.  We went out for Mexican food for dinner and then Casey put Oliver to sleep and I took Isaac to the jump zone.  He had a really good time.  Well everyone have fun at the movie tomorrow.  I hope that it is amazing.


Thursday, July 31, 2014

I made it

Robin, starting a new job and getting promoted all in one week can wear a person out.  Just rest.  The party turned out good and there was a ton of food and lots of people.  It seemed to go well.  I am glad it is over.  I was getting stressed.  I am glad that tomorrow is Friday also.  Dad needs a new pair of shoes also Karen.  His feet are really sore.  Have a great 1st day of August.  I can't believe that July is already over with.  I just love summer time.  It is so much fun to play.  LOVE MOM


We had a pretty good day.  Me and Isaac both got sleep and we felt better.  We went grocery shopping today and that was fun.  I made zucchini stir fry that was pretty good.  I made it last year and it seemed to be a lot better.  I forgot to say that yesterday we went on a walk and I put Oliver in the front without his car seat and it seemed to work good.  We didn't go far but he looked grown up.  Also he is about to roll out of his frog, I attached a picture, so he may not use it much more.  I hope that you had a fun party Mom.  It was a nice evening for it.



Today was good. Nothing to crazy. I came home and was so tired for some reason. So I just relaxed. Today at work they bought us pizza so that was nice but it was attached with an hour and half meeting. But I am still new so I had no idea what's going on. I just tried to keep up. I am so glad tomorrow is Friday, have a good one


Almost Friday

Well I am glad that tomorrow is Friday. I finished mowing my yard after work. Since I had already done the front it didn't take too long. Then I did dishes. I felt really productive. I am excited to see a movie on Saturday. Maybe if we have time we can fit shoe shopping in there because my old shoes aren't going to last too much longer. Mom I hope that your picnic went well. Have a great Friday tomorrow everyone.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014


Robin, that is awesome.  That sounds more like what you want to do anyway.  Thatn is the fastest promotion inhave ever heard of.  Mom I like the birthday idea for Dad.  I am excited tondon something epicly fun.  We had a ok day.  I was tired and was frustrated easily.  I will do better tomorrow.  I was going to make zucchini stir fry but we decided to go to the auto parts store and then out for dinner.  It was fun.  Randy came over and picked up Kellys passport and see the new car.  They are going to mexico next week to fix his teeth.  Well everyone have a good night.


Epic Birthday Continued

Robin congratulations on your promotion after 3 days.  That is so much fun.  I am so excited for you.  That is amazing.  Made my whole day.  I talked with Rachel and the baby shower and kingdom ball are on the 16th so we are going to have to do the birthday on the 9th.  Would that be OK?  I looked up the wind tunnel and that has been scratched.  It was a fortune to do that.  We can figure out something else to do.  The air museum or the train museum if we have time after the dinosaurs.  Tomorrow is the annual work picnic.  I rented a new park this year.  I am living on the wild side.  It is right by our house and it is smaller and hopefully not as many loose dogs as Sugar House.  Wish me luck that it turns out.  I always get nervous about it but it always turns out.  Have a great Thursday.  LOVE MOM   Rachel, I went on to baby or us for Kelsey and she has a sea theme going on.


Robin only the third day of your job and already being promoted. I am way impressed. My day wasn't near that exciting. I did stay busy all day so it went by pretty fast. I am so glad that the week is half over. Robin I am good with going to a matinee on Saturday. Well have a great Thursday everyone.

We need to talk

Today after a meeting my boss pulled me to the side. I am getting a new job I am going to be quality control. And I get a pay raise :) she said with my design background I would fit in well. I'm in the same office, boss and desk. Just different work. I will be sample checking and working on solutions to return problems. I was excited. The for lunch we all went out because it was a girls last day then every month is game day so we get payed to play an hour of games. We played skip Bo.  I lost but it was fun to play. But I won't start till Monday for the new position but that's ok. That was my big news hope everyone had a great Wednesday :)


Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Not today

Work was good. It was nice it was raining, my desk it by a window so it was fun to see the storm. Tomorrow is a girls last day so we are going out to eat. The I guess once a month we have game day so tomorrow we are playing skipo. I am going into work at 7:30 and work till 4. So I had a genius idea to go to the gym after and then I'm done by like 5. So I drove to the gym after work but I couldn't get myself to work out so I came home and took a was a good choice. Then I woke up and went out with Walter for dinners we went to vi. It was fun. He said he is free Saturday morning for a matinee for the movie if that works with everyone's schedule, if not no stress :) have a good one



