Friday, May 1, 2020


Today was good.  It is May and the last month of school.  I walked and did an exercise video this morning.  They have been doing my excercise class online but it is at 9 and it is a hard time for me but next week they are doing it at 8 which will be great.  I made the kids some masks just in case they need them.  I think they will work ok.  School was good Oliver had a call with his reading teacher.   Isaac had to pick up stuff from his desk and a prize for not missing assignments.   They were serving lunch so we picked that up.  The kids think it is fun.  We rode bikes this afternoon.  Ruth didn't want to go on the bumpy rode and the boys did.  So they ended up goi g around the  lock by themselves.   They did good and had a fun time.  After dinner Isaac and Casey mowed the lawn.  Isaac did really good.  Our front yard is a mess of dandelions but we had weed and feeded twice.  I hope you feel better Mom and Dad.


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 Sorry I didn't blog last night.  I mentally wrote a blog post but never physically did it.  Yesterday was good.  It was the last day of...