Tuesday, October 16, 2012


We had rain all day today up here.  We went to the mall this afternoon and it reminded me of last winter when me and Isaac went all the time.  We had fun walking around and playing on the playground.  This morning we went to story time and we didn't meet Casey for lunch because of the rain.  We are going out to dinner tomorrow with Casey's Dad for his birthday.  They are going to St George and wont be here on his real birthday, it should be fun.  I finished the lemon pepper quilt and I love it.  It turned out really nice.  I quilted the thanksgiving mystery quilt today and I just need to bind it.  I quilted some leaves on it and it turned out pretty good.  Mom's fire bushes are turning red.  I took this picture yesterday, don't mind the weeds.  I need to work on that.  Everyone have a good night.


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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...