Saturday, May 2, 2020
Well all I did was sleep today. I woke up at 11:00 this morning. Dad took me to Caparotti's and we ate it in Murray park. We came home and I took a long nap. I am hoping that is what I needed. We aren't coughing hardly at all. I think we are over most of it. Not much else to report on my end. I am glad everyone had a nice day. Oliver looks so much older in his picture. I love his arrow. He such a boy. Everyone enjoy Sunday. Get out in the sun. So beautiful. LOVE MOM
We had a good day. I went grocery shopping this morning and then me and Casey went and ordered shingles for the roof. They will deliver them Monday. It was watering day and the kids played all day outside in their swimsuits. They loved it. Casey took cuttings of more of the yellow bushes and he planted those in pots. We planted the garden and it looks good. Isaac was a big help doing it. Mom and Karen's quilt backs came today so I loaded Mom's on my frame. It was the one on top. Too fun. Love you guys.
My day has been good. I got up this morning and mowed my lawn. Then I went to Heber City got gas, washed my car, and went grocery shopping. I wore the mask Rachel made me to Walmart, thanks Rachel, so I was a rule follower. Then I came home and had a nap. I also worked on a final project for a bit. Then I had dinner. Then I walked down to Chevron and back. So I should sleep good tonight 😴. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye
Friday, May 1, 2020
I did it
I made it to the weekend. It was a quiet week for us. I think we are going to make it a quiet weekend as well. I might change my mind after I sleep in tomorrow but I think we are just going to be lazy. I think I might take a drive and see what stores have opened back up. I am curious to see who is opening and who isn't. I like those masks Rachel. I bet they will have to use them. I think it is dumb but it might be the only way we get to do things. Karen good luck with your lawn tomorrow. I am feeling bad that I am missing that. I will do it next time. LOVE MOM
Today was good. It is May and the last month of school. I walked and did an exercise video this morning. They have been doing my excercise class online but it is at 9 and it is a hard time for me but next week they are doing it at 8 which will be great. I made the kids some masks just in case they need them. I think they will work ok. School was good Oliver had a call with his reading teacher. Isaac had to pick up stuff from his desk and a prize for not missing assignments. They were serving lunch so we picked that up. The kids think it is fun. We rode bikes this afternoon. Ruth didn't want to go on the bumpy rode and the boys did. So they ended up goi g around the lock by themselves. They did good and had a fun time. After dinner Isaac and Casey mowed the lawn. Isaac did really good. Our front yard is a mess of dandelions but we had weed and feeded twice. I hope you feel better Mom and Dad.
Things are good here. I am glad that the weekend is here. I finished one final. The other one I have to do isn't released until next week so I am all caught up for a bit. Tomorrow I am going to mow my lawn. It really needs it. I hope everyone has a great weekend. Bye
Thursday, April 30, 2020
so close
I'm so glad tomorrow is friday. We had a conference call and I am still working from home next week. I am going in on Monday to help out for a minute. Today was pretty chill. I was craving brownies so I made some this morning and ate half the Pan through out the day. So I'm claiming quartine treat day. I had 4 ,bottles of water so I'm calling it a wash. Lol I should start working out. I'm ok to sew. Do you want to do it Saturday or Sunday?
Not much going on with us. I did work all day. I didn't feel as good today but I didn't sleep very well either and I think that is the problem. Actually our coughs are getting a lot better. We went to the DI parking lot and watch the jets. It was fun to see them. I can't believe that tomorrow is May. WOW. School will be out before you know it. Karen not too much longer now. Robin, I hope you had a really nice day as well. We had a meeting with all the administrative assistants in administration and they were insistent I get tested. I don't think I will but now I am worried they will be upset with me. Drama. Are we still planning on sewing next weekend? I am pretty excited about that one. Have a nice Friday. LOVE MOM
My day was good. We didn't have any jets fly over Kamas. Work went good. This evening there was a big thunderstorm. It lasted about an hour and then it was gone. I started one of my finals today. I got half done but I have until the 5th to finish it so I am doing good. I hope everyone has a great Friday. ❤
Casey didn't sleep well last night so we were tired today. He couldn't go back to sleep so he went to work early so I couldn't walk so I just did an exercise video which was great. I finished up two quilts today. I was missing fabric for the patriotic quilt and it can this week so I was able to finish it. School was good. Oliver had a conference call. Isaac is writing a paper online and it scores it and gives a chart on how well he did. He can revise it as much as he wants but has to do at least three revisions. The jets flew over thia afternoon and they were fun to see. I love airplanes. Isaac video called his friend again and they had a fun time. After dinner we were outside and we heard an icecream truck. We ran to the front but missed it. The kids really wanted icecream after that so we went and picked some up. It was fun and nice to get out a bit. Love you guys and have a good Friday.
