Saturday, October 24, 2020

Nice day

 We had a nice day.  We went up to Karen's place and helped her fix a leaky faucet.  It was nice to visit.  We came back home and I feel sound asleep.  We did get our echo so dad fixed that so we can turn our lights off and on in the bedroom using Alexa.  Rachel got them for Christmas and I was waiting to buy a cheap echo.  Prime had them for 18 dollars.  I think it will be nice to have the ability to turn the lights off from bed.  I also worked on Halloween stuff and think I came up with a candy gram story for the 4th graders.  I hope it isn't too corny.  Everyone enjoy the snow.  I am not sure I am ready.  One of the girls texted me and said she thinks she has covid.  So I am going into work early on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday.  I told them I couldn't go on Tuesday because i am going to a comedian on Monday with Karen and was going to play on Tuesday morning.  Have a nice Sunday.  Rachel those are really nice pumpkins.  The kids did really good.  LOVE MOM 


Today was nice we slept in and went grocery shopping. Then we watched halloween movies since we are close to halloween day. It said it was suppose to snow tomorrow so we took out our evaporative cooler so the cold air doesn't seem in the house. 



Winter has arrived and it is so cold.  We all slept in today which was nice.  Casey and the boys went with Randy to shoot guns in Preston.  They had a fun time.  I took Ruth to a pumpkin toss.  The had four catapults and we're launching pumpkins.  It was fun to watch for a bit.  We went to Lee's and got her more otter pops.  When the boys got home we cleaned up the houses and started to put burlap around the new trees.  We carved pumpkins this evening.  We walked down 8th east but the were out.  They have another stall at the mall so we went there.  In between the kids played in the leafs.  It was a fun evening.  Tomorrow Casey is going to cut trees with his Mom.  I have a meeting.  Stay warm and love you guys.

Love Rachel


 My day was good. Mom and dad came up and we fixed my outside faucet that was leaky. I also got my oil change. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye 

Friday, October 23, 2020


 It is really cold here also.  Today was busy.  I walked and went to exercise class, we did yoga today.  Ruth had a playdate afterwards and they played really cute together.  We had a quick lunch and then went to Isaac's school to help his class make fossils.  It was a fun activity and I like helping in his class.  My purse strap broke yesterday.  I had some kohls cash so me and Ruth went and got a new one.  She was really cute to help me pick one out.  We picked up the boys and went to Stephanie's house so the dogs and kids could play.  They all had a fun time.  Casey went to look at someone's trees after work so he was late coming home.  We just watched movies and turned on the fireplace.  Have a good Saturday.  Thanks for getting everything for the halloween party Mom.  It looks cute.




 I made it through the day.  That is a good thing.  We did sneak out and go to Orson Gigi to see if they had individually wrapped spoons.  They didn't so I just ordered them off Amazon.  They will be here on Monday.  That was the big excitement of our day.  We are going to Kamas tomorrow to help Karen fix a leaky spiket outside.  It could snow tomorrow night.  Weird.  Have a nice weekend.  LOVE MOM 


 It was cold here today. I may need to breakout my sweaters soon. Work went good today. Nothing too exciting but I made it through. After work I went and mailed my ballot so yeah for me I voted. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye 

Thursday, October 22, 2020


 It was cold and windy this morning so we didn't walk far.  I helped in Isaac class this morning and that is always fun.  I worked at preschool and that is fun also.   The kids are cute.  Isaac had a playdate after school.  Ruth is so messy I helped her clean her room this morning and Isaac couldn't find his library books so I helped clean his room also.  Thanks for getting Halloween party stuff Mom.  It should be fun parties.




 It is suppose to get super cold this weekend.  I am so not ready for that.  I went into work early today so I got to leave early as well.  That was nice.  We stopped at Walmart and I got everything we needed for the Halloween parties.  I thought that would take me all weekend but Walmart had everything.  That was really nice.  I would like individually wrapped spoons.  Thought I would got to Orson Gigi tomorrow and see if they sell them.  Robin, I am sorry you had to drive into SLC.  Did they have any good gossip?  I am so glad that tomorrow is Friday.  Karen I thought you would have reached your deductible by now.  I am glad it didn't cost you anything.  Well everyone have a nice weekend.  Bundle up.  LOVE MOM 


I'm so glad tomorrow is Friday. We had a lunch with the.qc girls at work so I drove to sugar house for the lunch meeting. The more I work from home the more I hate driving in traffic. We took Jenkins on a walk and it was chilly outside. So we walked fast because Jeramy didn't wear long sleeves. 


