Saturday, October 20, 2012


sorry I keep forgetting to blog. but things are going well not to much else happening. today I slept in and meet mom and karen for lunch then we shopped at ikea and home goods I got some cute things for my place. then I went to the play and did tattoos and we went to witchs night after. it was fun. well have a good sunday robin

Friday, October 19, 2012

Never enough pictures

RAchel that quilt turned out so darling.  I love it.  Good job.  YOu will have to do the next one.  I am glad you got a safe for your gun Karen that is good.  WE finally got the xrays done of dad's feet and hands.  IMED will do them 24/7 so that was nice.  They were very nice and I also got dad registered for his scope on Thursday.  I am ahead of the game.  I have been so hungry today.  I feel like I can't get enough to eat.  What is up with that.  I am excited to go shooting tomorrow Karen.  I bet I will be the worse one there but that is good because it will make everyone feel really good.  WEll have a great weekend.  It is suppose to get stormy.  LOVE MOM

Picture overlaod

Karen, that video is really funny.  It made me laugh out loud.  Thanks for sharing it.  I am glad that you found a cute house.  That is exciting.  I hope that you guys have fun shooting tomorrow.  It sounds like a fun day.  Casey is jealous about your safe.  That is exciting good job.  We had a good day.  I made chicken tacos for dinner and they tasted really good.  We went to the pumpkin walk tonight and it was fun.  It doesn't seem as good as it used to be but it was nice to walk around.  Here are some pictures from the last two days.


My Mystery Quilt

Birthday Cake

Corn Maze


Well I for one am glad that it is the weekend. Me and mom had a good time last night looking at houses. We did see a really cute one that is really close to were I work. Work is going good. I have been stay busy so that is nice. I got my gun safe in the mail today. It is cool. It opens with a finger print. It also can be open with a key or a code you set. SO now my gun is safely locked away. I saw this video at work and it made me laugh. Here is the link : . Well I hope that everyone had a great Friday. BYE

Thursday, October 18, 2012

House hunting

I met Karen after work in Kamas and we went and saw houses.  There was one that was really cute but expensive.  Decisions Decisions.  I am so glad that Casey had a good birthday. Corn mazes are so much fun.  I am glad that Isaac loved them.  He is a hiker for sure.  I had a good day at work and when I came home dad had put the self clean on the oven.  YEAH we are getting ready for the move.  I forgot to mention they came and put some plaster on the holes.  It does look better.  I am glad that tomorrow is Friday. It has seemed like a short week to me.  Time going so fast.  Thursday dad is going to get scoped so I am taking the whole day off and on Friday I am going to the eye doctor to get my eyes checked.  My right eye is blurry. I need a new prescription.  Well have a nice Friday.  The weather is amazing.  It is so pretty outside.  I love the drive from Kamas especially around the Jordanelle.  It is such an amazing view.  One of my favorites.  LOVE MOM

Add more frosting

Thanks for wishing Casey a happy birthday.  He had a really nice day.  I made him a cake and we went to the corn maze.  Isaac loved it, he ran and ran.  He got tired near the end so we carried him but he did so good.  It was fun.  We will have to go on the 27th.  I have pictures I will put them on tomorrow.  He wore the skeleton shirt that either Mom or Robin got him and he looked really cute.  I am impressed with everyone.  I made a cake and it didn't come out of the pan very nice, it was a two layer cake.  I just put a ton of frosting on it and it looked and tasted good.  I love the craft Karen and I am glad that you had a good time on your date Robin.  You love the name James so that is a positive.  Everyone have a good night and thanks for everything.


Wednesday, October 17, 2012

So cute

Isaac is doing so well.  I love he can say all our names.  He is so smart.  I am glad that everyone is doing so well.  Man a date, and out to craft night and a birthday dinner.  I feel like a slacker, I just did laudry and ironed.  I am so excited for all of you.  That is so wonderful.  I really like that craft Karen.  That looks fun.  It is cold out there today.  Robin we can go to lunch at firehouse subs on Saturday and get Isaac his fire hat if you would like.  I am going to Kamas tomorrow to look at houses with Karen.  That will be fun.  Have a good Thursday.  LOVE MOM


Rachel Isaac is so cute. He is talking really good. i am way impressed. Well my day was good. Work was just the same old same old. There was a craft thing after work at a craft store in Kamas so I went and did that after work. I even posted a picture at the end. I know way impressive. Well have a great Thursday everyone. BYE

oh ro

That is so cute of isaac. I think its funny when he says baby he snuggles with the truck. I think his trucks are his babies ;) lol . just kidding. well today was good I had to work early. and then one guy that wrote me wanted to meet and say hi. So I thought what the heck. So we met at liberty park after work and walked around and talked for a bit. It was nice he's a pretty cool guy. His name is James, he's 34 and works in finance. He wants a cool head gash for halloween. so I'm thinking that was a date thing but I guess thats my life, "I will take you out for dinner for bashing my head". oh brother. well not to much else going on I am going into work early tomorrow to. Robin

Birthday Eve

I am sorry that guy is still bothering you Robin.  I am excited for you that you signed up for online dating.  I think that it will be fun and I hope that you go on some fun dates with nice guys.  Today was good.  We went on a walk this morning, we had to bundle up because it was so cold.  We meet Casey for lunch and then I sewed with Jenn.  I worked on the table runners for you guys.  I think that they will turn out pretty.  We went out to dinner with Casey's family and that was fun.  It was good to talk to everyone.  Isaac is really starting to talk well.  He said Mommy today and it was really cute.  He was also saying baby alot.  It took me a while but he was trying to say binki.  He using just says one salable but today he did two.   I hope that everyone has a good night and stay safe.


