Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Another quiet day

We just had another quiet day.  I worked and then just vegged.  Dad's cough is so much better and I am hoping that we are on the right track with giving him some filtered air and rest.  I got these pretty flowers for Admin day and I took them out on the patio.  I was worried that was causing some of his problems.  I can see them out the window and that is nice.  I did order new HEPA filters for our machines and they should be here tomorrow.  Allergies are so bad.  Tomorrow the jets are flying by at 1:00.  I hope we can see them.  Robin Texas Road house sounds good.  Where is it in Lehi?  I am glad you got that.  It is one of your favorites.  Karen, I hope your beef jerky turned out.  You make the best.  I can't believe tomorrow is the last day in  April.  What a weird month it has been  Rachel that picture of the bridge is really cool.  I am glad you went out on the river.  The fresh air cures.  LOVE MOM

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