We had a good day. It was snowing when we went up to Logan but coming home was beautiful. It was a full moon. We took the back way through Willard and stopped at Maverick and got hot chocolate. It tasted so good. We got a 23 lb turkey. There will be a lot of turkey for the Bodily/Anderson clan. I am excited. Tomorrow I am going to get up early and go over to work to help someone with their resume and then hopefully we will go to church and see Grandma Bodily. That sounds like a full day. I am jealous Karen that you get to sleep in. I love doing that. I don't get to do that much anymore. Well have a nice sunday.
Saturday, November 12, 2011
It's the most wonderful time of the year
Karen, thanks for the ideas, that helps. What are your kitchen colors and dinning room colors? We had a good day. Mom and Dad came up and we hung out. We got stuff for Thanksgiving so we are ready to go. We have a ton of really good food. I am excited. Isaac loved having everyone here and is now fast asleep, he is worn out. Thanks for the fun day. Tomorrow we are going to Clifton to see Casey Grandma, Mom and Allen. It should be another good day.
Well my day has been good. Robin sorry I didn't blogg a list last night. Here are a few things that I want I will post more if I think of anything. I really could use a new vacuum, I also need some more hot pads (I only have 2 and the are getting worn), a kindle gift card is always good. If you have any ideas of things you would like Robin I could use some hints as well. Well it is stake conference here tomorrow so I get to sleep in. Yeah! I hope that you all are enjoying the snow. It was sunny and 60 here today. BYE
Friday, November 11, 2011
today was chill not to much happening just sleeping and eating and shopping. I live the hard life I know. :) anyway I like your clock karen. its alot smaller then I thought it would be though but I like it. well tomorrow I have a photoshoot in draper it will be fun have a good night
Nice Clock
I like the clock Karen. It is really nice. It fits perfect there. I am glad you got it. That is cool how it chimes. We decided to go to the mall and check out the opening day of H&M. I couldn't believe the line it went clear down to the door and then wrapped around to the front door again. It was crazy. We didn't get to go in. I have never seen the mall so crowded. I did pick up Isaac a pair of crocks. She said if they don't fit we can take them back. I did get all my laundry done so that was nice. Ironing is in my future again. I hope you guys have a good weekend. Just think one more weekend after this and we are going to have fun fun fun.
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Logan was fun today my day kinda lined up with rachels ;) It was fun. we got the family portraits set up though. I was thinking a black shirt with jeans. But that is my vote I didn't know what everyone else wanted. I'm glad that you almost got your clock karen I am excited to see it. It will be beautiful. Also karen if you have any ideas of what you want for christmas and would like me to buy one of the ideas that would be fun. for me at least. well have a great night
November is going fast. I am excited for pictures. I really wanted a new one. Thanks for doing that guys. I think I am going to go to Pepperidge Farm on Saturday to see if they have any good bingo prizes. I thought that would be fun. I called Casey to see if he wanted us to bring him some indian food for dinner and he was coming to get some. I didn't know he had already ordered take out so we had ordered him food also so he had dinner with us and has lunch for tomorrow. That was fun. He said he didn't have a clean shirt so me and dad went to Shopko and got him one. They had some pants on clearance so I bought dad and him a pair. I also bought Isaac a book. I can't believe you clock is coming already. That is quick. I hope it is everything you wanted. I am glad tomorrow is friday. It should be a quiet day. I made it working a whole week. It has been a while since I have done that. Have a great Friday. LOVE MOM
Good Day
Today was really fun. It was really nice to spend the day with Robin. Thank you for coming up. We went to the Italian place for lunch and went over to the fabric store. They have so much fun stuff. It is hard not to buy everything. I did buy some truck material for a quick blanket, he doesn't need it but it is cute. They had soft truck material that I almost got. We also went to the mall and went to the Bluebird for dinner, it tasted good. Well I think that we have all of November planned now. It filled up fast with a lot of fun things. Casey's Mom called today and she is coming through this weekend to go to Clifton so she is going to drop by and see us. It will be good to see her. Casey had to work tonight but he should be coming home tomorrow. He has had a busy week.
Friday Eve
Well yeah for Friday tomorrow. Thanks for setting the appointment for the photos Robin. You are awesome. I had a good day. I stayed pretty busy so that was nice. I checked my package tracking and my clock is in Vegas and should be delivered tomorrow. That is really quick for free shipping. I was impressed. I hope that Robin and Rachel had fun in Logan. Well have a great Friday everyone. BYE
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
tick tock
I love the clock karen I'm excited to see it. well today I made cinnamon rolls today and I watched some glee and got caught up on the office. Well have a great night
They found us
The high priest leaders came over tonight. We have been found. I don't think they will find us a lot. WE have been here a year and this is their first try. I had a nice day. Work was quiet and I got a lot done. I am getting use to sitting a lot more. It isn't so hard anymore. It was so pretty outside. Karen I do love the clock. IT is beautiful. Robin have fun in Logan. LOVE MOM
Karen, this is an epic day. We have been talking about getting a clock for you for YEARS and today is the day that it has happened. I am at a loss for words. I am excited for you. I don't know what I will tease you about any more. Robin, I am excited for you to come up tomorrow, it will be fun. Thanks for doing that. Today was good, we tried to go to the park but all the slides were wet so it was a failure. It was nicer outside though so we did spend more time outside walking around. I am loving my scrap quilt. It makes me happy to see all my old fabric together. I haven't done much but it is going fast. I need to be more motivated. Well Casey is down in SLC tonight and is coming home tomorrow. I think that I am going to play bubble bobble now. Me and Casey were playing it the other night and I need to practice.
