Sunday, June 14, 2015

Traffic Light

It was good to see everyone yesterday and we had a good day.  Thanks for all the clothes Mom.  Isaac wore his new white shirt to church and it looked really nice.  The pajamas fit really well and are going to be really nice this summer and Isaac's socks fit, he must be growing.  Thank you.  Isaac had to give a talk in primary and I decided I would just help him and it went really well.  I had him say that the holy ghost is like a traffic signal,  he will tell you green to go, yellow caution and red to stop and I had a picture of a traffic light.  Then he said he hoped we could listen to the holy ghost.  It was cute.  I gave a lesson it went well and filled the time.  Oliver was really good and I made it through all of relief society.  It was hot for dinner so we picked up a pizza and bread sticks and went to the park and ate it and played for a while.  It was fun and it felt nice to be outside in the shade.  Tomorrow we have a busy day but the rest of the week should be smooth sailing I hope.  Everyone have a good Monday.


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