Friday, August 1, 2014

A good day

Nice Isaac has come back to us and it has been nice.  He slept a lot and took a nap and he ate a ton of food today so he was feeling better.  Casey worked on his car a lot today and made progress.  He is hoping to have it drivable tomorrow so we can take it to get a new muffler and windshield.  I went to Joanns this morning while Casey watched the boys and they didn't have anything cute and I talked myself out of getting the denim.  So I went to Berninnas and got some fabric for Kelsey's baby shower.  So I ordered a pattern for a bag that I have been wanting to do and another one with Robins gift card.  Then I got some black ink for the printer.  We went out for Mexican food for dinner and then Casey put Oliver to sleep and I took Isaac to the jump zone.  He had a really good time.  Well everyone have fun at the movie tomorrow.  I hope that it is amazing.


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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...