Well the week is half over. I had a good day. I went on line and got me a pretty clock for the wall in my living room. I will post a picture when it comes and I hang it up. I really don't have too much else to report so I will just wish everyone a good night. BYE
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
time of time
well today was good. I did laundry and bought some new makeup brushes. :) well not to much else happening. I am still working on my demon mask. it still has some kinks for me to work out before I add a picture. but I hope it turns out :) well not to much going on I didn't know what you were doing on thursday rachel but I thought I would take a drive up to logan for a bit just for fun. maybe eat out for lunch. I don't know just a change of scene. But if you have plans no stress. well not to much going on have a great night
Nice Day
I had a good day. I just worked all day and it felt nice. I have a lot to do but I made a little dent in it. I had tacos for dinner tonight and that tasted good. It was a quiet night. I needed one of those. Tomorrow night the high priest leaders are coming over to visit. I don't know I kind of feel like where have you been for a year. I guess I need to get over that. Move forward. I am so excited for thanksgiving also. Kay called today and they are going to have bingo at Julie's on the 19th. I need to start buying some presents. WEll have a great Wednesday. I should be another quiet day. They are interviewing someone so everyone will be in meetings. Maybe I will be lucky like Karen and get a few piles off my desk. LOVE YOU GUYS MOM
In my head
I was in the car today listening to the radio and the song In my head came on. I was like this song is so familiar, it took me a minute to remember it was the song in Grandma dancing animals. It was weird to hear it on the radio. We went to Micheal's and got Dad's Christmas present. I am excited about it. Isaac isn't great at going down. I have been trying to show him to go down on his butt but he doesn't do it. Today he was going down on his stomach and it was going pretty good. I have started feeding Isaac soup for lunch and he is liking it. He eats it better than his baby food. Well I am glad that everyone is doing good. Thanksgiving is right around the corner. :)
Well my days was busy. There is a proposals that they needed to get out tomorrow so there was alot of stuff to get done. I even managed to get rid of a couple of piles off my desk in between working on the new proposal. They are shutting down part of the road by my place at 7 pm tonight. But it is suppose to be open at 6 tomorrow so it shouldn't impact me at all unless they change the times. I like the stair climbing video Rachel. How is he going down? I am glad that you got your bonus Robin. I love bonuses. Well have a great one. BYE
Monday, November 7, 2011
well today was good. I went and got my lagoon bonus :) that always makes a day brighter. then I came home and put up some organizer hooks for my scarfs and coats. Mom and dad came home and we went out for dinner and shopping. now I am blogging. I ssac is super cute going up the stairs. :) I can't believe how big he is gotten. well not to much else going on have a great night
Since I had no food we went to eat and then went to Fred Meyers to buy groceries. It was a nice night. We went to the spagetti factory and dad got some spices at William Sonoma. It tasted good. I am really liking eating home lately though. I know that sounds weird but it has been fun to cook again. Rachel, Isaac is really doing the stairs well. He is amazing. I wore my new outfit to work today and it made me have a good day. I don't know what it is about a new outfit but I sure love it. I will have to go back to the old stuff tomorrow. I am browning 7 lbs of hamburger so I best be off and check it. I really like having hamburger already browned and ready to go. YOu can make a ton of things with it. Have a great night
Today was a good day. I think that I have Isaac more on the new time schedule, it still felt like there was a extra hour today. I have finished cutting out all my scrap fabric and I have decided what size I am going to make it. I hope that it turns out alright. We went to the mall this evening and walked around. There were a ton of kids at the play land so we didn't get to play there much. It was fun anyway. I have been teaching Isaac how to climb up the stairs and he is getting it. Here is a video of him going up. I only got him doing two stairs because I like to be behind him when he gets going. I hope that everyone had a good day.
Well it is dark outside. It seems like it is much later than it really is. Work was busy today. I still have a pile on my desk. I like it that way. At least I am not bored. I hope that you got your grocery shopping done mom. I am doing my laundry right now. Fun times I know. I hope that everyone had a great Monday. BYE
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Fall Back
Yes it does take a while for a time change to take effect. Isaac will adjust eventually or you will get to know 6:30 in the morning a lot. We made it to sacrament meeting. We were going to go see Margaret but when dad called she didn't answer. Dad did work for a couple of hours this afternoon. I just watched Ghost Whispers. I like that show. It does sometimes scares me but it has a good moral. Well I am going to work all week this week. I know it is going to seem strange. It has been three weeks since I worked a whole week. Oh well I only need to work two in a row and then we get to play for thanksgiving. That will be so much fun to have Linda shop with us. I will have to call her and make sure she knows she can come. Have a great Monday. LOVE MOM
Well it has been raining here on and off most of the day. The time change is rough on everyone Rachel. I hope that Isaac falls back soon for you. My day was pretty much same old same old. I did dye my haor last night. I decided I needed to cover the gray I am getting. It really isn't differnet for my normal color so I am not going to post a picture cause you won't really see anything differnet. I hope that everyone has a good Monday. BYE
Today has been good. Isaac has been living on the old time system, I think it is going to take a while to shift an hour. He got up at 6:30 new time, 7:30 old. He took a nap when church was going to start so Casey stayed and watch him and I went to church. I sat next to Linda and she wants to shop with us the day after Thanksgiving. It will be fun. After church we baby proofed more of the living room, it looks nice and not as cluttered. Casey had to work today so he is in SLC. Thanks Mom and Dad for the nice weekend. We had a good time.
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We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...