Saturday, September 26, 2009
Home again
We made it home safe and sound. We went out and saw Kyle this morning he isn't doing very well. He had a flu shot and had a reaction and then he had a colon blockage. Poor guy. We then had lunch with Grandma and Grandpa Bodily and then went and help Grandma and Grandpa Gumm. Grandma went to get meds with me today. It is good to have her out and about. We got home and met Jed and Teresa and Kelsey and Mike for a birthday dinner. Then we walked over the Best Buy to look around and they had some Bose Speakers for the TV on clearance and we got them. They sound really nice. We are going to have to watch Phantom for a true test. We watched Stardust tonight. We bought that for Kyle and Julie and it sounded like a good one to watch. We are going out to Clifton after church tomorrow to help with the making of apple sauce. I got a bunch of steaks and We are going to try them out. The weather here is beautiful. The fall leaves in Sardine are fantastic. LOVE MOM
A ton of stuff
Sorry I haven't blogged in a while, it has been busy. Thursday me and Mom learned how to machine quilt and it was awesome. I am so excited to be able to bring over my quilts and quilt them myself. It is a really great opportunity and I am so grateful that she is teaching us, it is great. On Friday I went down to SLC and saw a comedian Jim Gaffigan at Kingsberry hall at the U. It was really fun and we had a good time. We ate at noodles and Co and then we got Ice cream at "Spoon Me", I would recommend it to everyone, it was good. Then this morning me and Vickie went and saw a Greek play and we were in for a surprise. It was a Gothic Greek play. It was horrible, it was the weirdest thing we have ever seen. I was a complete surprise. Vickie was glad that she was going to a Relief Society meeting this evening so she could have something good to watch to take wash away the awful play from her mind. I got back to Clifton around 2:30. We took a nap and then we picked some apples and are in the process of making some apple sauce. Thank you Mom and Dad for lending me your tools. Well have a good Sunday. I will talk with you later.
I'm glad that you had a good time in slc mom and rachel. Well today my teacher asked us if we could come in and help with a lecture thing he was doing. George brown actors came to learn basic make-up techniques. I guess its a prestigious acting school, I had fun though. the kids were fun to work with. well i'm going to bed i'm tired. love you
Paintball and Violins
Apparently there is a store in St. George called Paintball and Violins. I went there to see it and it is interesting. They also have food storage stuff. It was an interesting store. I had a good day today. I am doing laundry right now. It is always good to have done. I hope that Mom and Rachel had a good time in SLC. I am glad that you had a good time at the birthday party and I am surprised that Grandma went. That is good to get out of the house. I am excited for everyone to come down here next weekend. Have a good one. BYE
Friday, September 25, 2009
Safe in SLC
We made if safe and sound to SLC. Rachel is still out with Vickie but Grandma and I went to Paul's birthday party. It was a good time. Dad stayed and babysit grandpa. We went to Leatherby's afterwards just me and dad. It was fun to go out. Rachel is staying the night here and then tomorrow she is going to a greek play with Vickie. We are doing the usual. Kyle is having troubles and he had to go to the hospital. I think we are going to go visit him tomorrow before lunch. Robin are you sad you are done with prosethics. I know you really like that. Karen have a great nap. I am jealous. I really need one of those. Well have a great weekend LOVE MOM
Well it is finally the weekend. I hope that mom and Rachel had a good time at the birthday party. Things are going good for me here. Work was pretty good. I was busy for most of it, so it went pretty fast. My bosses brother died so he is gone until Wednesday. I was actually motivated and went grocery shopping. The definitely need to get more checkers is all I have to say. I am ready for the weekend. I don't have anything I need to do so I am going to take a nap. It should be awesome. Well I hope that everyone else has a great one also. BYE
drive safe to slc I hope that you guys have a good time at the birthday party. Well today was the last day of prosthetics. On monday I start film, we are doing special effects first. my teacher seems pretty cool. He came in today and was talking about the class. he told us a story were when he was first starting out he wanted to do a picture of a homicide that happened so he got a girl and did her makeup to look like she was in a fight and struggling. Then in the alley by the school they took the photo. I guess his friend at the time was developing the photos for him and there were a few that didn't quite turn out so he threw them away. I guess the cleaning lady saw it and turned in the photo to the cops. and they had a huge investigation on the murder of the girl. They asked the photographer who did it. then they took my teacher into the police station and questioned him for hours. then they talked to the girl who was in the photo about the makeup to make sure she was the real girl that was in the photo..... I thought it was funny. It was like 15 years ago before makeup was such a big thing. i guess it could seem weird if you don't know its makeup. well anyway have a great one love ya
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Me and Rachel went to quilt on a quilting machine tonight and it is sweet. They are really fun. Makes quilting so much easier. They are big and pricey but it was really fun. We went to test drive the car and it wasn't there. So that was a disappointment. I am going to drive down with Rachel after work and take Grandma to Paul's 60th birthday party. That should be fun. I am staying the night and coming home after I help them on Saturday. I dried some peaches so that was good. Harvest time has arrived. I love your zombie Robin great job. I can hardly wait to see it on the big screen. Well have a great weekend.