 I am glad that tomorrow is Friday. My day was good, it was cold today though. Work is still moving along. After I had to run to Heber to pick up a prescription. I have hit my deductible so it didn't cost anything so that was nice. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye 

Wednesday, October 21, 2020


Today was fun. Nothing to wild we had whimsical Wednesday and went to slim chickens. It tasted yummy. Then we watched flee market flip.



 Today was good, this week is going so fast.  I walked and went to exercise class, I love it so much.  I did my math class, we studied the Taylor series.  It is pretty amazing and I need to practice it some more.  Me and Ruth went grocery shopping after her school.  We walked to pick up the boys.  We watched Hotel Transylvania, thanks Dad for getting us those movies.  I am teaching Tony to Find it.  He is catching on and it is a fun game to play.  Love you guys.



Hump day

 I made it through the day. I got a lot done and that felt good. I have to go into work tomorrow and do screenings in the morning. I made a fruit salad and steaks for dinner it tasted really good. Not much else to report on my end. Love mom


 I was tired today but I made it through. Work was good. This is the first full day I have worked since we went on vacation. After work I came home and took a nap. Hopefully I will still sleep tonight. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Tuesday, October 20, 2020


 I went to work today to give a tour to a new hire.  I wasn't going to spend the whole day but I ended up being there until 3.  I just came home and took a nap.  It felt nice.  Karen I am so proud of you.  Way to keep that A1C going good.  Rachel is Tony's hair changing color.  He looked really light brown in that picture.  Robin you made my day with those sayings.  That is so funny.  Kay wanted to spend the night also but I think she was thinking Friday night.  I can talk to her.  I am with Rachel, I don't think I will spend the night but if I feeling alright, I am planning on going the day  Is that OK?  I guess they got the Batelle order at Sear.  It is for 2 units.  Neal thinks he has covid.  I guess he isn't feel great.  I haven't heard if the tests came back yet.  Have a nice hump day.  I am going to stay home and work and then I have to go in early on Thursday to do covid screenings.  LOVE MOM 


 Good job on your acl Karen.  You are a rock star.  When are we going to Wendover?  Wasn't it in November?  I can go but maybe not spend the night.  Today was long for me also.  We were tired.  Oliver was sad this morning because Tony was chewing his toy.  So I was waiting for him to calm down and Isaac was worried we were going to be late for school.  We made it to school on time and everything was fine.  I was learning about neural networks in my class and it was harder to understand.  I need to read about it more.  Oliver had a friend over after school and he is a cute boy, they had fun.  I cleaned the house up also.  After he left me and Oliver worked on cutting down the sun chokes.  He has been working on it and he wanted my help today.  It looks nice to have to cleaned up.





Today was so long. I was over working and not motivated. We had hamburgers tonight and went on a walk. Jenkins wouldn't stop barking till we went out. It was nice outside its suppose to be below freezing this week so we are going to take down our evaporated cooler this weekend. We called Jeramy s mom and she is ready to go to wendover. Jeramy is thinking we might get a room. So it's easier on her she doesn't need to drive as much in one day. So Jeramy is going to come. He hates gambling but can watch movies in the room if he gets tired.



 So I forgot that I had a diabetes checkup today until they sent me a reminder yesterday. So I went to work this morning then after lunch I went down and had my appointment. I am doing good my A1C is 7.4. Then after that was finished I went and got my allergy shot. After that I went to Walmart and got some groceries. Then I went home. It seemed like a long day but I made it through. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye 

Monday, October 19, 2020


 You guys took awesome pictures.  I love the ones you took with your nice camera Robin.  I am glad you are feeling better.  Today was good.  I walked and went to exercise class.  My legs were tired so it was good to stretch them.  I did my math class and then we met Casey for lunch.  I played with Tony while Ruth was at dance class.  The boys went to the pumpkin walk for school and had a fun time.  We went to the park after school so Isaac could have a playdate there.  They had a fun time.  We went up to Randy's to sing to Casey.  I was lazy and just bought a cold stone cake.  It tasted good.  Well love you guys.  It was a fun vacation.  




 I had such a wonderful time. I love the pictures. My anxiety is so much better. If I get bad again I am renting another cabin.😀. I had payroll so I worked last night and got up early. I had enough at 4 so just vegged after that. Everyone have a nice day tomorrow. It is suppose to get really cold this weekend. Love mom


 My day was good. I slept in, then I took a test for my time and motion study class. I got laundry done also. It was a pretty quiet day. Thanks everyone for a fun holiday and I hope everyone had a great Monday. Bye


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...