Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Birthday Eve

I am sorry that guy is still bothering you Robin.  I am excited for you that you signed up for online dating.  I think that it will be fun and I hope that you go on some fun dates with nice guys.  Today was good.  We went on a walk this morning, we had to bundle up because it was so cold.  We meet Casey for lunch and then I sewed with Jenn.  I worked on the table runners for you guys.  I think that they will turn out pretty.  We went out to dinner with Casey's family and that was fun.  It was good to talk to everyone.  Isaac is really starting to talk well.  He said Mommy today and it was really cute.  He was also saying baby alot.  It took me a while but he was trying to say binki.  He using just says one salable but today he did two.   I hope that everyone has a good night and stay safe.


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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...