Saturday, January 24, 2015


Today was fun me and Karen went to Texas Roadhouse and then went and saw into the woods, it was a good movie, then we went to spaghetti factory. Karen found a improv group that looked fun but they started at 10 so I was a fraud I won't make it that long. I'm glad you had fun in Logan have a good Sunday



I agree Rachel it was so refreshing to come up and just hang out.  I am glad that everyone is starting to feel better.  Isaac still looks pale.  I sure had a fun time.  Thanks for letting me come up.  Dad stayed home because his neck is still really stiff and hurting.  The traffic was really busy going and coming home.  I was wondering what the big event was going on.  It felt so nice to just hang out.  Have a nice Sunday.  Karen and Robin, I hope you had a great day as well.  LOVE MOM


Thank you so much Mom for coming up.  I think we all feel a lot better from spending the day with you.  Thank you.  We made an epic race track and just played around the house.  I just wanted to say thanks and I hope that Robin and Karen had a great day as well.


Friday, January 23, 2015

Almost over

I can't believe it's the last week of January . I m sorry the Anderson clan is under the weather. Hope you start feeling better. Today was pie day at work. I bought some lemon supreme from village inn it was good. My back feels like it has knots all over it's so weird sorry dad's neck is sore. Me and Karen are going to hang tomorrow. Then I have Sunday off. I'm excited I think I'm going to do an embroidery project. Travel safe everyone


Here comes the weekend

Sorry tomorrow fell apart.  Have a fun time Robin and Karen.  I am glad that you are getting together.  Thanks for coming up Mom, it will be good to see you.  I hope that Dad starts feeling better, I am glad that he stayed home.  Isaac was a bit better today.  He didn't have a fever today which was good but he didn't get up much.  This afternoon he did even play legos for a while.  Oliver's tooth broke through so I hope that helps him feel better.  Well everyone have a good night and a fun time tomorrow.


Grandma is coming

We went out tonight and got Isaac his track for hot wheels.  I hope it is the right one.  It is pretty cool.  Dad has a really sore neck and headache and stayed home today.  I am so glad it is the weekend.  I needed one of those.  It is suppose to be beautiful weather this weekend.  Me and dad have to go have a blood test in the morning to get our cholesterol and sugars tested for our physical.  I am planning on going to Logan afterwards.  I am not sure if dad is coming or not.  We will see how he is feeling.  Robin and Karen have a fun day.  LOVE MOM


I am glad that it is the weekend. Direct deposit is now in affect so I don't have to go to the bank to deposit my paychecks anymore. That is so nice. I also got my new insurance cards today. They aren't in affect until the first but it is nice to have. I am sorry that Isaac isn't feeling well. Even though the rest of you have a cold me and Robin are still going to hang out tomorrow. We will think fondly of you as we have fun tomorrow. Well I hope that everyone feels better soon and that you have a great Saturday. Bye

Thursday, January 22, 2015


I know gas prices are really sweet right now.  I am loving it.  That is a huge savings.  I am sorry you have sick kids Rachel.  You have had a long couple of weeks at your house.  Karen I am sorry it is so cold at your place.  Summer will come eventually.  It was so fun to talk with Isaac on the phone.  He talks so cute.  He has such a huge vocabulary.  Not much going on with us.  Dad had a bad headache so we watched Phantom and that was nice.  Robin I am so glad you are getting that book.  That will be so much fun for you while you work.  I am excited.  Have a nice pie day.  My nose was a lot better today.  I love Fridays.  LOVE MOM


Today I got gas and it was 17 dollars I was on empty. So awesome it's usually 40 dollars. Tomorrow is pie day so I bought a village in pie tonight. I got paid so that was nice I don't remember if I blogged it but I bought the fashion illustration book to work on while at scheels, it shipped today so it will be here by next week, that was my excitement, I'm sorry the clan is sick Rachel, well not much else for me have a Good Friday


Sleep and sewing

Well Isaac and Oliver both didn't sleep great last night.  Isaac didn't get out of bed all day and slept until 1 which was really good for him.  Oliver took an early nap and Casey was sleeping so I sewed and watched downton abby all morning.  It was really nice.  My new blender came today and Casey was sweet enough to go to the store and get me some ingredients to make smoothies.  I made three and one didn't turn out great.  We think I put too much ginger in it.  I will keep trying.  I am hopeing I can stick with it and we will be able to eat healthier.  Thanks Mom and Dad for talking with Isaac, you are sweet.  I am hoping tomorrow everyone will be feeling better and things will be looking up.