Tuesday, October 16, 2012

a day of days

today was good work was busy, but I made it out alive. I like your quilt rachel its cute. I will try to pick up a hat at fire house but usually i eat in now. But this weekend I am pretty sure that i am doing the play at 6 so hopefully that is it. SO if forgot to tell you I was mad at the guy that keeps asking me out at work, he's awful. so I was stewing and then I randomly signed up for online dating. I don't know why but I did. So I will keep you updated on the crazies that insue. I really didn't think anything would ever happen but there are a few guys that have written me that are not half bad. so that is my crazy, i know its random but that is me. Well that is my news nothing much else. I kinda chilled tonight it was nice have a good one see you all saturday maybe. Robin

love the firebushes

Rachel thanks for taking a picture of the bushes.  I think that is the best they have ever looked in the fall.  The are beautiful.  I had a good day also.  It rained here most of the day.  I got a new project also and my desk is piling up.  I am going to be busy for awhile.  Dad had to work late and it was raining so I went to pick him up and he needs x-rays of his hands to see how they are doing and so we went to insta care but they wouldn't do them.  I am going to call the hospital tomorrow and see if they will do them for us.  He took me to Yellow fin for dinner.  It was delicious!!!!!!  Robin do you want to hang on Saturday after you get done with work or do you have plans.  WE could even go before you have to work. The next weekend on the 27th I am going to Logan to help paint and then go on a corn maze if the weather is good.  I thought Isaac would like that.  Well have a nice WEdnesday.  WE made it half way through.  I can't believe how fast October is going.  Robin if you eat at Firehouse sub would you get Isaac a red hat.  I think it will look cuter than the black one the costume came with.  LOVE MOM PS I love you quilt Rachel.  You are so good at quilting. 


We had rain all day today up here.  We went to the mall this afternoon and it reminded me of last winter when me and Isaac went all the time.  We had fun walking around and playing on the playground.  This morning we went to story time and we didn't meet Casey for lunch because of the rain.  We are going out to dinner tomorrow with Casey's Dad for his birthday.  They are going to St George and wont be here on his real birthday, it should be fun.  I finished the lemon pepper quilt and I love it.  It turned out really nice.  I quilted the thanksgiving mystery quilt today and I just need to bind it.  I quilted some leaves on it and it turned out pretty good.  Mom's fire bushes are turning red.  I took this picture yesterday, don't mind the weeds.  I need to work on that.  Everyone have a good night.



Well it was kind of rainy this evening. Work was good. I started a new project so time went by fast. It was nice. I am glad that tomorrow is Wednesday. Mom I think that sounds like a fun, going to gardener village on Saturday will be fun. We can go shooting in the morning and go there in the evening. Robin I hope that you don't have to work so you can come also. Well I hope that everyone had a great Tuesday. BYE

Monday, October 15, 2012


well today was definitely monday, I was grumpy in the morning I woke up on the wrong side of the bed. Then I had some pepsi after break so that helped. Then I mellowed after lunch. I don't know Why i was such a diva today but it sure hit the fan. but then I went to the play and that was fun. Afterwords I put on modern family and watched the new episodes online and unpacked a bit. my balcony door now opens :) yeah my room seems so much bigger now. Thanks for the fun weekend sorry I wasn't around much. well Tomorrow and wensday I don't have the play at night so that will be nice to have a few extra hours in the day. have a great night robin


Dad went to the arthritis doctor today and he is retiring in two weeks.  Dad has been his patient for 11 years.  He is a good doctor.  He is going to find us a new doctor to go to.  Well that was my big news.  I have a lot to do at work but it isn't stressful just data entry.  Makes the day go fast.  I just listen to music.  I like that.  Not much else going on.  We had warm ups for dinner.  They tasted good.  It is suppose to rain tomorrow and then get cold.  I am not sure I am ready for winter.  I miss Isaac after he leaves.  I miss all of you.  It is so quiet. I sure enjoy our weekend together.  Well have a great tuesday.  LOVE MOM


Good job Karen, I am glad that you got your car registered.  I felt like morning came early this morning.  I kept thinking I was sleeping in.  I woke Casey up early, I felt bad afterwards.  We had a good day.  Nothing too exciting.  Casey wanted Indian Food for dinner so we went out for his Birthday Week.  It was fun to go out.  We watch extreme couponing on TV and it was crazy how much money they save with coupons.  Thank you everyone for the nice weekend and taking good care of Isaac. He is spoiled and he loves it.


Back to Work

Well I had to go back to work this morning. My alarm seemed to go off extra early this morning. Then I had engineering meeting (it goes an hour and a half) I almost didn't make it thru. Then after work I went to jiffy lube and got my car inspected and registered. Yeah now I am good for another year. Well I had a nice time this weekend. thanks for the fun time everyone. BYE


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...