Wednesday, May 4, 2016


Casey got a flat tire on his way to work.  He had some tires from the old blue car that he took in after work to be put on the rims and he is going to use those.  Isaac had school today and had fun, he made a cute Mother's day card that I attached.  We had a hard time finding his shoes this morning and they ended up being in the front yard so it was kind of stressful finding them.  We played outside and the boys got muddy so we came in to get cleaned up and Calleen stopped by.  She had to set up for the farmers market on Saturday and wanted to keep some stuff in the fridge.  So we got to visit for a while and then she came back and visited.  We spent most of the day outside, it was hot and pretty.  We will be done tomorrow, thanks for having us.


One more day

Only one more day and then I get a day off.  I had a good day at work.  Things are slowing down and that is really nice.  I am needing that a lot.  Robin you are busy.  I am glad you get a couple of days off.  Not much going on with us.  We went and got a Star WArs that I promised Isaac if he went to church.  I think it is my turn for the cold.  I sure hope it is just my normal junk and not a cold.  Everyone drive safe and sound.  LOVE MOM


I am glad that tomorrow is my Friday. Work was good. I have been staying busy so it is going by fast. I went to Walmart after work. I got some weed and feed to put on my yard. I am going to that tomorrow because it is suppose to rain this weekend. I hope everyone has a great Thursday tomorrow.  Bye

Double up

Today was so crazy. Trying to jam pack 2 days into 1. So I was running around like crazy.  Then I worked at scheels. I am glad tomorrow is my friday. Well not much else with me. Happy may the wars day


Tuesday, May 3, 2016


Ruthie had her four month check up this morning and Isaac to get his shots.  He ended up having all but one done but they hadn't written it on his card because they ran out of room.  I asked for another card but they were out.  She filled out a sheet for the school and we walked it over after the appointment since it was right next door.  Ruthie is doing good.  She was tongue tied so they clipped it, I felt bad for her.  She is 14# 10 oz (70%), 24" (30%), head 75%.  We had to wait so long, we ended up being their for an hour and a half.  The nurse wasn't that bright.  I was running late for sewing so Jenn came a little late but it was still fun to sew with her.  Casey and the boys made bread since we were out.  Then we went and got everyone a prize for the doctors and then got some tortillas for dinner.  Casey had scouts and we just played outside.  Ruthie didn't feel good at bed time and it took her a while to fall asleep.


Wish my system was down

My computer worked all day so I had to work.  That is always nice to have some time you didn't expect to have.  I went grocery shopping after work.  We were running low on supplies.  I got some stuff for this weekend also.  I am ready to party.  Not much else going on with us.  Have a great hump day.  LOVE MOM


Well my grass was getting long, so I mowed it after work. It was actually a pretty nice day for it. Work is going good. I am jealous that you got a half day off Robin. It is amazing what you can accomplish with random free time. I hope everyone has a great Star Wars day tomorrow. May the 4th be with you.

System down

Today was interesting. The computers were down so we just did odd jobs till 11:30 and took and early lunch. When we got back they were still down. So my boss said we could go. It was fun. :) I was excited. So I decided to do some spring cleaning. I cleaned both bathrooms bedroom and living room. It feels so nice. I still have to tackle my craft room. But that's a whole day in itself. Lol. Then I worked at scheels. They didn't want to join the give up and not work movement. Have a good night


Monday, May 2, 2016


Today was good.  Isaac had school and Randy picked him up and took him.  We went on a walk while he was gone.  He gave us strict instructions to just look at the wall while he was gone so he wouldn't miss anything, I told him that wasn't going to happen but we would just do little kid stuff.  Randy took the boys to the park and his house after school and they had a fun time.  Ruthie was kind of fussy so I held her for a while.  Nate brought Casey home and they had a fun time.  They had good weather and made it up to the peak.  We went and picked up the boys and Randy took us to McDonald's for dinner.  Then we just played outside the rest of the evening.  It was such a pretty day.  Our peas are coming up, I attached a picture.  Isaac is so excited for the garden this year.  He wants to plant a ton of corn which should be fun.


She was laughing so hard at Isaac on the trampoline


Congratulations Robin.  That is really sweet.  I worked late today trying to catch up.  I thought it wouldn't put me in over time so why not.  It is employee appreciation week at work and I got this really cool speaker for my phone.  It is really nice.  Me and dad were playing with it tonight.  Not much else going on with me.  I am so excited for Friday.  Everyone have a great week.  It was a pretty day out there.  LOVE MOM


Today they finally made my promotion final and I got a dollar raise. I also got my state tax return so it was a fun day. I took walter to fujis to have some fun. We are doing a little black dress challenge at work. We have to do 3 sets of workouts. So today was 20 jumping jack and "burpees" and some weird knee high thing. It's kicking my trash. It seems easy but I'm out of breath at the end. I am way out of shape. For memorial day I work that saturday 9-5. Sunday off and monday 5-9. So maybe I could meet up with everyone monday day and do something? Sorry I have a terrible schedule. Well just a few more days till the quilt show :) have a good one



Well i made it thru Monday. It was a good day. Work went by quickly, so that was nice. I am excited that i don't have to work Friday. Short weeks are fun. Well i hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Sunday, May 1, 2016


Today was good I had the day off. So I slept I'm and watched movies. I did go to enochs family for sunday dinner. No much else have a good night


They call the wind Maria

It was so windy coming home last night, it was pretty crazy.  It was windy here today also.  The fence blew down in one spot.  It is just one post so it shouldn't be too bad to fix.  The boys slept in today which was nice.  We went to church and Ruthie was crying in sacrament so we went in the hall for the rest.  Everyone helped me a lot their and were really sweet.  Oliver wouldn't go to nursery so I took him to my class.  He did good and Ruthie slept through it.  Oliver took a nap this afternoon and we just watched shows.  I had the boys try on their bathing suits to see if we needed new one and Isaac loved it.  It made him so happy to get them out and talk about when we are swimming.  Thanks for the fun weekend and have a good week.  It is a short one with the quilt show.


windy days

It was so windy all day here.  Grandma said that is blew off a lot of shingles off her house.  We had a really quiet day also.  I did get some laundry done and arranged by shelf above the washing machine.  Things kept crashing down.  I think I will work on my closet this week.  It is a mess.  Have a nice week.  I can't believe it is May already.  LOVE MOM


Well I really don't have much to report. I had a nice quiet day. I hope everyone has a great week. Bye


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...