Robin I am impressed they are cool. Treat day was fun at work. There was a lot of food. There is none left over though. Well I just got done paying bills. That always makes me feel broke. I will get it over it though. Well my garbage disposal is not working so I had to stop at the office and report it after work. They said that it will be fixed tomorrow. I am glad that I don't have to fix it. I am sure that will end up being a gross job. Well I hope that everyone has a great Friday. BYE
I love your couches mom they are really pretty down there. I love your video rachel i laughed so hard. I hope your cookies go well karen, i'm sure they all loved them. Well today was zombie day. it actually was really fun. we all got out of control. we took a group shot at the end of it so we will have a shot of all of us. We walked around downtown, it was fun to see everyones reaction. No one wanted to look at us. they just walked by like normal everyday events. There was a french man who took a photo of us on the street. so that was cool. I made a tourists day. aw. well i'm going to keep this short. I have so much glue on my face i need to chisel through. ugh. its in my hair to. blah
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Well they want to do treats tomorrow at work. Just for fun have everyone bring a treat. I am caving and making cookies. I probably shouldn't, because I had class tonight, but what can I say. It is just too hard to see the disappointed looks on the 50 year old guys faces at work. I am ready for a weekend. This weekend should be great. I don't have class, I am not traveling anywhere. I am going to sleep in and take a nap. I just can't wait. Good job on the photos mom. I am so proud.
Joseph came over and helped me in the yard tonight and ate his first apple off the tree. He was in heaven. My yard sure looks a lot better. I am stiff and sore but it was worth it, my yard was getting out of control. Good luck with your photo shot tomorrow Robin I am excited for you. Rachel I got a new connecting thread magazine. WOW they have some neat quilts. I like you movie. It made me laugh. Good luck Karen with your cookies. I hope they taste good and everyone appreciates your hard work. I am tired and going to go veg on the recliner that I moved into the living room. I am going to go read a book.
I thought that this was really funny
I had a good day. I went to El Sol for Lunch for Michelles Birthday. I don't have much else going on. Everyone stay safe.
I had a good day. I went to El Sol for Lunch for Michelles Birthday. I don't have much else going on. Everyone stay safe.
that sounds fun to go to adia, I know rachel loves the music. well not much going on today. Tomorrow is my zombie photo shoot. It will be nice to have over. Today we started on how to make teeth. He said its fast to make them so hopefully by friday we will have a set of teeth made. i think i might make vampire fangs. there good to have as a staple. well nothing else exciting better go . love ya
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
I bought tickets for us to go to Aida on October 3rd. I hope that is right. It is a Saturday night. I thought that would be fun. I bought 5 tickets. Sorry Robin we will let you know if it is good. I went out and picked the bounty tonight. Wow. We have a lot of stuff out there. I didn't pick apples yet. I am going to do that tomorrow night. I did pick all the peaches and some berries. Well I guess I better go get the bounty done. Robin I love your Malifacent. Not so much her smoking but she does look good. I am excited to see your photo shop ones. I am excited for your zombie pictures. I hope they go good. Well have a great week. I did make an offer of the Sonata today but he called back and I didn't get to talk with him yet. Don't want to look to anxious do I. I am not sure if we will get it or not but it is fun to at least try.
First Day of Fall
Well I wasn't as productive today. I did go out and pick some crab apples. Then I read my book out in the pasture with the goats. I gave Helen a bottle of Mustard pickles, I hope that she likes them. Robin you mask looks really good, you are doing a good job. Good job Karen on your class, you are a genius. At work today they trained me on this new web based way to query. It was neat and fun to learn new things. It is a lot easier and faster to get information now. Well I hope that everyone has a good night.
Robin, I think that looks cool. You did a good job. I am way impressed. Things are good here. The temperature is in the 80s so it is really nice out side. It is really hard to go in to work when it is so pretty outside. I got my CPR card today in the mail. So that is nice to have out of the way. I scanned it and emailed it to my teacher. That means all my paper work is now in. Yeah! I don't have to stress about that anymore. Well I have to go and do some homework so I better go. BYE
maleficent is created
WEll today was my maleficent photo shoot. The chin was a mess luckily they have photoshop I don't have the professional photos I took one while we were waiting and she need a smoke so I got one out side. I also took on of me while she was putting my queen of hearts crown on. She took of her chin and nose which is why her nose is normal color in the photo. Thursday is the zombie photo shoot.. Well I am glad everyone is doing good. Your canning stuff looks good rachel. I got hungry looking at it. I'm glad school is going well karen. I hope mom and dad by a red sports car :) anyway have a great one love ya
Monday, September 21, 2009
WOW is all I can say. First to Robin good luck with your photo shoot. I am excited for you. I did find you a red cape and will get it mailed this week for you. Second way to go Karen on your test score. That is neat and Rachel you are awesome. Those look so good. They are dad's favorite. I am so proud of all of you. You are doing amazing. I had a good night. We went and looked at cars again. The one we liked the best was a Hydaui Sonata. I know my spelling sucks. You know where you got it from. I am going to research that car and see how it works out. Well good job to all of you. I need some of that hard work to rub off on me. LOVE MOM
Good Luck
Robin good luck with your photo shoot, you will do great. Well we got a grade in our class tonight for all the stuff we have done so far. I am at a 92%. That made me happy. Today at work I was helping in shipping because she needed help to get all the post office stuff done. Now apparently I am being trained so when she goes in vacation in October I can help cover it. The guy that usually does it is having knee surgery, so I guess now I am going to be the new expert. Well I better go. Love ya guys
I did it
I made mustard pickles and they are really good and five of the bottles has sealed already. I was nervous about doing this all by myself. Last night I cut up the cucumbers, cauliflower and onions. Then I let it soak all night in salt. Then today before I dived into it, Helen had me come over and help her can some salsa and it really help me see how to do it again. She even gave me a bottle of Salsa which looks really good. Then I came home and started on my mustard pickles. Here is a picture of them cooking. I tasted it as I was cooking because I didn't want to can something gross and it tasted so good. I was excited.