Today it rained in the morning but cleared out in the afternoon.  It stayed pretty cool all day though, cooler I guess.  We went to story time this morning and the kids were wild today. Then we went to Khols.  I had Khols cash but it had expired I guess but she still let me use it which was nice.  Isaac had a melt down their which was fun.  He ate a good lunch and then fell asleep.  Oliver slept for a while at the same time so I got some sewing done.  Jenn couldn't sew today and she is gone next week so it will be a while till we meet up again.  I made stuffed zucchini for dinner and it was good.  Next time I am going to get some bread to go along with it.  I think tomorrow I am going to make zucchini stir fry, yea for zucchini.  The cumbers are ready also so we have been eating them with dinner and they taste good.  We walked to the park this evening and it was fun, we haven't done it in a while.  Well everyone have a good Wednesday.  Don't work too hard.


Epic Birthday Idea

Dad was teasing Rachel that he needed an epic birthday and I thought of an idea.  In Ogden there is a dinosaur park.  I have never been there but I heard it is really cool.  We could meet there and have a picnic and see dinosaurs.  We can either do it the weekend before his birthday or the weekend after his birthday.  How do you guys feel about that one?  There is also a wind tunnel somewhere up there.  I am not sure where but I can look into that one also. 
Not much going on with us.  We went grocery shopping and then got gas at Smiths.  We saved 50 cents a gallon.  It was my highlight of the day.  Grapes were 90 cents a pound.  They were really good.  Have a great hump day.  It really rained here all afternoon.  Robin I hope your second day went well.  LOVE MOM


Well I have had a good day. It was cloudy all day, but it only rained this afternoon for a little while. Work was just the usual. After dinner it stopped raining for a little bit, so I mowed my lawn. But it started raining again before I finished so I only got my front yard done. Maybe I can finish the back tomorrow. Robin I hope that your second day of work was good also. I hope everyone has a great Wednesday tomorrow. Bye

Monday, July 28, 2014

Going Good

It really rained here also and it was so nice.  I was going to walk over and pick up dad but it started to rain and he came and got me.  Robin, I am so glad your first day went well.  Rachel you always loved legos.  Isaac will like them also because he loves puzzles.  Karen it should rain all day tomorrow also.  Your lawn is going to love that.  I hope Oliver doesn't get a bad cough.  I can't believe it is almost the end of July.  Time is going so fast.  LOVE MOM

Master builder

Robin, I am glad that you had a good first day.  I am excited for you.  I am glad that it rained for your lawn Karen.  It is nice when you don't have to water.  Today we were playing with Isaac's legos and I added a table and I thought that I have a master building in me.  It was good time.  Isaac loves the legos and we have had fun with them.  We played at home today and my visiting teachers came over.  We painted the car ornaments for the tree that Mom got us and put them on the tree, they looked really good.  Casey got to work on his car a little bit today and he is making progress.  I will have to take a picture of it and put it on the blog.  Oliver has a cough today, he has a bit of a cold.  I hope that everyone has a good day tomorrow.  Don't work too hard.


Rainy days and Mondays

Work was good. Thanks everyone for the well wishes. I think it will be a good job. There is a lot of information to learn but I think I will get it. Or at least people are nice enough to help fix my mistakes :) i am facing the window it's nice to look outside every once and a while. I also made banana nut bars tonight, it was raining so hard here that I thought it would be fun to cook. Well have a good one.



Well my day has been good. It was hard waking up this morning though. I had a fun time this weekend also. Thanks everyone for coming up. It started raining here about two and it is still going. Which is nice because I was going to mow and then water and now I don't have to. Robin I hope that you had a great first day of work. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Sunday, July 27, 2014


It was hard for me to leave as well.  I had such a nice holiday.  It is going to be tough to go back to the real world.  I was with Isaac and just wanted to stay at Karen's house and play.  I love the pictures Rachel. They are so cute.  Good luck tomorrow with your new job Robin. You are going to be amazing.  Karen thanks for letting us party at your place.  I was thinking Rachel that with Oliver going on solid food he might not need to nurse as often.  Maybe he just wasn't hungry.  He can eat enough now to last a little longer.  Have a great last week in July.  LOVE MOM


Thanks everyone for such a nice time.  It is hard to leave all the help and the jetted tubs.  Good luck tomorrow Robin on your first day.  You will do great.  Oliver ate on the way home and he has been fine ever since.  I am not sure what was going on this morning.  Well here are some pictures.



 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...