Monday, May 2, 2016


Today was good.  Isaac had school and Randy picked him up and took him.  We went on a walk while he was gone.  He gave us strict instructions to just look at the wall while he was gone so he wouldn't miss anything, I told him that wasn't going to happen but we would just do little kid stuff.  Randy took the boys to the park and his house after school and they had a fun time.  Ruthie was kind of fussy so I held her for a while.  Nate brought Casey home and they had a fun time.  They had good weather and made it up to the peak.  We went and picked up the boys and Randy took us to McDonald's for dinner.  Then we just played outside the rest of the evening.  It was such a pretty day.  Our peas are coming up, I attached a picture.  Isaac is so excited for the garden this year.  He wants to plant a ton of corn which should be fun.


She was laughing so hard at Isaac on the trampoline

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