Well I am glad that tomorrow is Friday. My day has been good. Work is moving right along. I hope that everyone who has a cold is feeling better. Well I don't have much else to report so I will sign off. Have a great Friday tomorrow everyone. Bye

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Almost there

I am glad everyone was busy.  It helps make the day go fast.  I was busy also.  I had a bad runny nose all day.  I think I am getting the cold also.  Which is weird because I am not sure where I got it from.  I was grouchy.  I hope Isaac doesn't get too sick.  We had cub scouts tonight and it was fun.  We did coin collecting.  I think it turned out good.  I am looking forward to Saturday.  If we have sick children we can make it another day.  We will play it a day at a time.  It was cold this morning.  I didn't wear a heavy sweater today and I felt it.  I am going to wear one tomorrow.  Have a great Thursday.  LOVE MOM


Today was busy it was nice to have time go by fast. By 3 I hit a wall. I think it was cold and I didn't want to work. But I made it, I didn't have to work at scheels so it was nice to have a night off. I bought my fashion illustration book to work through when I'm working at scheels. Have a good one


Isaac has it now

Isaac woke up sick this morning.  Well Oliver woke up at 6 and I was in with him and Isaac was coughing so I went in to give him more medicine and he had a fever.  He was up and down all day.  He liked sitting on his bed and doing the leap reader pen which was cute.  We also watched movies.  We kept him home from school which was good.  I had to go visiting teaching this morning and Casey watched the kids which was nice of him.  Calleen and Allen dropped by while they were waiting for an soap appointment.  It was good to visit with them.  Allen's hand is looking better.  That is about everything.  I am glad that you had a good day Karen, that sounds busy.  I am excited to see everyone Saturday.  It will be fun.



Well my day has been busy. I was helping verify shipping and due dates on orders. The new person they hired had some trouble. It was a little tedious but very time consuming. It was cold this morning. I missed the warmer weather we have been having. Well I hope everyone has a great day tomorrow. Bye

Tuesday, January 20, 2015


Today was good. Work is busy, so that is good keeps time moving. I resigned my lease till October. I'm hoping to get a two bedroom by October but we will see how finances go. I'm glad your getting a good to return Rachel. I am free Saturday so if you wanted to do something that will work. Friday is pie day at work, I'm excited to have some pie. 



I think we should have a hoodo this weekend.  I talked with Rachel and I think we should meet in Ogden and go to the Treehouse Museum and go to lunch and then play.  I wasn't sure if you worked this weekend Robin.  I thought you had it off.  Let me know what you guys think.  It is suppose to be good weather.  We can all drive up together.  Today was a normal day and that is nice.  It was so pretty outside and it is staying light a lot longer.  I am loving that.  I worked until 5 and the sun was still up.  We went to get some cubscout badges on the way home.  We watched the New Johnny English show on Netflixs.  It was good.  Have a wonderful hump day.  LOVE MOM


Oliver slept all night last night which was a miracle.  I hope that he does it again, it was nice.  Casey is still not feeling well and got a lot of rest today.  Isaac is getting the cold also.  This afternoon he started coughing.   This morning we walked to story time with the wagon.  It was nice to be outside.  Jenn came and sewed this afternoon.  It was fun.  Then Casey was making first aid kits at scouts so I made some easy drawstring bags for the boys to use.  Casey did our taxes tonight and we get a really good refund which is fun.  I finished my book and got a new one at the library about a Chinese spy.  I can't remember the name but I will put it on tomorrow.



