Saturday, October 24, 2020


Winter has arrived and it is so cold.  We all slept in today which was nice.  Casey and the boys went with Randy to shoot guns in Preston.  They had a fun time.  I took Ruth to a pumpkin toss.  The had four catapults and we're launching pumpkins.  It was fun to watch for a bit.  We went to Lee's and got her more otter pops.  When the boys got home we cleaned up the houses and started to put burlap around the new trees.  We carved pumpkins this evening.  We walked down 8th east but the were out.  They have another stall at the mall so we went there.  In between the kids played in the leafs.  It was a fun evening.  Tomorrow Casey is going to cut trees with his Mom.  I have a meeting.  Stay warm and love you guys.

Love Rachel

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