Here is a picture of the finished product.
It was fun to do, I thought that we had planted too many cucumbers but I really like having them. It has been fun to make things.
photoshoot week
so this week is photo shoot week. I'm excited, tomorrow I am going to do maleficent, then we are working on each other so girl in my class is turning me into the queen of hearts from alice in wonderland. I am really excited she has this cool hat out of metal and we are going to get white roses and paint them red. I think it will look cool. I will post the picts when I get them next week. then on thursday we are doing our zombies for real. that is cool that you bought the movies mom i haven't seen them yet. I'm glad that you looked at cars to that is exciting. well i better go I have a headache and i'm hungry. love ya
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Well I made it back to St. George safe and sound. It was a nice weekend, but it went too fast. I am CPR certified now though. I guess that I am the slacker in the family, I didn't make it back in time for church so I don't have any church stories for you. Robin it sounds like there are a lot of crazies in your area. Your zombie looks cool. I am way impressed. I am also impressed with Casey's stuff animal winning skills. I can only win the little ones. Well I better go. BYE
I'm back
We made it back safe and sound from SLC. I forgot my computer so I am sorry I couldn't blog when I was down there. We had a good time. We looked for cars a lot and that was fun. We found a crysler crossfire and it was really sharp. It is a 2004 with 30,000 miles on it the color is red. We didn't test drive it yet but I think we will. Dad really likes it. Karen looked at a lot of ford focus. They are nice cars and I know they are good because Rachels has been really nice. Robin is your zombie the one with just one eye. It is way cool. I love it. We watched resident evil last night. There were not masks all the zombies were painted. We bought three of the movies. I will send them to you when we are done if you haven't seen them. Not much else going on here. It feels nice to be home. Grandma and Grandpa are doing OK. I got a birthday invitation for Paul's 60th birthday party. We are getting old. That is for sure. It is next Friday night. I am going to go and hopefully take grandma.
Boring Idaho Sunday
Wow, I wish our church was that exciting, that is really weird. That is awesome that you get to experience that. We had a good day. We slept through Sacrament meeting, and then we got up and went to Nursery. It is fun and we like it. We walked to church and the goats were out in the pasture and they saw us and ran over to us. So we went in and saw them and ate some apples. We are going to try to make some apple pie today. It should be fun. It is so funny because the goats have a path out to the crab apple tree and they don't leave it. We I walked in the pasture they started running to see us but they wouldn't get off the path. Casey said that animals are like their owners and it is true with the goats because they stay on the path like I would. It was funny. Well have fun watching your movie Robin, I hope that everyone else makes it home safely.
what a week!
well today church was lively. It started in sacrament meeting. The bishop is in health care and he was talking about the swine flu and that some people may choose to not shake hands due to the spread of the flu so don't be offended and if your sick to stay home and rest, so others don't get infected. He was very respectful and kind in my opinion. Then a lady stood up ran to the front of the pulpit and sputtered something chinese english mix of something. The only word I think we all understood was the F word. then the bishops face went bright red and said that they could discuss it after the meeting. Then in relief society there was a new girl who said that she found the church online contacted the missionaries and was just coming to learn more. our lesson was on work of the dead. around the end she raised her hand and said that she actually saw this experience were a baby came out of the womb and evil took it and put it in spirit prison. and asked if that was like our spirit prison. and that lord talked to her and that we have 2 babies in our womb and if we have more babies its because of a manifestation. or something like that I was baffled so I don't remember most of the things. just the highlights. luckly it was at the end and the teacher said we can answer her questions after class. well sorry to write alot i've had a crazy week and that just toped it off. I'm locking myself in my room and watching movies. :) I'm glad lagoon was fun rachel. it sounds like alot of people have lost vital organs at lagoon. eek. i'm glad you guys were safe. :) well better go love ya.
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We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...