Friday, June 19, 2015

Have fun guys have fun. I am working all day tomorrow. Then sunday I have off. I have a present for dad I can bring it by. Or I can give it to him when we meet up on friday. Not much else have a good night


Lone wolfe

I just wanted to blog with my plan.  Karen came down tonight and we are going to go to Logan in the morning and spend the night.  We are taking Rachel to Jurassic Park tomorrow night.  We will come home in the morning and take Grandma Bodily out to lunch.  Robin good luck with your photo shoot tomorrow.  I hope you have fun.  Not much else going on with me.  Dad's jeep's airconditioning is weird we are taking it in on Monday.  LOVE MOM

Thursday, June 18, 2015

So Ready

I am ready for the weekend.  I was thinking this is the last full week for two weeks.  Next week is my birthday and the next week is the 4th of July.  That made my day.  Rachel if you are OK with it, I think we are coming up on Saturday and will spend the night and go home Sunday morning and then take Grandma Bodily out to lunch.  Robin if you don't work do you want to come along?  Work was busy and that makes the day go fast.  Snow cones do sound good.  With it being so hot I vote we go to Snowbird for my birthday and ride the tram.  That sounds fun and we have never done that before.  Is that OK?  Not much else going on with me.  Have a great Friday.  Enjoy the Pizza Robin.  Drive safe coming down to SLC Karen  LOVE MOM

Snow cones

Today was pretty good.  Oliver slept well last night but woke up on the wrong side of the bed.  I think he has teeth coming in.  We played in the pool again this afternoon and the neighbors came over to play too and it was fun.  It made the day go fast.  It is summerfest so we went their and got snow cones and Navajo tacos, they were expensive but tasted really good.  They were the best I have had in a while.  Isaac didn't want to go home so we went to the Smithfield park to play since it is shady, it was a nice evening.  Not enough kids signed up for summer camp next week so she canceled it.  I was bummed but I think we might go see the steam trains at promontory point on day instead.  Everyone have a good Friday.  Casey goes back to work so it not as fun for us.



Today was good. I didn't have to work at scheels so I have been relaxing. I started a tinker bell bag. But her face is creepy so I will see if I can fix it before I add a picture. At work we have mini donations for cancer institute. They were selling Carmel apples. The owner of the company bought everybody a Carmel apple. It was tastey. I thought it was sweet. Tomorrow half of our office is taking the day off. So the losers  that decided to work are going to order pizza. I thought it would be fun. Well have a good night



I am glad that tomorrow is Friday. It was warm here today we got up to 90 today. Summer sure got here quickly. My day has been good. Work is still moving along. I hope everyone has a great Friday tomorrow. Bye

Image result for minion jokes

Image result for minion jokes

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Hump day

I made it through hump day.  I had education things I had to do by the end of June so I got them all done today at work.  It is good to have them all done.  I did finish up the rest of my laundry.  It looked so nice and cool in that pool.  They slide is a good idea.  They are going to have a fun summer.  I am glad you house is cool.  Karen I can relate about having food in the house.  It is always so nice after going to the store.  Robin I love the birthday idea.  You are so creative.  Everyone keep cool in the heat.  LOVE MOM


Oliver didn't sleep very well last night, he was up from 2 to 7.  I took half and Casey took half so we were tired today.  Isaac had school and they did a carnival and he had a blast.  He keeps asking when he has school again.  I couldn't find our blow up pool so we went and got one at the store.  It was a lot of fun, the boys played in it all afternoon.  It was fun.  The AC is working great and we are staying cool, yea.  Everyone have a good night.



My day has been good. I am glad that the week is half over. Work went by pretty fast today. I stayed busy so I think that is the main reason it went by fast. I went to Walmart after work and went grocery shopping. It is nice to have food in the house. I hope everyone has a great Thursday tomorrow. Bye

Image result for minion jokes

Image result for minion jokes


Today was good. The girl at work loved her crime scene birthday. My boss brought in a game to play but it was so busy today we didn't get time. The factories are closed friday for dragon holiday so we had to get our big emails out today. We might play tomorrow. I am working scheels but time is going fast so that is nice. Have a good night


Tuesday, June 16, 2015


It is hot out side. Our office cranks the ac so I am not suffering to bad. At sugar house I would die so I feel like a princess. Friday is a girl at works birthday but everyone is taking the rest of the week off so we are celebrating tomorrow. She loves murder mysteries. So we taped bodies on the carpet and we decorated with caution tape. So tomorrow when she comes into work it's all set up. It will be fun. The walter came over and I made steaks. We watched box trolls on netflix. It was alright. A good watch but nothing I would buy. Have a good wednesday. Thursday is suppose to get up to 101. Drink lots if water.


