Sunday, September 20, 2009

Boring Idaho Sunday

Wow, I wish our church was that exciting, that is really weird. That is awesome that you get to experience that. We had a good day. We slept through Sacrament meeting, and then we got up and went to Nursery. It is fun and we like it. We walked to church and the goats were out in the pasture and they saw us and ran over to us. So we went in and saw them and ate some apples. We are going to try to make some apple pie today. It should be fun. It is so funny because the goats have a path out to the crab apple tree and they don't leave it. We I walked in the pasture they started running to see us but they wouldn't get off the path. Casey said that animals are like their owners and it is true with the goats because they stay on the path like I would. It was funny. Well have fun watching your movie Robin, I hope that everyone else makes it home safely.

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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...