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
Another quiet day
We just had another quiet day. I worked and then just vegged. Dad's cough is so much better and I am hoping that we are on the right track with giving him some filtered air and rest. I got these pretty flowers for Admin day and I took them out on the patio. I was worried that was causing some of his problems. I can see them out the window and that is nice. I did order new HEPA filters for our machines and they should be here tomorrow. Allergies are so bad. Tomorrow the jets are flying by at 1:00. I hope we can see them. Robin Texas Road house sounds good. Where is it in Lehi? I am glad you got that. It is one of your favorites. Karen, I hope your beef jerky turned out. You make the best. I can't believe tomorrow is the last day in April. What a weird month it has been Rachel that picture of the bridge is really cool. I am glad you went out on the river. The fresh air cures. LOVE MOM
I didn't realize you had an apple tree Robin, that is pretty. I am glad you still get your promotion. Today was good. I walked and did an exercise video this morning. Isaac finished his lego this morning. I was proud his stuck with it and finished. School was good. Isaac had a class call and Oliver had a call with a reading teacher. It was a pretty day today. After school Isaac video chatted with a friend. Me and the little kids played outside. Mom and Dad bought us dinner and the kids got sushi and pizza, their standard. It tasted really good, thanks again Mom and Dad. After dinner we went canoeing and it was fun. I love going. The kids went wading after and had fun. We went and got rootbeer floats on the way home. Love you guys. I am excited for the sewing day.
Things are going good here in Kamas. I am so ready for the lock down to end also. Work was good. I also put in my beef jerky around lunch time. So yeah, it should be done soon. I finished all the stuff need for my art class so I just have 2 finals to do. The first one I can start tomorrow. So wish me luck. I hope that everyone had a great day. BYE
Today was good. I went into work till lunch then I came home and finished it out. I get to keep my promotion but I won't get my annual raise in July. So it is what it is. Hopefully with the economy getting to reopen it won't last for long. They needed help cutting lace for masks for work so I am helping out during my slower times at work. We bought a grass edger and it arrived from Amazon today. Our grass is growing so fast I mowed today and trimmed it around the edges. I looks nice I just need to sweep all off my side walk but I was tired so I'll do it tomorrow. I have to Our apple tree has so many blooms. It's crazy. We also went to Texas Roadhouse and did pick up service. It tasted so good. I miss eating out lol.
Tuesday, April 28, 2020
Quiet day
Dad felt a lot better today. I think he is turning the corner. We just hibernated all day. We did walk and get mail and that was our adventure. I am so glad that we are orange now because we can have our sewing day at Karen's house with beef jerky. (It might be second batch). I am pretty excited for that. I need to find a craft for the kids to do. Look around Rachel and see what you think would be fun for them. Robin, I am sorry you are at crazy level at work. Did your promotion stick? It was before Covid. I was hoping that was still good. Karen, I am sorry your arm was sore today. Trees are so bad right now. At least it is just once a week now. That will be a lot better. When you go back to work you will have to buy bagels and take them to work. They won't even care you are late. Robin, I love those sayings. They made my day. I love that Ruth has the whole bag of candy in her canoe. She is organizing. I am not going into work this week. I have no voice and a cough. I don't think they would let me through the screening process. Well have a nice hump day. I am loving this weather. I think if we feel better tomorrow we might drive over to Kay's and give her some masks. LOVE MOM
It was a pretty day today and I love the warm weather. I walked this morning and worked out. School is going good. Isaac had a call with his class and he likes doing that. After school we hikes to the nature center. When the kids were really little it took forever to get there but it was fast today and we even hiked farther. The kids had fun playing at the nature center and waded in the water. We were hiking and the kids went to climb a big rock. Oliver scrapped his knee and we had to go back home. We had a fun time. We have been eating most of our meals on the deck and it is so nice. Casey has been working on tightening the railing and it is really nice. Love you guys. Save same beef jerky for me Karen.
