Monday, January 19, 2015


Oliver didn't sleep well again last night.  I think he has been keeping all of us up because Isaac was tired this morning also.  I slept in and Casey got the boys breakfast.  Then I got up and Casey took a nap.  I put Oliver down for a nap early and all Isaac wanted to do was lay on the couch upstairs.  So me and Isaac laid down for a couple of hours.  It was nice to just have everyone rest for a while.  We don't do that very often.  After lunch Casey wasn't feeling good so he laid down and we went to Sam's club and lees.  It was fun and took all afternoon.  It is Kimi's birthday today and Isaac wanted to get her balloons so we did that.  Then we meet at her house and went to Franklin and had dinner.  Isaac wanted birthday candles so we went back to Randy's and sang happy birthday to her.  Isaac was really cute with everyone and was really chatty.  It was fun.  I forgot to say that I had some points from my credit card so I bought a blender on Amazon.  Our broke and I have been wanting to make smoothies so we will eat more vegetables.  I am excited to get it here.  I hope that everyone has a good night and here is hoping that Oliver sleeps. :)



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