Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Quiet day

Dad felt a lot better today.  I think he is turning the corner.  We just hibernated all day.  We did walk and get mail and that was our adventure. I am so glad that we are orange now because we can have our sewing day at Karen's house with beef jerky. (It might be second batch).  I am pretty excited for that.  I need to find a craft for the kids to do.  Look around Rachel and see what you think would be fun for them.  Robin, I am sorry you are at crazy level at work.  Did your promotion stick?  It was before Covid.  I was hoping that was still good.  Karen, I am sorry your arm was sore today.  Trees are so bad right now. At least it is just once a week now.  That will be a lot better.  When you go back to work you will have to buy bagels and take them to work.  They won't even care you are late.  Robin, I love those sayings.  They made my day.  I love that Ruth has the whole bag of candy in her canoe.  She is organizing. I am not going into work this week.  I have no voice and a cough.  I don't think they would let me through the screening process.  Well have a nice hump day.  I am loving this weather.  I think if we feel better tomorrow we might drive over to Kay's and give her some masks. LOVE MOM

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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...