I went into work today and it was so busy. I don't know why it was so crazy. I'm going in for a bit tomorrow then I am going to work from home. They need help cutting masks. We are making masks out of gowns we can't sell. So they are bringing us in to help. They sent out an email today that no more raises, promotions, or bonuses for at least 12 months. So there is that, I think they are starting to feel the slow downs. I guess we will see when things gear up of they make different rulings. Some states are delaying till middle of May so it will be interesting to see.
Things are going good here. I did get my shot this morning. It was red for a while but it is looking better now. Still a little sore. Work was busy because it was meetings day and I was in meetings all morning. I got some meat cut up for beef jerky and now it is marinating. I should be able to dry it tomorrow. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye
Monday, April 27, 2020
I woke up early this morning and just decided to work. It wasn't way early but it was nice to leave a little early as well. Dad has a bad cough so he just vegged today. I actually think he is doing better tonight. I think we are just going to go slow this week and see if we can get him over it. I told my boss I wasn't coming in this week and she said I should get tested. I will see how we feel in the morning. I don't think we have it. Not much else to report on my end. LOVE MOM
We had a fun time yesterday, thanks
I attached the pictures below. After we got home Casey and the kids went tree climbing and had fun. Today was good. I walked this morning and then did an exercise video. It felt nice to do and I think I will start doing that in the mornings. School was good. Oliver had a book to pick up at school so we walked there during our break. It was lunch time so we picked up some lunches also. We stopped at ate them by the library and that was fun. We were walking home and Randy and Terry were driving by. They stopped and drove us home in their truck. It was fun. I had to run to Sam's this afternoon and they were letting people in which was nice. Randy and Terri brought over some hummas for me and a pizza for the kids. It was nice to them. Sam's club has really good hummas. Love you guys and I hope you have a good night.
I attached the pictures below. After we got home Casey and the kids went tree climbing and had fun. Today was good. I walked this morning and then did an exercise video. It felt nice to do and I think I will start doing that in the mornings. School was good. Oliver had a book to pick up at school so we walked there during our break. It was lunch time so we picked up some lunches also. We stopped at ate them by the library and that was fun. We were walking home and Randy and Terry were driving by. They stopped and drove us home in their truck. It was fun. I had to run to Sam's this afternoon and they were letting people in which was nice. Randy and Terri brought over some hummas for me and a pizza for the kids. It was nice to them. Sam's club has really good hummas. Love you guys and I hope you have a good night.
Monday mornings always come way too early. But I made it. I got my laundry done today also. Work was good I got a new project to work on this morning. It didn't take very long to do but it did keep me busy most of the morning. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye
Sunday, April 26, 2020
We meet up with Rachel and kids today for an adventure to Antelope Island. We met at Walmart and then all had lunch at the park and drove out to the Island. There were at least a trillion biting gnats out there. We went on a hike in the rocks and the bushes were just covered with them. We may all itch for a couple of days. It was a really fun hike and the beach looked very inviting but the bugs won. We did drive around for awhile and found a huge heard of buffalo. There were a lot of babies. It was fun to watch them. We will have to go back again when there are trillions of gnats. We came home and just vegged. Karen went home after dinner. Robin, I hope you and Jeramy had a nice day as well. I love your astro turf. Have a nice week. I am hoping it will be the last week of working from home. LOVE MOM
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We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...