Well things are good here in Kamas. Although it was cold today. Work is good. Nothing to wild and crazy to report there. I feel tired today for some reason. I guess I should go to bed on time. Rachel I hope that everyone at your house slept last night. Well have a great Wednesday tomorrow everyone. Bye

Monday, January 19, 2015

All checked out

dad and I had our yearly physicals and we are all checked out.  Good for another year.  We went to kamas afterwards and had dinner it was fun to visit. Robin I am glad your second job is not too hard. I worry you are working too hard.  I am so glad you are having fun at Maggie's.  Rachel I hope that oliver sleeps.  That is miserable.  I am glad you got some rest. Does he act sick? That is fun you got to go to the birthday party.  Isaac does love his candles.  Everyone have a great Tuesday.  Rachel I am getting hooked on the vampire diaries series.  It is kind of dumb but I am getting hooked.  Love mom


Oliver didn't sleep well again last night.  I think he has been keeping all of us up because Isaac was tired this morning also.  I slept in and Casey got the boys breakfast.  Then I got up and Casey took a nap.  I put Oliver down for a nap early and all Isaac wanted to do was lay on the couch upstairs.  So me and Isaac laid down for a couple of hours.  It was nice to just have everyone rest for a while.  We don't do that very often.  After lunch Casey wasn't feeling good so he laid down and we went to Sam's club and lees.  It was fun and took all afternoon.  It is Kimi's birthday today and Isaac wanted to get her balloons so we did that.  Then we meet at her house and went to Franklin and had dinner.  Isaac wanted birthday candles so we went back to Randy's and sang happy birthday to her.  Isaac was really cute with everyone and was really chatty.  It was fun.  I forgot to say that I had some points from my credit card so I bought a blender on Amazon.  Our broke and I have been wanting to make smoothies so we will eat more vegetables.  I am excited to get it here.  I hope that everyone has a good night and here is hoping that Oliver sleeps. :)




Robin I am glad that your top secret designs are not secret anymore. My day has been good as well. Mom and Dad came up and we had dinner and hung out for a while. It did snow here for a little bit this evening. Not enough to shovel so that was nice. Well I hope everyone has a great day tomorrow. Bye


Today was good nothing crazy to report. I am working scheels tonight. It's really slow. maggie is good. We are designing gowns for the Bachelorette Desiree hartstock. She was married Saturday so now our top secret styles are released. That's all the craziness for us. Have a good one


Sunday, January 18, 2015


It was a really pretty day today.  I love this weather.  Last night Oliver did not sleep well.  It was a long night.  I wish that last tooth would break through.  At church it was Jenn's daugthers farewell.  It was a really nice sacrament meeting, very uplifting.  I had to teach the lesson also, I feel flustered but the kids are great and really nice.  I put Oliver to sleep for his nap before we left for church in his car seat but he woke up in the car, he only slept 20 minutes.  I think that will make him extra tired tonight so he will sleep really well, here's hoping.  I finished quilting my apple core quilt night, I just have to had sew the binding on and then I put a picture on.  Karen, what shows are you watching now?  Are you reading anything good?  I am reading Stay where you are and then leave.  I just grabbed it at the library on Friday.  It is a good book and I am reading it fast.  I looked at it closer when I got home and noticed it was a Juv book which is why it is a fast read I guess.  It is about World war 1 and a guy who has shell shock.  I like it.


So Pretty

It was so pretty outside today.  The haze was all gone and there was sunshine.  It helped to have a little sunshine.  We went and got Grandma Bodily today and took her to Shopko.  The one in Bountiful is going out of business.  Everything was 30 percent off but it really wasn't that great of a deal.  I did buy a few drugs for Casey because they never go on sale and I thought that would be good for him.  I hope he is feeling better.  Poor guy.  Robin Olive Garden does sound good.  I am glad you did that.  Karen we will see you tomorrow after the doctors.  We have our yearly physicals tomorrow in Park City with Dr. Strong.  Have a great Monday.  LOVE MOM


Nothing to big to report. I worked at scheels till 5. Then I went to olive garden for dinner. It sounded good and I didn't want to cook. No im just relaxing.



Well I had a quiet day. Nothing to wild and crazy to report. I hope that everyone has a great week. Bye


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...