Hot times

Well summer has come on fast.  It was really warm today.  Rachel, I am so glad you have cool air.  I was worried about that one.  Karen, I am excited for your new internet.  You are going to love that.  Robin, I hope you are surviving the heat as well.  Not much going on with us.  I did laundry tonight and we had Panda for dinner.  It tasted good.  I love that basket Rachel.  What a fun idea to make a watermelon.  I want to make one of those.  Everyone have a great hump day.  I can't believe that the longest day of the year is this weekend.  I love your pictures Rachel.  I feel that way every time someone takes my picture.  Love you guys  MOM


My day has been good also. It got up to 85 here today. If this keeps up it is going to be a really hot summer. There is a bunch of construction vehicles in front of my place. They are installing fiber optic internet in the neighborhood. So right now my internet is a little wonky but after the fiber optic is in my internet should be much faster. I hope that everyone had a great day. Bye


Casey fixed the broken swamp cooler today and then the AC guy came and fixed the AC.  So we have a cool house once again.  This morning we played outside and ate peas, they are on right now and the boys love them.  Isaac had school and me an Oliver went visiting teaching while he was gone.  Before dinner Imogean came and played with Isaac for a little while and they had a fun time.  Casey skipped scouts and we went and got ice cream tonight, it was nice.  He is also mowing the lawn which is sweet of him, he is on a role today.  I hope that everyone has a good Wednesday and a good night.


Monday, June 15, 2015

Our little jelly bean

Thanks for the picture Rachel, I am so excited.  That is interesting about your prediction Robin because both me and dad thought girl.  It will be interesting to see.  I don't really care, I am just so happy to have another baby.  I am glad that Isaac is feeling better with his knees.  I was really worried about that.  Robin, that is neat that Joe wants to do a photo shoot.  That is nice money.  Karen we got a lot of rain.  Did you get some.  We got pizza hut pizza for dinner tonight.  It was really good.  We haven't done that in a long time.  Everyone have a great Tuesday.  LOVE MOM


We had a busy day.  Isaac had a dentist appointment this morning.  Oliver woke up early so I took him with us.  He has a cavity and a little broken tooth but he said his teeth look a lot better than last time and we are doing good.  He was really cute their and did a good job so we went to shopko and go him a passenger train and they had a take and play on sale so we got that also.  Oliver got a shovel as a prize.  Isaac had school and learned about monsters and had fun.  We weeded the garden for a while during Oliver's nap.  We had Randy watch the boys while we went to the doctor which was really nice.  We took the car to the car wash and cleaned and vacuumed it so it is clean again.  We went out for dinner and Isaac fell on the rocks and was very sad.  He is feeling better now with band aids and watching Thomas.  Here are some pictures that I forgot to post.  Everyone have a great night.



Things are going good here. It is stormy right now. Work is going good. Nothing too wild and crazy going on. Cute baby picture Rachel. I am excited for you. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

It's a....

Thanks for the baby pict rachel. I think it's a boy :) that's my vote. Today was good for me work was busy so that was nice. I am working scheels so it's a boring night. The photographer joe wants to do a photo shoot on saturday so that will be nice. Not much else with me have a good one


Sunday, June 14, 2015

Love this time of year

It was such a pretty day.  I love this time of year.  Thanks for the fun day yesterday.  We took Grandma and Susan out to lunch today and they said that Rachel was glowing and looking so good.  I thought that would make your day.  The boys are growing.  Every time I see them I think they have grown inches.  That was a cute idea for a talk.   Karen way to go on the food and weeding.  You were on fire today.  I took a long nap today and that was nice.  Not much else going on with us.  Good luck at the dentist and the doctor tomorrow Rachel.  Robin, I hope you had a nice day off.  I bet it felt nice not to work a day.  Everyone have a great Monday.  I can't believe that June is 1/2 over with already.  Time is going way to fast for me.  LOVE MOM

Traffic Light

It was good to see everyone yesterday and we had a good day.  Thanks for all the clothes Mom.  Isaac wore his new white shirt to church and it looked really nice.  The pajamas fit really well and are going to be really nice this summer and Isaac's socks fit, he must be growing.  Thank you.  Isaac had to give a talk in primary and I decided I would just help him and it went really well.  I had him say that the holy ghost is like a traffic signal,  he will tell you green to go, yellow caution and red to stop and I had a picture of a traffic light.  Then he said he hoped we could listen to the holy ghost.  It was cute.  I gave a lesson it went well and filled the time.  Oliver was really good and I made it through all of relief society.  It was hot for dinner so we picked up a pizza and bread sticks and went to the park and ate it and played for a while.  It was fun and it felt nice to be outside in the shade.  Tomorrow we have a busy day but the rest of the week should be smooth sailing I hope.  Everyone have a good Monday.



My day has been good. I got some lunches made for warm ups for work. I pulled some weeds from around my raspberries, they are doing good. I hope everyone has a great week. Bye


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...