Tuesday, May 3, 2016


Ruthie had her four month check up this morning and Isaac to get his shots.  He ended up having all but one done but they hadn't written it on his card because they ran out of room.  I asked for another card but they were out.  She filled out a sheet for the school and we walked it over after the appointment since it was right next door.  Ruthie is doing good.  She was tongue tied so they clipped it, I felt bad for her.  She is 14# 10 oz (70%), 24" (30%), head 75%.  We had to wait so long, we ended up being their for an hour and a half.  The nurse wasn't that bright.  I was running late for sewing so Jenn came a little late but it was still fun to sew with her.  Casey and the boys made bread since we were out.  Then we went and got everyone a prize for the doctors and then got some tortillas for dinner.  Casey had scouts and we just played outside.  Ruthie didn't feel good at bed time and it took her a while to fall asleep.


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